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The Top 10 Most Prominent Hackers

The Top 10 Most Prominent Hackers. By: Jasmin, Prabhjot, Bandeep , Sukhjit, Dawinder. Johnathan James (c0mrade). Broke into the Department of Defense’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency At age of 16 he broke into NASA’s systems to steal software

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The Top 10 Most Prominent Hackers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Top 10 Most Prominent Hackers By: Jasmin, Prabhjot, Bandeep, Sukhjit, Dawinder

  2. Johnathan James (c0mrade) Broke into the Department of Defense’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency At age of 16 he broke into NASA’s systems to steal software Acquired software to gain control of the International Space Station’s living environment

  3. Kevin Poulsen (Dark Dante) Broke into FBI’s database Was given 5 years prison time Hacked telephone lines of a LA radio station to be secured a place as the 102nd caller Won a trip to Hawaii and a brand new Porsche 944 Considered the “Hannibal Lecter of computer crime”

  4. Gary Mckinnon (Solo) Hacked U.S Department of Defense, Army, Navy, Airforce, and NASA Suffered from Asperger’s syndrome Hacked the government because he believed that the U.S was hiding information on aliens

  5. Kevin Mitnick At one point considered the most wanted cyber criminal Mastermind of computer hacking Gained access to modify the phone systems of Nokia and Motorola

  6. Vladimir Levin Stole 10 million dollars from citibank clients Only $400,000 of the $10 million were recovered by authorities Was said to have coordinated the first ever internet bank raid Stole account numbers and pins then transferred money to his own account

  7. John Draper Realized that a toy whistle emitted the same frequency tones used by AT&T switches to route calls Building off of that, he created “blue boxes” that you can get any amount of long distance calls for free Gained attention of co-founder of ‘Apple’, Steve Wozniak, who wanted to do phone phreaking himself

  8. Albert Gonzalez Accused of the biggest ATM and credit card theft in history Allegedly sold more than 170 million card and ATM numbers Authorities seized $1.6 million in cash and $1.1 million buried in his parents’ backyard Sentenced to 20 years in federal prison

  9. Anonymous

  10. Ug Nazi Responsible for several attacks conducted over the internet Best known for leaking the personal info of government officials

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