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Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie. Agatha Christie.

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Agatha Christie

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  1. Agatha Christie

  2. Agatha Christie Agatha Christie is possibly the world's most famous detective story writer. She wrote 79 novels and several plays. Her books are translated into over 100 foreign languages. Many of her novels and short stories have been filmed. Her sales outnumber those of Shakespeare, but her life was often lonely and unhappy. 1. possibly—возможно, вероятно, можетбыть. 2. novel—роман 3. play—пьеса 4. sale—продажа 5. to outnumber—превосходить 6. lonely—одинокий

  3. She was born in 1890 in Devon. She didn't go to school but was educated at home by her mother. During World War I, while she was working in a hospital dispensary, she learned about chemicals and poisons, which proved very useful to her in her later career. 7. to educate—обучать, даватьобразование 8. dispensary—амбулаторныйпункт 9. chemical—химическоевещество, химикат 10. poison -яд 11. to prove —оказываться 12. useful —полезный

  4. She wrote her first detective novel, "The Mysterious Affair at Styles", in 1920. In it she introduced Hercule Poirot, the Belgian detective, who appeared in many subsequent novels. Her other main detective was an elderly spinster called Miss Marple. Miss Marple doesn't look like a detective at all. This old lady always uses her instinct and knowledge of human nature to investigate crimes. 13. mysterious —таинственный 14. affair —дело 15. to introduce —представить 16. to appear - появляться 17. subsequent—последующий, болеепоздний 18. elderly spinster—пожилаястараядева 19. to investigate —расследовать 20. crime —преступление

  5. In 1914 she married Archibald Christie but the marriage was unhappy. It didn't last long and they divorced in 1926. Agatha Christie desperately wanted solitude and developed very bitter feelings towards the media because the newspapers had given her a hard time over her breakup. She was determined never to let them enter her private life again and she buried herself in her work. On 25 November 1952 her play "The Mousetrap" was opened in London. Today, over 50 years later, it is still running. It is the longest running show in the whole world. 21. to marry —выйтизамуж 22. marriage —брак 23. to divorce —развестись 24. desperately —отчаянно 25. solitude —уединение, одиночество 26. to develop—развить,, обнаружить 27. bitter—злой, ожесточенный, горький 28. breakup —развод 29. to be determined —бытьполнымрешимости 30. to bury —похоронить 31. "Mousetrap" —«Мышеловка»

  6. Christie Agatha has died peacefully in 1976. People all over the world estimate this talented author and believe, that it will be Queen of the Crime. 32. to value —ценить 33. to consider —считать

  7. Questions 1. How many novels and plays did A. Christie write? 2. When and where was she born? 3. Where was she educated? 4. Where did A. Christie work during World War I? 5. What did she learn there? 6. Who are the main detectives in her novels and stories? 7. Was her marriage happy? 8. When did A. Christie die? 9. Have you read any books by Agatha Christie? 10. Do you like to read detective stories? Why?

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