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Plot Elements . Literary Terms . Literary Terms II. Short Story Review. Short Story Review II. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $400. $400. $400. $400. $400. $500. $500. $500. $500. $500.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Plot Elements Literary Terms Literary Terms II Short Story Review Short Story Review II $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

  2. Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and the resolution make up this of a story. Category 1: $100: A

  3. Plot Category 1: $100: Q

  4. This is the beginning of the story where the reader is made aware of the story’s important characters, setting, complications, etc. Category 1: $200: A

  5. Exposition Category 1: $200: Q

  6. This part of a story is the greatest moment of intensity. This can also be called a turning point. Category 1: $300: A

  7. Climax Category 1: $300: Q

  8. This is the part of the story where the reader is made aware of the outcome. Category 1: $400: A

  9. Resolution Category 1: $400: Q

  10. In this part of the story, the reader becomes more familiar with the conflicts and complications of the story. Category 1: $500: A

  11. Rising Action Category 1: $500: Q

  12. This term means the time and place in which a story occurs. Category 2: $100: A

  13. Setting Category 2: $100: Q

  14. This person writes the story but is not necessarily the narrator of the story. Category 2: $200: A

  15. Author Category 2: $200: Q

  16. This is a tool the author uses to reveal the personality traits of certain characters. Category 2: $300: A

  17. Characterization Category 2: $300: Q

  18. All stories have this and it tries to teach the readers a certain message. It is usually stated in a general statement about life. Category 2: $400: A

  19. Theme Category 2: $400: Q

  20. This terms means a contrast or discrepancy between appearances and reality. Category 2: $500: A

  21. Irony Category 2: $500: Q

  22. This type of conflict occurs within a character’s self or whithin his mind. Category 3: $100: A

  23. Internal Conflict Category 3: $100: Q

  24. In this type of irony, a situation does not end the way many believe it should have. Category 3: $200: A

  25. Situational Irony Category 3: $200: Q

  26. Man v. Man, Man v. Society, and Man v. Nature are all examples of what type of conflict? Category 3: $300: A

  27. External Conflict Category 3: $300: Q

  28. In this type of irony, the reader or audience is aware of something a character is not. Category 3: $400: A

  29. Dramatic Irony Category 3: $400: Q

  30. This type of characterization can be seen through the character’s appearance, thoughts, speech, and also other characters’ reactions to that specific character. Category 3: $500: A

  31. Indirect Characterization Category 3: $500: Q

  32. What is the setting of “The Most Dangerous Game”? Category 4: $100: A

  33. Ship Trap Island Category 4: $100: Q

  34. This is what the king uses in “The Lady or The Tiger?” in order to determine someone’s guilt or innocense. Category 4: $200: A

  35. Fate or Chance Category 4: $200: Q

  36. In “The Scarlet Ibis,” this is the type of character that both Doodle and the narrator represent. Category 4: $300: A

  37. Round Category 4: $300: Q

  38. This is the reason Zaroff claims that he likes to hunt humans instead of animals. Category 4: $400: A

  39. They are able to reason Category 4: $400: Q

  40. This is the reason that Ulrich is in the forest to begin with in the story “The Interlopers.” Category 4: $500: A

  41. Protecting his land from the neighboring poachers Category 4: $500: Q

  42. Why are Ulrich and Georg fighting in “The Interlopers”? Category 5: $100: A

  43. They each believe that the land belongs to them. Category 5: $100: Q

  44. What is Doodle’s real name? Category 5: $200: A

  45. William Armstrong Category 5: $200: Q

  46. What does Montresor’s family crest and motto say about him? Category 5: $300: A

  47. He will seek revenge. Category 5: $300: Q

  48. Which character in “The Scarlet Ibis” goes through a character arc? Category 5: $400: A

  49. The narrator Category 5: $400: Q

  50. In “The Lady or the Tiger” What is the king trying to determine by having “criminals” choose between the two doors? Category 5: $500: A

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