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automaton —

automaton —. N. [<Gk. autós self + -matos thinking] a person or animal whose actions are entirely mechanical; a machine or toy that has its motive power concealed so that it appears to move spontaneously. bureaucracy —. N. [< bureau desk + krátos rule, power]

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automaton —

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Presentation Transcript

  1. automaton— N. [<Gk. autós self + -matos thinking] a person or animal whose actions are entirely mechanical; a machine or toy that has its motive power concealed so that it appears to move spontaneously.

  2. bureaucracy— N. [<bureau desk + krátos rule, power] a system of government by groups of officials, each dealing with its own kind of business under the direction of its chief

  3. democratize— V. [<Gk. dêmos people + krátos rule, power] to make or become democratic

  4. chronicle— N. [<Gk. chrónos time] a record of happenings in the order in which they happened; history; story

  5. maniacal— Adj. [<Gk. maníā madness] insane; raving

  6. genesis— N. [<Gk. génesis be born] a coming into being; origin; creation

  7. epidermis— N. [<Gk. epi- on + dérma skin] the outer, protective layer of the skin of vertebrate animals

  8. epithet— N. [<Gk. epi- on+ tithénai to place] a descriptive expression; a word or phrase expressing some quality or attribute. In “crafty Ulysses,” “Richard the Lion-Hearted,” and “Honest Abe,” the epithets are “crafty,” “Lion-Hearted,” and “Honest.”

  9. astrologer— N. [<Gk. ástron star + -logos study of] a person who claims to know and interpret the supposed influence of the stars and planets on persons or events

  10. electrocardiogram— N. [<Gk. elektro amber + kardíā heart + gráphein write] the tracing or record made by an electrocardiograph; cardiogram (an instrument that detects and records electrical impulses produced by the action of the heart with each beat).

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