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The Living Word

The Living Word . Psalm 119:89-105. Eternal - Will not pass away - Stands firm in the heavens - Faithful over generations - Endures - No limit to its perfection. Our response - D elight - Never forget - Seek out - Ponder or meditate

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The Living Word

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Living Word

  2. Psalm 119:89-105

  3. Eternal - Will not pass away - Stands firm in the heavens - Faithful over generations - Endures - No limit to its perfection

  4. Our response -Delight - Never forget - Seek out - Ponder or meditate - Obey precepts (divine commands) - Know it! Eido(head knowledge) and Ginosko(put into practice)

  5. Results - Preserve life, keep from perishing - Saves me, ever with me - Wiser than enemies - More insight than teachers - More understanding than elders - Hate every wrong path - Sweet words

  6. Changes nations - History proves that the Word changes nations - Examples: Norway, India, Netherlands, England, South Korea and Germany ‘God’s Word is our most holy treasure above all other things.’ – Hans Hauge

  7. Living Word - Hebrews 4:12 - Living - Active - Sharp - Penetrating between soul and spirit - Judges thoughts and attitudes

  8. ‘Living’ Word - Written Word is one-dimensional - John 1:1-2, 14 - The Word made flesh - Jesus modelled the God-kind of life – ‘zoe’

  9. We are living letters - 2 Corinthians 3:2-6 - Letter from Christ - Read by everybody - Written by the Spirit on hearts

  10. True to the Word - moral versus legal - poverty - abortion - honesty - marital faithfulness

  11. Spirit of the Word - 2 Corinthians 3:6 - Letter kills, but the Spirit gives life - Pharisee (condemning) - Sadducee (tolerating evil) - Jesus Christ (mercy triumphs over judgment)

  12. Deuteronomy 8:3 - ‘Man does not live by bread only but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.’ - Principle or personal - Logos or rhema

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