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CaliforniaVolunteers 2009 AmeriCorps Conference Welcome to the session: Member Retention Based on Work Style: Advanc

CaliforniaVolunteers 2009 AmeriCorps Conference Welcome to the session: Member Retention Based on Work Style: Advanced. Presenter: Natalie Banks, National Service Consulting. Session Outcomes.

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CaliforniaVolunteers 2009 AmeriCorps Conference Welcome to the session: Member Retention Based on Work Style: Advanc

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CaliforniaVolunteers 2009 AmeriCorps Conference Welcome to the session: Member Retention Based on Work Style: Advanced Presenter: Natalie Banks, National Service Consulting

  2. Session Outcomes • To understand the four approaches to work in the Leadership Compass and how this applies to members in their AmeriCorps programs • To gain information about why members stay and why members leave AmeriCorps programs • To gain strategies for effective marketing, member recruitment and placement methods • To share tips on retention activities based on work style/approach

  3. → Start here: see "Leadership Compass" for understanding on how to build trust with various styles based on different values, needs, and priorities Building Trust/ Trustworthiness Allowing Risk/ Vulnerability Developing Producing Strong = Strong TeamsWork Creating Clarity of Expectations Having Clear, Honest, and Specific Dialogue The Cycle of Trust

  4. The Ripple Effect SELF Team Community/“the work”

  5. The Strategic Moment Repeat as needed #2. Where do I want to go? (purpose – then goals) #1. Where am I? (assessment of present and past) #3. How will I get there? (process, planning)

  6. Understanding Work/Personality Styles • Indicate how people perceive the world and make decisions • We are born with or develop certain preferences… similar to right- or left-handedness • One function is generally used in a more conscious and confident way • We can become more proficient in different areas with practice and development • It is important to value the naturally occurring differences in approaches/styles

  7. The Leadership Compass of Success NORTH Asks: WHAT? Focus: Products, Results, Bottom Line WEST Asks: HOW? Focus: Process, Planning, Details EAST Asks: WHY? Focus: Purpose, Vision, Big Picture SOUTH Asks: WHO? Focus: People, Team, Roles, Relationships

  8. At our best: See the big picture Pull together pieces Idea-oriented Insight into mission Overarching themes Experiment, explore Brainstorm possibility Inspiring, exciting, motivating Taken to excess: Bogged down by vision Lose focus, become bored, drop the ball Overwhelmed by detail Highly enthusiastic then burn-out Reputation as undependable EAST – Why? – Purpose

  9. At our best: Practical, dependable, thorough in task situation Provide planning and resources Lists, tables, tasks Follow procedures Analytical Benchmarks Taken to excess: “Analysis paralysis” Stubborn and entrenched in rules Mired in details Focused on data Withdrawn Resists change Can’t see big picture WEST – How? – Process

  10. At our best: Assertive, active, decisive In control, steer course of events Quick to act, pace Enjoys challenges Bottom line Perseveres Taken to excess: Bogged down by need to press ahead Argumentative, impatient, autocratic “Black & white” Impulsive Perceived as cold “I’ll do it myself” NORTH – What? – Results

  11. At our best: Allow others to feel important and involved in activity Use relationships to accomplish task, goal Supportive, caring Trusting, intuitive Team player Validate roles and contributions Taken to excess: Bogged down when relationship is compromised Assume blame Trouble saying no Take it personally Manipulated by anger May “check-out” if role is not validated SOUTH – Who? – Relationships

  12. B A L A N C E • We tend to get comfortable and are more developed in one or two styles, but… • We all have all four of these styles in us. • We can use any style/approach to bring balance to our ourselves, team or work: Be “situational”

  13. Leadership Compass Activity • For the sake of the activity, select ONE style that tends to be most like you most of the time (what energizes you?) • Go to that “direction” in the room • (North, South, East, West): • In your small groups, discuss how people with other styles can change and adapt to meet YOUR needs – brainstorm a list of ways they can help you and how you like to work (based on your primary style).

  14. Leadership Compass Activity 2. NOW, switch gears and consider what ONE THING you would be willing to do to change YOUR APPROACH and meet the needs of other styles (one change per direction = 3). 3. Discuss your ideas with the small group. 4. Present your key results to the large group (briefly).

  15. BUILDING TRUST: Each Direction’s Perception THE NEXT STEP: 1. Talk in your small groups about what kinds of behaviors BREAK DOWN trust for you as well as what kinds of behaviors help BUILD UP trust with you. (Flipchart) 2. Present to large group 3. Debrief activity.

  16. Perception ISreality.

  17. 15 - minute break

  18. The Strategic Moment Repeat as needed #2. Where do I want to go? (purpose – then goals) #1. Where am I? (assessment of present and past) #3. How will I get there? (process, planning)

  19. Why AmeriCorps Members Join National Service

  20. Why AmeriCorps Members Join Their Programs

  21. What Members Value Most About Their AC Experience

  22. Members’ Greatest Challenges With Their AC Experience

  23. Why AmeriCorps Members Stay… Despite the Challenges

  24. AmeriCorps Member/Alumni Suggestions for Program Improvements

  25. AmeriCorps Member/Alumni Suggestions for Improvement: Marketing, Recruitment, Interview, Selection and Matching Messages/Activities

  26. The ultimate measure of a person is not where s/he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where s/he stands at times of challenge and controversy. -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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