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The Spanish American War, 1898

The Spanish American War, 1898. America will fight for colonies!. Causes of the War. Spain was doing a terrible job controlling it colonies (the Philippines, Cuba, and Puerto Rico) America had interest in Cuba ( sugar plantations)

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The Spanish American War, 1898

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Spanish American War, 1898 America will fight for colonies!

  2. Causes of the War • Spain was doing a terrible job controlling it colonies (the Philippines, Cuba, and Puerto Rico) • America had interest in Cuba (sugar plantations) • Cuba was constantly rebelling against Spain for their freedom • Spain retaliates by cutting Cuban rebels off from food… • thousands die of disease and starvation • America relates to the Cubans because of the American Revolution • but doesn’t get involved immediately… neutrality

  3. Yellow Journalism • Exaggerated atrocities • Practiced by William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, especially about Cuba • Increased the American public dislike of the Spanish government in Cuba…rallying support for Spanish American War • Compared Cuban rebels to the patriots of the American Revolution

  4. Jingoism • Attitude of extreme nationalism • Started by William Randolph Hearst after President McKinley was insulted by the Spanish ambassador

  5. Impact of Yellow Journalism and Jingoism • Led to US government giving Spain an ultimatum to fix things with Cuba or get ready for American involvement • Cubans wanted independence not reform • Spain not willing to back down and neither is Cuba • US sends the USS Maine to Cuba to protect American citizens in Cuba

  6. USS Maine Explodes • The USS Maine exploded in the Havana Harbor • 266 killed • The Spanish are blamed • McKinley doesn’t declare war…just an investigation • Investigation showed that a mine had destroyed the ship • Jingoists and Yellow Journalists demand war

  7. America Declares War • After USS Maine investigation President McKinley declares war • Teller Amendment: declared that the US had no intentions of annexing/colonizing Cuba, just helping them gain independence

  8. The Philippines • Filipinos were fighting for their freedom from Spain just like Cuba was • Under the control of Commodore Dewey, the American navy crushed a Spanish fleet in Manilo Bay in May • By August the Spanish had surrendered

  9. Rough Riders • Led by future president Teddy Roosevelt in Cuba • Unit consisted of rugged westerners and upper class easterners • Made famous after the battle of San Juan Hill

  10. “Splendid Little War” • Termed used by Secretary of States John Hay • Called it this because it only lasted for 4 months showing how easy it was for America • Only 380 die in battle • 2,200 die from disease (malaria)

  11. Effects of the War • What will US do with Spain’s former colonies? • Treaty of Paris: officially ended the war • Spain gave US all of Puerto Rico and Guam • Sold Philippines to America for $20 million • Big debate of Philippines but US needed it for trade with China, a stepping stone • After war, America is a world power and model imperialists

  12. Anti-Imperialism league • Formed over the debate of the Philippines • Included Mark Twain and William Jennings Bryan • Argued that imperialism was a crime and undemocratic because US did not treat colonists well • Challenged the Treaty of Paris

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