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Leadership Models of Behaviour Management

Leadership Models of Behaviour Management. Presenters: Sarah McGill Tammy Standley Natty Alliex Karen Maltman Trish Lee Video. Presentation Overview. Behaviour management strategies Leadership & leadership theories Individual student applications Impact on classroom organisation

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Leadership Models of Behaviour Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Leadership Models of Behaviour Management Presenters: Sarah McGill Tammy Standley Natty Alliex Karen Maltman Trish Lee Video

  2. Presentation Overview • Behaviour management strategies • Leadership & leadership theories • Individual student applications • Impact on classroom organisation • How to… for teachers • Facilitation of student development • Challenges

  3. Behaviour Management Strategies

  4. Leadership is…“Leadership is an activity and an influence process in which an individual gains the trust and commitment of others and without recourse to formal position or authority moves the group to the accomplishment of one or more tasks”.(Dinkmeyer & Eckstein p2)

  5. Leadership • Leaders are trained, not merely born • As stress increases it interferes with effective leadership • There is no evidence to indicate a significant difference between good male and female leaders • Leader/follower compatibility dictates success

  6. Leadership Theories • Choice Theory – William Glasser • Positive Behaviour - Bill Rogers • Democratic/Neo-Adlerian – Dinkmeyer, Dreikurs, Ginott

  7. Core Principles • We always have control over what we do. • Leadership is based on the rights, respect and relationship of the teacher and student. • Students should be given a choice rather than be forced to behave as directed.

  8. What is the ratio of teachers’ control and students’ autonomy for the Leadership model of Behaviour Management? • 100% teacher control • 75% teacher control; 25% student autonomy • 50% teacher control; 50% student autonomy • 25% teacher control; 75% student autonomy • 100% student autonomy

  9. What is not a core principle of the Leadership model? • We always have control over what we do. • Leadership is based on the rights, respect and relationship of the teacher and student. • Students are to behave as directed.

  10. Individual Students Applications • Teachers should be careful not to add restrictions when they offer compliments to their students. • Teachers should appreciate students who have diverse abilities, not just those who perform well on tasks. • Teachers and students should have equal standing in the classroom. • Teachers should let students have a say in what they learn and how they learn it. • Teachers who are democratic will be more successful in helping students evaluate their own work and improve.

  11. The impact on classroom organisation • It helps students to gain control and act in a more responsible manner. • Student are aware of what is expected of them both behaviourally & academically. • It creates order necessary for learning to occur, to guide students to exercise self-discipline, promote co-operation and reduce competition.

  12. Is this statement reflective of the Leadership Model? “Your drawing is very elaborate but you must remember to incorporate proper perspective”. • Yes • No • Unsure

  13. As a democratic teacher what would you do if a student misbehaves in class? • Use threats • Be vindictive with the student • Give the student a choice • Make the student promise not to misbehave again

  14. The Leadership Model impacts on the classroom organisation by: • Teacher taking firm control • Helping students to have a sense of control and act in a more responsible manner • Teacher promoting rebellion • Teacher not following any logical consequence with behaviour

  15. How to… for Teachers • Curriculum, Classroom, Conduct and Courtesy & the 7 deadly habits. • Planning disciplinary action as a class to encourage ownership of consequences. • Develop democratic relationships with students.

  16. Deadly & Connecting Habits

  17. Which of these behaviours is not one of the 7 deadly habits? • Rewarding • Threatening • Nagging • Befriending

  18. Which of these behaviours is not a connecting habit? • Rewarding • Caring • Listening • Trusting

  19. Facilitation of student development

  20. Facilitation of student development Family Relationships

  21. Facilitation of student development • It allows students to be aware of their behaviour. It gets them to think about what they are doing and what they should be doing. • Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own choices & accept any consequences. • It focuses on the students feelings of inclusivity & helps them build friendships within the class.

  22. Workshop Using the Leadership model of behaviour management how would you facilitate Grace’s learning and development? • Why do you think she is being disruptive? • What steps would you take? Video

  23. Does the Leadership model facilitate student cognitive, affective and social development? • Yes • No • Not sure

  24. Challenges • It assumes that all students needs are the same • It takes time to implement • It works best when implemented by the whole school rather than individual classroom • Using encouragement rather than praise may be alien and not natural to some • Difficult for teachers to see difference between mistaken goals, feelings of inadequacy for all students all the time • Not enough guidance on how to put immediate stop to defiance in classroom.

  25. “Your artwork is fantastic”. Is this statement characteristic of the Leadership Model? • Yes • No • Not sure

  26. The leadership model can be applied successfully as a school wide strategy? • Yes • No • Not sure

  27. The leadership model is easy to implement within the classroom? • Strongly Agree • Agree • Neutral • Disagree • Strongly Disagree

  28. For further info… • Wiki http://leadership6wiki.wikispaces.com • Power point • “Who wants to be a Millionaire” • Interesting website links

  29. References Anon. (2002). Thematic Essay 1: Behaviour Management and Discipline in the Primary Classroom. www.dougalj.co.uk/Online%20Work/Behaviour%20Essay.doc retrieved form Google website on 8.8.09. Bourbon, W., Thomas, & Ford. (1994). Discipline at Home and at School. NY: Brandt. Bronfrenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of Human Development: Experiments by Nature and Design. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Dinkmeyer, D & Eckstein, D. (1995). Leadership by encouragement. USA: CRC Press.Edwards, C. H. & Watts, V. (2006). Classroom Discipline and Management (2nd Ed.). Milton, QLD: Wiley. Glasser, W. (1998). The Quality School: Managing Students without Cohesion. NY: Harper Perennial. Glasser, W. (1998). Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom.NY: Harper Collins. Glasser, W. (1969). Schools without Failure.NY: Harper and Row. Glasser, W. (1965). Reality Therapy: A New Approach to Psychiatry.NY: Harper and Row Taylor, G. R. (1973). Practical Application of Classroom Management Theories into Strategies. University Press of America. The William Glasser Institute. www.wglasser.com Walter, S. M., Lambie, G. W., & Ngazimbi, E. E. (2008). A choice theory counselling group succeeds with middle school students who displayed disciplinary problems. Middle School Journal, 40 (2), 4-12. Weinstein, J. (2000). The place of theory in applied sociology: A reflection. Theory and Science, 1, 1. http://wik.ed.uiuc.edu/index.php/SKEP_Classrooms_where_student_responsibility_and_contracting_are_promoted

  30. Thank you! Q&A’s

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