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Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein. Einstein was born in Germany in 1879. He was physicist and mathematician and today is known for his amazing inteligence.

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Albert Einstein

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  1. Albert Einstein

  2. Einstein wasborn in Germany in 1879. He wasphysicistandmathematicianandtodayisknown for hisamazinginteligence.

  3. SonofHermann Einstein and Pauline Koch, Albert Einstein wasborn in theGerman, in theregionofWürttemberg , cityof Ulm, in a Jewishfamily.

  4. Albert Einstein with 12 years.

  5. Hermann Einstein and Pauline Koch

  6. Due totheformulationofthetheoryofrelativity, Einstein became world famous. In his later years, hisfameexceededthatofanyotherscientist in popular culture: "Einstein" hasbecomesynonymousofgenius.

  7. With histheoryofrelativitychangedthethinkingofhumanity as to time andspace.

  8. Thiswaspresentedbyhim in 1905, with more informationbeingresubmitted in 1915. Fromthere, wasknownthatit waspossibletocreate a powerful nuclear weapon.

  9. In 1921, thisremarkable figure giventhe Nobel Prize in physicstoexplainhis quantum theory, whichcontaineddetailsonthephotoelectriceffect.

  10. Albert Einstein in1921

  11. BeacauseofJewishorigin, Albert Einstein waspersecutedbythe Nazis, buthesuccededtoleaveGermany, goingfirsttoEngland, and later establishedtheir home in the United States, wherenaturalized American citizen. Curiosity

  12. Einstein wasdeeplysaddenedtoseethedireconsequencesofthebomb, and a weekbeforehisdeath, reportedthisfact in a letterto Bertrand Russell, whereheorderedthathisnamebeplacedon a petitionwhichclaimedthattheproductionof nuclear weaponswereabandoned.

  13. Thisgreatmanwhocontributedsomuchtohisgenius, hasspentthelast years ofhislife in searchof a theorythatcouldwork with bothmathematicsandthelawsofphysics.

  14. However, yoursearchcouldnotbecompletedbecause in 1955 the world lostthisbrilliantbrainscientist.

  15. Philosophy

  16. The mindthat opens a new ideaneverreturnsto its original size. Albert Einstein

  17. The onlyplacewheresuccess comes beforeworkis in thedictionary. Albert Einstein

  18. The world is a dangerousplacetolive, notbecauseofthosewho do evil, butbecauseofthosewhowatchandletevilhappen. Albert Einstein

  19. Trytobe a personofvalueinsteadofbeing a sucessfullperson. Sucessistheresult Albert Einstein

  20. PhotoGalery

  21. Albert Einstein 1879 - 1955

  22. FONTE: < www.suapesquisa.com> INSTITUTO FEDERAL DO PARANÁ Campus Paranaguá November, 11th, 2011 Ismael das Neves Cordeiro Netto Lia Ayumi Takiguchi

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