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What is SEE-iN? South East Public Health Information Group Friends House, London 27 th January 2005

What is SEE-iN? South East Public Health Information Group Friends House, London 27 th January 2005. ManFai Tang South East England Development Agency. A virtual portal signposting to data sources Access to relevant, recent and reliable information and intelligence for policy making

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What is SEE-iN? South East Public Health Information Group Friends House, London 27 th January 2005

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  1. What is SEE-iN? South East Public Health Information GroupFriends House, London27th January 2005 ManFai Tang South East England Development Agency

  2. A virtual portal signposting to data sources • Access to relevant, recent and reliable information and intelligence for policy making • Focus on data, statistics and information to support evidence-based policy development on the SE region. • A network for exchange of intelligence, a forum for partners to consider issues relating to regional intelligence • Exchange of best practice, co-ordination of research effort where appropriate and to avoid duplication of effort Economy Health Skills Transport Plan g What is SEE-iN

  3. Natural Environment Economy Skills & Learning Health Society Transport DTI HM Treasury Health Development Agency DEFRA DWP DCMS Inland Revenue DFES HM Customs & Excise Environment Agency Department of Health Home Office Countryside Agency Basic Skills Agency HM Land Registry SBS Age Concern CBI Forestry Commission Ofsted English Nature Chambers of Commerce NLUD Connexions ODPM EUROSTAT NOMIS English Heritage CEH Directgov Census 2001 NFU UK Trade & Investment Engineering Employers Federation European Commission HEFCE Woodland Trust Sport England UK Climate Impact Programme Nationwide Neighbourhood Statistics HBOS Bank of England Barclays Office for National Statistics Regional Strategies & Documents / Proposals & Consultations SE Climate Change Partnership SE Cultural Consortium Economic Partnerships Learning & Skills Councils Primary Care Trusts Egeneration HESE Local Authorities National Housing Federation SE Thames Valley Energy Agency Local Record Centres Action South East Oxford 2 Cambridge Arc Strategic Health Authorities Regional Futures Sussex Wildlife Trust Sport England South East The Learning Campus Department for Transport Sub-Regional Regional National Data sources & linkages

  4. The South East has the one of the highest rates of population increase alongside the Eastern region (Census 2001) • 16.4% of the population in the South East is aged 65 and over (South East Public Health Observatory Census 2001: Older People in the South East Region 2004) • The South East has the lowest proportion of adult smokers in England (National Headline Indicators for the South East 2004) • Nearly 18% of the total number of households in the South East with one or more dependent children are headed by a lone parent (Annual Report of the South East Regional Director of Public Health 2004) Different Sources & Multiple Uses

  5. Key Sources

  6. Regional Strategies

  7. Metadata

  8. Sub-Regional Information

  9. Signposts to resources that are relevant to the region or focuses on the South East • All resources are publicly accessible and free • Portal is managed and updated with latest resources • Data access at three levels (where possible): • Direct to data resource • Resource section • Homepage • Categorises resources according to: • Themes and type – Key Resources / Data / Reports / Policy / Maps • eGIF Government Category Listing (GCL) standards • Allow users to find resources in other areas • Network of networks to resources, organisations and specialists Benefits

  10. www.see-in.co.uk ManFai Tang Regional Intelligence Co-ordinator Tel. 01483 470120 Email manfaitang@seeda.co.uk Berkeley House, Cross Lanes, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1YA Contact

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