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Building Modifications and Improvements

Building Modifications and Improvements. Air Operated Valves. Valve Training Area. Air Operated Valves. Valve Training Area. Air Operated Valves. Valve Training Area. Motor Operated Valves.

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Building Modifications and Improvements

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Building Modifications and Improvements

  2. Air Operated Valves Valve Training Area

  3. Air Operated Valves Valve Training Area

  4. Air Operated Valves Valve Training Area

  5. Motor Operated Valves Valve Training Area

  6. Motor Operated Valves Valve Training Area

  7. Motor Operated Valves Valve Training Area

  8. QSS Calibration Rig Valve Training Area

  9. Spring Pack Tester Valve Training Area

  10. Butterfly Valve Training Stand Valve Training Area

  11. Training Class Valve Training Area

  12. Training Class Valve Training Area

  13. John’s Employee Suggestion Box Work Area

  14. Madden Gardens Employee Lunch Area

  15. Before the renovations Quiklook assembly area

  16. After the renovations Quiklook assembly area

  17. After Renovations QA Calibration Area

  18. Before and After Employee Work Bench

  19. Before and After Employee Work Bench

  20. We would like to invite you all back to Teledyne for a tour of our facility.

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