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The Holocaust

The Holocaust. By: Elizabeth Benkert , Kayla Greenup, and Koral Berberich . Nuremberg Laws. In September 1935 this law took citizenship away from Jews It also banned marriages between Jews and Germans.

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The Holocaust

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  1. The Holocaust By: Elizabeth Benkert, Kayla Greenup, and KoralBerberich.

  2. Nuremberg Laws • In September 1935 this law took citizenship away from Jews • It also banned marriages between Jews and Germans.

  3. *The Nazis killed Jews AND millions of other people they considered inferior.* 6 MILLION

  4. Getting Worse • The Jewish people were banned from most work fields so they had no source of income. • However, they stayed in Germany because they thought things would get better. • *Jews got their passports marked with a red lettered “J’’ to identify them as Jewish.*

  5. Herschel Grynszpan • *Herschel Grynszpan was a young Jewish refugee who shot and killed a German diplomat in Paris.* • His father and 10,000 other Jews had been deported to Poland and he was seeking revenge for this act.

  6. Kristallnacht • In reaction to Herschel Grynszpan Hitler staged attacks against the Jews. • On November 9th the plan played out it was known as the Night of Broken glass because broken glass littered the streets afterwards. • 90 Jews died. Hundreds injured. Thousands terrorized. • Nazis forbid police to interfere while thugs destroyed 7,500 businesses and hundreds of synagogues.

  7. Lawlessness of Kristallnacht • *Gestapo- the governments secret police arrested 30,000 Jewish men.* • The Jews were only released by the Gestapo if they immigrated and surrendered all of their possessions. • *The Gestapos also confiscated insurance payments owed to Jewish business owners. *

  8. Hitler • In 1933 Hitler took power of Germany. • *World war two started in 1939.* • Before World war two stated 350,000 Jews escaped Germany

  9. Anne Frank • *Anne Frank along with her father Otto Frank escaped from Germany and settled in Amsterdam in 1933.* • Anne kept a diary about life and hiding after Nazis overran the Netherlands. • Albert Einstein also escaped From Germany.

  10. Limits on immigration. • Germany had a backlog of 100,000 Jews trying to leave for the United States. • Most never received their visas to the countries they applied. • Millions of Jews remained trapped in Germany. • Most couldn’t get to places they desired because Nazis restricted taking more than $4 out of the country. • The U.S. had laws prohibiting people who didn’t have any money.

  11. St. Louis Affair • May 27, 1939 the S.S. St. Lewis entered harbor in Havana, Cuba with 930 refugees aboard. • They had certificates improperly issued by Cuba's director of immigration. • When the ship arrived in Cuba the government revoked the visas and refused to let the refugees come ashore. • The ships captain steered in circles waiting to get permission to dock on U.S. ports but got denied and had to head back to Europe.

  12. The Final Solution • On January 20 1942 Nazi leaders met at the Wannsee Conference to determine the final solution to the Jews, Gypsies, Slavs and other people from conquered areas. • They shot and killed then, and buried them in mass graves, but this was proven to be too slow for the Nazi’s. • *Soon the Nazis started bringing healthy people to concentration camps to work as slaves.* • *Elderly, the infirm, and young children would be extermination camps and be executed to massive gas chambers.*

  13. "Not far from us, flames were leaping up from a ditch, gigantic flames. They were burning something. A lorry drew up at the pit and delivered its load-little children. Babies! Around us, everyone was weeping. Someone began to recite the Kaddish. I do not know if it has ever happened before, in the long history of the Jews, that people have ever recited the prayer for the dead for themselves .... Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp .... Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent sky.“ -ElieWiesel

  14. Concentration Camps • The first concentration camp was established in 1933, after the was they built new ones all throughout Europe. • Even at concentration camps that didn’t have gas chambers, hundreds of people died from bad living conditions, and exhaustion.

  15. Extermination Camps • In 1941 the Nazis built extermination facilities ad the Chelmno and Auschwitz concentration camps. • In Auschwitz, there was 100,000 victims housed in 300 prison barracks. • *Gas chambers were built to hold 2,000 people at a time.* • Out of 1,600,000 people who died in Auschwitz, about 1,300,000 were Jews.

  16. Question #1 • The Nazis killed ______?_______ Jews AND millions of other people they considered inferior. A)4.5 Billion C) 6 Million B)6 Billion D) 4.5 Million

  17. Question #2 • Who were the governments secret police that arrested 30,000 Jewish men? • A) Nazis C) The Black Hand • B) Gestapos D) Bob Marley

  18. Question #3 • _____?_____ was a young Jewish refugee who shot and killed a German diplomat in Paris. • A) Elie Wiesel C) Kristallnacht • B) Clifford the big red dog D)Herschel Grynszpan

  19. Question #4 • The Gestapos also confiscated insurance payments owed to Jewish _____ _____. • A)Business owners C) Boat owners • B) Home owners D) Pet owners

  20. Question #5 • Jews got their passports marked with a __?__ lettered “J’’ to identify them as Jewish. • A) Blue C) Yellow • B) Green D) Red

  21. Question #6 • World war two started in 1939. • A) Yesterday C) 1926 • B) 1939 D) 1944

  22. Question #7 • Soon the Nazis started bringing ___?___people to concentration camps to work as slaves. • A) sick C) healthy • B) dead D) weak

  23. Question #8 • _______, __ _____, and ______ ______ would be sent to extermination camps and be executed to massive gas chambers. • A)Elderly, the infirm, and young children D) Women, young children, and the infirm • B) Sick, the old, and dead C) Men, healthy, and the strong

  24. Question #9 • Gas chambers were built to hold __?__people at a time. • A) 2,000 C) One trillion • B) 4,000 D) 1,000

  25. Question #10 • Anne Frank along with her father __?__ Frank escaped from Germany and settled in Amsterdam in 1933. • A) Frank C) Otto • B) Jacob D) Otis

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