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Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012

Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 . Chris Stafford Taylor Staton Kelly Clibern Earnie Justice . Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 . Ten Steps to Engineering Design 1 Definition of Problem 2 Brainstorming for Ideas

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Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012

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  1. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 Chris Stafford Taylor Staton Kelly Clibern Earnie Justice

  2. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 Ten Steps to Engineering Design 1 Definition of Problem 2 Brainstorming for Ideas 3 Identify problems and specify constraints 4Develop and Propose Designs and choose among alternative Solutions 5 Implement the proposed solution 6 Make a model 7 Evaluate solution and its consequences. 8 Refine the design 9 Create the final design 10 Communicate the processes and results.

  3. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 1 Definition of Problem Buttons are hard to see and not labeled very well on Sanchez model 67B flat panel Televisions. Customers are having a hard time using them in poorly lit areas.

  4. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 • 2 Brainstorming for Ideas • Make glow in the dark buttons by adding different plastic materials to the injection molding process • B) Make button of the same plastic material just using a different color that shows up well against a black background • C) Make buttons with a transparent card next to the buttons that can be illuminated when the television is plugged in.

  5. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 3 Identify problems and specify constraints A) Cost of adding a light to this portion of the television. B) Cost of paying labor for tool and die workers to retool the existing molds in order to gear up for production changes C) Cost of paying tool and die workers to make a prototype in order for engineering to properly check for proper revisions to the product

  6. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 4 Develop and Propose Designs and choose among Alternative Solutions A) Change color of buttons so that they stand out and are more recognizable  of themselves and their function against the black housing B) Change Injection molding molds so holes for lights to shine through.  Make provisions in mold so that a recessed area will be made for a transparent card to be installed next to buttons; and so it will be tightly held in place

  7. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 • 5 Implement the proposed solution • Alter molds in order to have “holes” for light to emit through so the transparency will appear as if it is glowing • B) Print the words power, volume up, volume down, and etc. on a transparent plastic card that will be placed over the holes mentioned in step “a” and beside each corresponding button. • C) Make  provision with the injection molds so that a recessed area will be introduced into the housing so that the card can be better held and allow for a neater more presentable product. • C) Glue card in place to insure that it does not fall off

  8. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 • 6 Make a model • A) Using in house labor from our tool and die department we can now use either a C&C machine or End mill to create a prototype that we can judge our new revisions by and later use this to alter the injection molds to start production of our newly proposed plans. • B) Using transparent plastic sheet and a laser printer we can now print the correct corresponding lettering on the plastic sheet and cut accordingly to fit in the recesses made by our tool and die department.   • C) Glue card in place • D) Using epoxy install a 5 watt bulb on the other side of the housing connect bulb wires to output side of transformer on power supply

  9. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 • 7 Evaluate solution and its consequences. • A) Check for light leaking around edges of transparent sheet • B) Does writing on transparent sheet show up legible • C) Does transparency properly fit the recess • D) Does bulb overheat the plastic • E) Is bulb bright enough

  10. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 • 8 Refine the design • Change the size of the holes to let more or less light shine through in order to properly illuminate the transparency • B) Repeat step 7

  11. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 • 9 Create the final design • A) Production molds are to be altered to accommodate design plan changes • B) Light was mounted in side of existing housing (shell) on other side with the use of fast curing epoxy.  No design changes needed as far as bulb installation.

  12. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 Communicate the processes and results. Selection of Best Solution Buttons could have transparency on the ends with a small LED light shining behind them that would enable them to be visible in the dark or other low lit areas. This would be the best solution because it not only helps in low lit areas but would make the buttons visible in almost any level/degree of lighting

  13. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 Buttons on flat panel television too hard to find and distinguish 5 watt light bulb recessed inside plastic frame of TV.

  14. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 Holes are tooled into Tv’s frame to allow light to shine through transparency. Recessed area to hold plastic transparency

  15. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 Plastic transparency to be placed in recessed area over holes in plastic TV frame

  16. Project One Group 11 IET 120 Spring 2012 • These links were used for ideas and inspiration. Final plans were also inspired by dash lights on automobiles that had a colored lens over a light bulb. (see links below) • Optically Yours. (2012). Low vision jumbo TV remote. Retrieved from http://www.opticallyyours.com/servlet/the-5/HOT-NEW-ITEM!-LOW/Detail • Our-picks (2007). Keyboard that glows in the dark. Retrieved from http://www.our-picks.com/archives/tag/computers/ • Repair Pal. (2012). Understanding the check engine light. Retrieved from http://repairpal.com/understanding-the-check-engine-light • Yahoo Answers (2011). Buttons on Samsung LCD TV are hard to see. Retrieved from http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111227160102AApmcdd.

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