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Annual General Meeting of the Mississippi Lakes Association

Annual General Meeting of the Mississippi Lakes Association. 6 June, 2009 Beckwith Municipal Building. 2009 AGM Agenda. Call to order Opening remarks, Director Intro, etc. – Vern Runnells 2008 AGM Minutes Financial Reports – Bryon Edwards Election of Directors

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Annual General Meeting of the Mississippi Lakes Association

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Annual General Meetingof theMississippi Lakes Association 6 June, 2009 Beckwith Municipal Building

  2. 2009 AGM Agenda Call to order Opening remarks, Director Intro, etc. – Vern Runnells 2008 AGM Minutes Financial Reports – Bryon Edwards Election of Directors The “Mississippi Belle” – Ed Carew Membership Summary – Vern Runnells The Watershed, Marker Buoys & New Map – Ed Carew The Lake and its Stewardship – Melissa Dakers 2008 Loon Survey – Charlie White Door Prizes Coffee/Comfort Break Website and High Speed Internet Access – David du Feu Invasive Species Presentation – MVC Healthy Waterfronts Booklet – Frank Mills Beckwith Private Road Program – Ross Trimble/Frank Mills Final Door Prize Draw Wrap-up and Adjourn 2

  3. Opening Remarks – Vern Runnells More streamlined agenda – fewer slides, shorter speeches Questions at anytime Guest Speakers Forum for issues, concerns, etc. Door Prizes, lots of fun, Coffee, Tea and Timbits Mississippi Lakes Association Mississippi Lakes Association 3

  4. Current Directors Vern Runnells– President Ed Carew – Vice President/Belle Editor Bryon Edwards – Treasurer Lorna Drummond – Secretary Melissa Dakers – Director/Lake Steward David du Feu – Director/Webmaster Frank Mills – Past President Peter Elliott – Director Emeritus Mississippi Lakes Association Mississippi Lakes Association 4

  5. Deputy Directors Guy Charron - Petrie's Shore Rick Kwissa - Carleton Place Donna Nesbitt - Hunter's Bay Chris Winter – Moonlight Bay Gary Patterson - Hay's Shore Gisele Neil - Two Oaks (or Ab’s Shore) Allison Kirkpatrick - High Bank Shore Gary Arkinson – Robertson Shore Greg Smith – Lake Park Ken Ray – Squaw Point Jeff Wilson – Gardiner Shore John Cobourn – Two Oaks Hank Vander Velde – Birch Point John Miller – Dunlop Cresent Mississippi Lakes Association 5

  6. Minutes of 2008 AGM • Recorded by Lorna Drummond • Printed copies available at the door • Reviewed and recommended for acceptance by current Directors • Motion from the floor needed for acceptance Mississippi Lakes Association 6

  7. Treasurer and Auditor ReportsBryon Edwards • 2008 Revenue/Expense • Financial Summary • Asset Summary • Auditor’s Report on 2008 • 2009 Budget Mississippi Lakes Association 7

  8. 2008 Revenue Mississippi Lakes Association

  9. 2008 Expense Mississippi Lakes Association

  10. 2008 Financial Summary Bank balance at start of year $2,009.00 Total revenue for 2008 9,537.85 Total expense for 2008 10,389.98 Bank balance at yearend$1,156.87 Mississippi Lakes Association 10

  11. 2008 Asset Summary Boat and Motor $10,000 Hazard Marker Buoys $4,500 Weed Cutter $2,500 All values are estimated Mississippi Lakes Association 11

  12. Financial Statement Audit - 2008 I have audited the MLA books for 2008 and found them to be correct to the statements provided. Garry Patterson 28 May, 2009 Mississippi Lakes Association 12

  13. Appointment of 2009 Auditor Garry has volunteered to serve as auditor this year. • Motion – Garry Patterson is appointed the MLA Auditor for fiscal 2009 Moved by - …………………………..Seconded by - ……………………… Mississippi Lakes Association 13

  14. 2009 Revenue Budget Mississippi Lakes Association 14

  15. 2009 Expense Budget Mississippi Lakes Association 15

  16. 2009 Budget Approval Motion - approve the 2009 Budget as presented by the Treasurer.Moved by - ………………………Seconded by - …………………. Mississippi Lakes Association 16

  17. Election of Directors • Term expires for Frank Mills, Ed Carew and Bryon Edwards • Candidates for election sponsored by current executive :- Ed Carew, Bryon Edwards • Nominations from the floor are now invited Mississippi Lakes Association 17

  18. Membership – Vern Runnells About 1250 Properties around the Lakes 342 Paid MLA Members (427 in 2007) 81% from Road/Shore Associations Hoping to attract 500+ members in 2009 Membership fees are our most important source of revenue Mississippi Lakes Association 18

  19. The Mississippi Belle – Ed Carew • Continued improvements, more colour • Historical theme this year • Good support from advertisers • Would like ideas for 2010 issue • do you have a suggested topic? • Would you submit an article? Mississippi Lakes Association Mississippi Lakes Association 19

  20. The Watershed Ed Carew Mississippi Lakes Association Mississippi Lakes Association 20

  21. Water Levels Co-operative effort with MVC MLA volunteers provide weekly rainfall data to MVC MVC provides water level data to MLA Graph updated weekly on MLA Website includes year to date levels, historical average levels and target range useful to determine whether water level changes may affect docks and boat lifts Mississippi Lakes Association Mississippi Lakes Association 21

  22. Water Levels Graph Mississippi Lakes Association Mississippi Lakes Association 22

  23. Marker BuoysEd Carew • Buoys installed in river (CP) in mid-May • Markers from Big Lake to Crab Island were installed June 3rd • Balance of the markers to be installed shortly • The Miss L.A. pontoon boat is performing very well with it’s new motor • Marker locations shown on Website, Newsletter Maps, and laminated maps (for sale @ $5.00 per map) Mississippi Lakes Association Mississippi Lakes Association 23

  24. MNR Netting Operations • In September, the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) crews will be conducting netting operations on Mississippi Lake. • The net sets will be clearly marked with MNR buoys, and lake users are asked to avoid recreational activities in these areas. • The information collected will help MNR manage our fish populations effectively, and monitor the health of our lakes. Mississippi Lakes Association

  25. Pleasure Craft Operator Card • The final deadline to obtain your Pleasure Craft Operator Card is September 15, 2009. • The Brennan Group offers safe boat training and certification. • special rate for MLA members of $50 (Normal rate is $60). This includes a course book and the cost of the card. In turn he will donate $10 back to the MLA. Mississippi Lakes Association

  26. The Lake and its Stewardship Melissa Dakers – Lake Steward Mississippi Lakes Association 26

  27. Water Quality Sampling Program 2002 - MVC sampled Mississippi Lake (Watershed Watch Program–5 year cycle) 2006 - Initiated an Annual Sampling Program in partnership with MVC Followed the Watershed Watch Protocol 2007 - Lake Partner Program Sampling & Watershed Watch (MVC re-sampled) Although results are encouraging, MLA decided to expand on the program Mississippi Lakes Association 27

  28. 2008 Water Quality Sampling Partnership with MVC (supplied equipment & covered cost of lab samples) Lake was sampled 3 times Re-sampled with Lake Partner Program Sampled 2 additional sites for phosphorus including inlet and outlet Residents need to practice stewardship 2009 – Resample 2 main sites, including inlet and outlet, in partnership with MVC Mississippi Lakes Association 28

  29. Map of Sampling Locations Mississippi Lakes Association 29

  30. Water Temperature Logger 2007 & 2008 - Participation in water temperature study in Mississippi Valley Watershed 10 lakes will be monitored Water temperatures will be recorded every 2 hours year-round In partnership with MVC & MVFN Mississippi Lakes Association 30

  31. Temperature Probe Data Mississippi Lakes Association 31

  32. 2008 Loon SurveyCharlie White Mississippi Lakes Association

  33. Guess what comes next? First Set of Door Prizes !! Mississippi Lakes Association 33

  34. First Group of Door Prizes • 50 BIA bucks from the CP BIA • $30 Ashton Pub Gift Certificate from Cottages Unlimited • A large cooler bag from John Coburn of Coldwell Banker • Salt and Peppers Shakers Set from Jeff Wilson of Coldwell Banker Mississippi Lakes Association 34

  35. It’s Break Time • Coffee and Tea • Timbits by Tim Horton’s • Washrooms courtesy of Beckwith Township • Back in 10 minutes please Mississippi Lakes Association 35

  36. Website and High-Speed Access David du Feu Mississippi Lakes Association 36

  37. Website (www.lakemississippi.ca) • Larger content, more information, pictures & charts • MLA website (events, activities & useful information) • LATEST ADVISORIES, NEW ITEMS and EVENTS • Weekly water level reports • Marker Buoys, notifications and locations • MLA Information: directors, deputy directors, past meetings, etc. • Misc. items, including, HS Internet, Recreational activities, Lake wine list, Wildlife around the lake, Ice Out/In Dates and Maps (including Satellite View), and Boat Licencing and Regulations • Want to be notified of updates? • Sign-Up, Personal Notification of Updates – click on “The Webmaster” • Email “info@lakemississippi.ca • Closing in on 13,000 hits; over 4,000 since last AGM Mississippi Lakes Association

  38. High-Speed Internet Access • Horizon Technologies offer service to most of the Lake • Storm Internet covers Carleton Place, Beckwith and all of the lake area • Bell Canada offers DSL & WiMax (only in certain areas near C.P.) and high-speed Internet using their cellular network around the lake Mississippi Lakes Association

  39. Weed Cutter – Peter Elliott Weed Cutter • Portable Battery powered unit • Mounts on transom of a small boat • Perfect for around rafts and docks • Available to MLA members • Rental fee: free 1st day, then $50 per day • $100 damage deposit • To book call Peter at 257-5362 Mississippi Lakes Association 39

  40. Invasive Species Presentation Liam Powers and Kyle Arbuckleof Mississippi Valley Conservation Mississippi Lakes Association 40

  41. A Shoreline Owner’s Guide toHealthy Waterfronts • Lakeland Alliance Conference – Aug 07 • Good/condensed educational material • Spring of 08 printing failed ($2/copy) • Combined with FOCA, Lakeland Alliance, MVC and RVC in fall of 08 • Three versions printed at Motion Printing in CP • 38,000 copies @ 58 cents • Lots of contact information Mississippi Lakes Association

  42. Beckwith Township Private Road Program Ross Trimble/Frank MillsMembers of Private Roads Study Group Mississippi Lakes Association 42

  43. New Business Anyone is welcome to bring up issues, concerns, comments, etc Mississippi Lakes Association 43

  44. And Now ????? The Final Door Prizes • A Paper Shedder from Gerry Coleman of Coldwell Banker • Flower Dish Garden Partners Advantage • Three Bird Houses by Oscar Beaudoin • Safety Kits & Ball Caps from Johns Marine • Safety Kits from CP Marine • Bug-Tek from Mikes Marine • Solar Patio Lights from Rona Framed Loon Picture by Hank Vander Velde Mississippi Lakes Association 44

  45. Wrap-up • The Executive appreciates your support • Membership is the MLA’s strength, we need them • Talk to your friends/neighbours about the MLA • Please visit our Website for the latest news (lakemississippi.ca) • Thanks for attending, hope to see you next year • Need motion to adjourn………….. Mississippi Lakes Association 45

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