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T he skeletal system interacts with other systems:

Explore the interconnectedness of the skeletal, muscular, circulatory, digestive, respiratory, nervous, excretory, and endocrine systems in maintaining homeostasis. Learn how these systems work together to support movement, provide nutrients, eliminate waste, distribute oxygen, and regulate body processes.

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T he skeletal system interacts with other systems:

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  1. Homeostasis -  The body's ability to maintain an internal balance despite changes in the external environment • Body systems work together in maintaining a constant internal environment. When the balance is disrupted, the body systems may not function properly and human health can suffer.

  2. Skeletal System - The skeletal system provides the support for movement and protection of internal organs.

  3. The skeletal system interacts with other systems: • Muscular system connects to bones to move the body • Respiratory system brings oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from bone cells • Circulatory system –brings oxygen, nutrients, and removes waste from bone cells • Digestive system: provides nutrients for bone growth and repair

  4. Muscular System - An organ system that enables movement of the body and internal organs

  5. The muscular system interacts with other systems: • Skeletal system connects to muscles to move the body • Respiratory system brings oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from muscle cells • Circulatory system –brings oxygen, nutrients, and removes waste from muscle cells • Digestive system: provides nutrients for muscles to do work

  6. Circulatory System - An organ system that transports materials to and from cells (heart, vessels, arteries, capillaries, plasma, platelets, red blood cells) • What would happen if blood did not move throughout your body? • Your organs can’t get nutrients from the food you eat • Your organs can’t get oxygen from the air you breathe • Wastes wouldn’t be able to leave your body • Heat couldn’t be redistributed in your body • Hormones couldn’t be distributed through your body • White blood cells couldn’t be transported to fight infections The circulatory system is essential to life!

  7. The circulatory system interacts with other systems: • The circulatory system TRANSPORTS oxygen from the respiratory system, wastes from cells of every system, and nutrients from the digestive system to every other system in the body! • The circulatory system connects all of the body systems together

  8. Digestive System - • An organ system that breaks down food and absorbs nutrients and eliminates solid wastes ( only! Urine comes from the excretory system) • (small intestine, large intestine, stomach, pancreas, epiglottis, liver, esophagus, rectum, anus)


  10. The digestive system interacts with other systems: • Circulatory System: picks up nutrients and distributes them to all cells in the body. • All other systems use nutrients provided by the digestive system to carry out cellular functions.

  11. Respiratory System - An organ system that takes in oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide  (lungs, bronchioles, bronchi, trachea, alveoli) • Why does smoking shorten your life? • Smoking shortens life span by at least 10 years. •  Lung cancer is the most common form of cancer caused by smoking. • Cigarette smoke contains many chemicals that interfere with the body's method of filtering air and cleaning out the lungs. • The smoke irritates the lungs and leads to overproduction of mucus • Why do you perform CPR on an unresponsive patient? • CPR helps keep oxygen-rich blood flowing to the victim's body. • Why is it a bad idea to see how long you can hold your breath? • Depriving oxygen from your body stops cellular respiration, oxygen is essential to all cells in your body.

  12. The respiratory system interacts with other systems: • Circulatory System: picks up oxygen and distributes it to all cells in the body and then picks up the carbon dioxide waste from cells to be removed from the body by the respiratory system. • All cells in the body need oxygen to survive.

  13. Nervous System - An organ system that detects information from the environment and controls body functions (brain, spine, autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, • The nervous system controls body processes by using electrical impulses via a network of nerves.

  14. The nervous system interacts with other systems: • Skeletal system: protects the brain and spinal cord • Muscular system: protects the nerves which send impulses down to the body from the brain • Controls all of the functions of every other system in the body • Maintains homeostasis

  15. Excretory (Urinary) System - an organ system that removes liquid wastes (urine) (kidney, nephron, ureter, urethra, urinanry bladder)

  16. The excretory system interacts with other systems: • Circulatory: brings blood to be filtered through the kidneys to remove cellular waste from all other systems • Skeletal system: protects the kidneys

  17. Endocrine System - An organ system that controls many body processes  by means of chemicals called hormones • The endocrine system uses chemical messages called hormones, which are released into the blood and regulate many bodily processes

  18. The endocrine system interacts with other systems: • Circulatory system: brings hormones to different parts of the body to maintain homeostasis • Reproductive system: reproductive hormones (testosterone and estrogen) are released by the endocrine system.

  19. Reproductive System - An organ system that produces male and female sex cells and creates more of its kind (egg, ovaries, testes, sperm)

  20. The reproductive system interacts with other systems: • Endocrine system: secretes reproductive hormones (testosterone and estrogen) • Circulatory system: distributes reproductive hormones in the body

  21. Immune System - An organ system that protects our cells from microscopic invaders like bacteria and viruses (white blood cells, t-cells, b-cells, lymphocytesall help fight off bacteria and viruses) • The immune system keeps us healthy

  22. The immune system interacts with other systems: • Circulatory: carries white blood cells, and t-cells around the body to fight off microscopic invaders (bacteria and viruses) • Protects all other cells in all systems by attacking bacteria and viruses.

  23. Integumentary System: Acts as a barrier to protect the body from the outside world (skin, hair, nails, glands, and nerves) • It helps to retain body fluids, protects against disease, eliminate waste products (sweating), and regulate body temperature • It is very important to maintaining homeostasis

  24. The integumentary system interacts with other systems: • Protects ALL systems from the outside world • Excretory system: removes cellular waste (sweating) • Nervous system: to maintain homeostasis by retaining fluid/shivering/sweating

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