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Overview. Introduction: JavaScript basicsExpressions and typesArraysObjects and Associative ArraysFunctionsJavaScript in a web browserInvoking JavaScriptJavaScript for accessing and modifying HTML contentDynamic HTML (DHTML)Sample programs. Language Fundamentals. Powerful Object Oriented La

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    1. JavaScript CC292 Web Application Programming Simon M. Lucas

    2. Overview Introduction: JavaScript basics Expressions and types Arrays Objects and Associative Arrays Functions JavaScript in a web browser Invoking JavaScript JavaScript for accessing and modifying HTML content Dynamic HTML (DHTML) Sample programs

    3. Language Fundamentals Powerful Object Oriented Language But very different from Java, C#, or C++ Dynamic and interpreted Can easily define new functions at runtime Built in support for regular expressions Designed for web browser interactions Actually a powerful programming language Can also be run stand-alone on server E.g. using Rhino

    4. Types Boolean Number (just one type for number; c.f. Java which has int, float, double, char, ) Array Associative array / Object Function When programming in a given context e.g. a web browser Many additional types (e.g. HTML Elements and Attributes) These are all types of Object

    5. Expressions (from Flanagan, p. 59) 1.7 // a numeric literal JavaScript is Fun! // string literal true // boolean literal null // the literal null value /java/ // a regular expression literal { x:2, y:2 } // an object literal or associative array [2, 3, 5, 6] // an array literal function(x) {return x*x} // function literal i // the variable i sum // the variable sum

    6. Higher Order Functions Functions can take other functions as arguments These are known as higher-order functions This allows for great flexibility when programming Question: How can similar things be done with Java? There are two ways

    7. Main Features Great for interactive web pages Validation, calculation, messages Supported by most full-feature browsers IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, (though varying support) Place In-line Or reference in separate file (good for common functions) C-like syntax Access to current HTML page via DOM (Document Object Model) Weakly typed (c.f. Javas Strong Typing) Also called Duck Typing

    8. JavaScript Programming Event Handling Statements (like C / Java) Operators Variables global (default) Or local (e.g. var x = 1) Types can change Eg. x = 1; x = Hello Function definition (decompose problem / reuse) Message Alerts Page element access with Document Object Model Views HTML page as a tree of elements

    9. Document Object Models (DOMs) Source of confusion: there are two document object models: Legacy DOM W3C DOM (Levels 1 and 2; details wont concern us too much here) They do similar things but in different ways Legacy DOM is concise but awkward W3C DOM is less concise, but has consistent naming conventions

    10. Legacy DOM Idiosyncratic naming of page elements Youll need a reference guide constantly at hand to find the correct names to use The names of properties do NOT correspond to their HTML names Example: document.anchors[] an object collection listing all the bookmarks in a document i.e. <a> tags with name instead of href e.g. <a name=Conclusions>Conclusions</a> other examples include links[], forms[], images[]

    11. W3C Document Object Model Has consistent naming scheme Example methods: document.getElementById(uniqueId); Returns a single element document.getElementsByTagName(a); Returns an array of elements in this case all the <a> tags in the document

    12. Hello World Example This provides an annoying popup try it! <html> <body> <a href="http://www.google.co.uk" onMouseOver="( alert( 'Follow link to search on Google') )"> Search on Google </a> </body> </html>

    13. Invoking JavaScript From a URL <a href=javascript: myFunc() > Click here to invoke myFunc() </a> From an input event handler (see Hello World example) From a page load event <body onload=myFunc()> From a timer e.g. setInterval(imageRefresh, 100); Calls the (user defined) imageRefresh() function every 100 milliseconds

    14. Handling Events An event can invoke any valid Javascript One or more statements Usually a function call Activated as we saw previously: <tag attribute1 attribute2 onEventName="javascript code;">

    15. Common Events An event is given a Name to identify it The handler for an event gets called when the event occurs The handler takes the form onEventName E.g. the code for onMouseOver is called when the mouse hovers over a link Select User enters a form element (onSelect) Change Use changes a form element then leaves it (onChange) Submit clicks the submit button on a form (onSubmit)

    16. Defining Functions function funcName(arg1,arg2, etc) { statements; } Note: No type information in function signature Can declare a function with no args, then pass it some! and access with arguments array within function Example: factorial Recursive calculation Conditional statement Calling from Change event Use of document.getElementById Use of this.value gets value of current element

    17. Factorial Form <html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"> function fac(n) { // do it recursively... if (n < 2) { return 1; } else { return n * fac(n-1); } } </script> </head>

    18. Factorial Form Contd. <body> <form> <p> <input id="facArg" type="text" onchange=" result = fac(this.value); document.getElementById('facResult').value = result; " /> </p> <p> <input id="facResult" type="text" /> </p> </form> </body> </html>

    19. Form in action

    20. Invoking JS from Hyperlinks JavaScript code can be the destination for a hyperlink Use: <a href=javascript: myFunc(arg)>Click here to invoke myFunc(arg)</a> Example below uses this to dynamically change the appearance of a list

    21. List Change Function

    22. List Change Usage

    23. Note usage of In JavaScript function listStyle() document.getElementById(id); setAttribute(class, value); In HTML Function call on href Alternative string quotes to pass argument: listStyle(noBullet); id=myList to identify the list

    24. Sorting Example Sort Numbers or Strings Default: everything converted to a string Provide a comparator to override this

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