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Only for Parents II

Only for Parents II. Stubbornness. Biblical Background. Duet. 21:19,20 اذا كان لرجل ابن معاند ومارد لا يسمع لقول ابيه ولا لقول امه ويؤدبانه فلا يسمع لهما. 19 يمسكه ابوه وامه وياتيان به الى شيوخ مدينته والى باب مكانه 20 ويقولان لشيوخ مدينته.ابننا هذا معاند ومارد لا يسمع لقولنا 1Sam 15:22-23

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Only for Parents II

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  1. Only for Parents II

  2. Stubbornness

  3. Biblical Background • Duet. 21:19,20 • اذا كان لرجل ابن معاند ومارد لا يسمع لقول ابيه ولا لقول امه ويؤدبانه فلا يسمع لهما. 19 يمسكه ابوه وامه وياتيان به الى شيوخ مدينته والى باب مكانه 20 ويقولان لشيوخ مدينته.ابننا هذا معاند ومارد لا يسمع لقولنا • 1Sam 15:22-23 • 22 فقال صموئيل هل مسرة الرب بالمحرقات والذبائح كما باستماع صوت الرب.هوذا الاستماع افضل من الذبيحة والاصغاء افضل من شحم الكباش. 23 لان التمرد كخطية العرافة والعناد كالوثن والترافيم

  4. What could cause a child to be stubborn?

  5. Stubbornness Facts • Children are not stubborn by nature, they learn to be stubborn because it pays off • Your child knows that if he holds for a while, you will offer him more than what he wants • The child becomes in control of the situation and moves you the way he wants, and you are allowing it!!!

  6. تعمل ايه ؟What would you do??

  7. Parents’ Hot Issues? • You ask your GR 4 boy to collect the garbage bags and help you to bring it outside the house and he boldly replies by NO • You tell him that he should be nice and help out with things done at home but he still refuse • You beg him to do it for your sake, he insists NOO • You promise to give him a bar of chocolate if he responds, he starts paying some attention. You go further and promise with a good surprise if he listens., he finally responds to your request • You are happy thinking that you achieved what you wanted, but did you really? • What is the other option if there any??

  8. Dealing with a stubborn child • If you want your child to do what he is asked to do, just say it once, if no response do it yourself or have his brother or sister do it instead of him • Hold your child accountable for his wrong action, refuse to drive him to his friends house the next time he asks you to.

  9. Respect

  10. Biblical Background • Mathew 15:4 • 4 فان الله اوصى قائلا اكرم اباك وامك.ومن يشتم ابا او اما فليمت موتا. • Ephesians 6:2 • 2 اكرم اباك وامك.التي هي اول وصية بوعد. 3 لكي يكون لكم خير وتكونوا طوال الاعمار على الارض. • (Ex 20:12 & Ex 21:17) & (Duet. 5:16)

  11. Biblical Background • Proverbs 30:17 • العين المستهزئة بابيها والمحتقرة اطاعة امها تقورها غربان الوادي وتاكلها فراخ النسر • Proverbs 23:22 • 22 اسمع لابيك الذي ولدك ولا تحتقر امك اذا شاخت • Proverbs 20:20 • 20 من سب اباه او امه ينطفئ سراجه في حدقة الظلام

  12. Where does the problem come from?

  13. Respect Facts • It is not uncommon for youths and even adults to show no deference to the aged, those in authority. • As parents we have an obligation to train our children to render this respect.

  14. Respect Facts • Respect is a two ways equation, if your child does not respect you, look at yourself , do you pay enough respect to your spouse or to the child himself • Attitude and behavior are more caught than taught, your child copies what he sees • Disrespect may have serious consequences: when a boy is allowed to disrespect his mother, he will grow up to marry a women he can dominate

  15. تعمل ايه ؟What would you do??

  16. Parents’ Hot Issues? • Mathew GR 7, pays no respect to both parents. Mom kept on yelling and screaming at him but it did not help • Dad used different kinds of punishment but it made the problem worse • How can you help them improve their child’s attitude

  17. Teaching my child to render Respect • Your children are watching you and are learning, act in a responsible and respectful manner yourself and they will get it • Watch your attitude at home, compared to the image you reflect to others (outsiders) or if you say something and do the other, you encourage disrespect in your house

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