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How Your Mood Is Affected by Unstable Blood Sugar Levels!

How Your Mood Is Affected by Unstable Blood Sugar Levels!

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How Your Mood Is Affected by Unstable Blood Sugar Levels!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Type 2 Diabetes - How Your Mood Is Affected by Unstable Blood Sugar Levels

  2. Having Type 2 diabetes certainly creates a whole myriad of situations for you to deal with. Certainly, many diabetics are accustomed to and also come to expect certain effects brought on by their condition. But one area many individuals may not associate with their Type 2 diabetes is how it affects their mood. Believe it or not, there is a strong connection. The human brain is made up of a delicate balance of hormones. Even the slightest adjustment in your body's chemistry has the ability to throw off hormones, creating a shift of emotions. Sugar, is one of the most influential forces to interfere and alter hormones. Don't believe it? Take a good look at how sugar changes things.

  3. For example, when a person eats a piece of chocolate cake, their mood immediately changes to one of euphoria. As their body is signaled by the dramatic increase in sugar, it responds with happy, fulfilling thoughts. But just as dramatic is the inevitable crash which comes shortly thereafter. This is how sugar impacts a non-diabetic. Now, imagine how much more these changes are amplified in the body of a person diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes!

  4. A diabetic's body is constantly "fighting" with an over-abundance of sugar that it doesn't know what to do with. This creates havoc on an already unstable situation. This battle means an ongoing fight to maintain balanced hormones. And where do many hormones originate? The brain. Stress from having diabetes is a huge factor where stress is concerned. Having diabetes arouses feelings that can be a major source of stress. Diabetics become stressed over having to constantly check their blood sugar levels. They become stressed over having to keep up with the read outs on their glucose meter, test strips, snacks, insulin, etc. They become stressed from what they are allowed to eat. They became stressed over what they aren't allowed to eat. They become stressed from hypoglycemic episodes. They becomes stressed from hyperglycemic episodes. They become stressed from pain associated with their diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes.

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