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http 컨틀롤

http 컨틀롤. 빨강색은 외부로 서비스 하는 웹서버 빨강색의 url 은 lsh.com 검정색은 내부로 서비스 하는 웹 서버 검정색의 url 은 kkk.com/root. 허용 hostname( config )# regex url1 “www. lsh.com /.*.asp” hostname( config )# regex url2 “www. kkk.com/ . *.asp” hostname( config )# regex get “GET”

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http 컨틀롤

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Presentation Transcript

  1. http 컨틀롤

  2. 빨강색은 외부로 서비스 하는 웹서버 빨강색의 url은 lsh.com 검정색은 내부로 서비스 하는 웹 서버 검정색의 url은 kkk.com/root

  3. 허용 hostname(config)# regex url1 “www\. lsh.com/.*\.asp” hostname(config)# regex url2 “www\. kkk.com/\. *\.asp” hostname(config)# regex get “GET” hostname(config)# regex put “PUT”

  4. class/정규식 검사를 비교 진행 hostname(config)# class-map type regex match-any url_to_log hostname(config-cmap)# match regex url1 hostname(config-cmap)# match regex url2 hostname(config-cmap)# exit

  5. methods 정규식 검사 hostname(config)# class-map type regex match-any methods_to_log hostname(config-cmap)# match regex get hostname(config-cmap)# match regex put hostname(config-cmap)# exit

  6. policy http 검사 hostname(config)# class-map type inspect http http_url_policy hostname(config-cmap)# match request uri regex class url_to_log hostname(config-cmap)# match request method regex class methods_to_log hostname(config-cmap)# exit

  7. policy / class 비교검사 hostname(config)# policy-map type inspect http http_policy hostname(config-pmap)# class http_url_policy hostname(config-pmap-c)# log

  8. 프로토쿨트레픽 설정 regex loginname1 “ying\@kkk.com” regex loginname2 “Kevin\@kkk.com” regex loginname3 “rahul\@kkk.com” regex loginname4 “darshant\@kkk.com” regex yahoo_version_regex “1\.0” regex gif_files “.*\.gif” regex .txt_files “.*\.txt

  9. 프로토쿨트레픽 설정 regex loginname1 “ying\@lsh.com” regex loginname2 “Kevin\@lsh.com” regex loginname3 “rahul\@lsh.com” regex loginname4 “darshant\@lsh.com” regex yahoo_version_regex “1\.0” regex gif_files “.*\.gif” regex hwp_files “.*\.hwp”

  10. class-map type regex match-all yahoo_src_login_name_regex match regex loginname1 match regex loginname2 class-map type regex match-all yahoo_dst_login_name_regex match regex loginname3 match regex loginname4 class-map type inspect im match-all yahoo_file_block_list ! match filename regex gif_files match filename regex exe_files class-map type inspect im match-all yahoo_im_policy ! match login-name regex class yahoo_src_login_name_regex match peer-login-name regex class yahoo_dst_login_name_regex class-map type inspect im match-all yahoo_im_policy2 match version regex yahoo_version_regex

  11. ! class-map im_inspect_class_map match default-inspection-traffi policy-map type inspect imim_policy_all ! class yahoo_file_block_list match service file-transfer class yahoo_im_policy drop-connection class yahoo_im_policy2 reset ! policy-map global_policy_name class im_inspect_class_map inspect imim_policy_all

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