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Topics. VHDL register-transfer modeling: basics using traffic light controller; synthesis. VHDL. Combines a general-purpose programming language and an HDL. Modeled on Ada programming language. VHDL is a rich language: modules; abstract data types. VHDL is case-insensitive.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Topics • VHDL register-transfer modeling: • basics using traffic light controller; • synthesis.

  2. VHDL • Combines a general-purpose programming language and an HDL. • Modeled on Ada programming language. • VHDL is a rich language: • modules; • abstract data types. • VHDL is case-insensitive.

  3. Abstract data types package lights is ---this is a comment subtype light is bit_vector(0 to 1); constant red : light : B”00”; constant green : light : B”01”; constant yellow : light : B”10”; end lights;

  4. VHDL entities • An entity defines the interface to the module. • May plug various descriptions into the entity interface: • behavioral; • RT; • gate.

  5. VHDL constants • Bit constant: • ‘0’, ‘1’ • Bit vector constant: • B”0101”

  6. Traffic light entity declaration entity tlc_fsm is port( CLOCK: in BIT; -- machine clock reset : in BIT; -- global reset cars : in BIT; -- car signal short, long : in BIT; highway_light : out light := green; farm_light : out light := red; start_timer : out BIT );

  7. VHDL processes • A process is a unit of parallel execution. • All processes in an entity execute in parallel. • Processes are used to build up behavior. • Our RT model will have at least two processes: • combinational process for the logic; • sequential process for the flip-flops.

  8. Sensitivity list Event assignment VHDL process example combin : process(state,hg) begin highway_light <= green; end process combin;

  9. VHDL formulas

  10. VHDL data types

  11. if (b or c) = ‘1’ then y <= ‘1’; else y <= ‘0’; if (b or c) = ‘1’ then y <= ‘1’; else z <= a or b; different net assigned in true, false cases y assigned value in both cases Operations in the process

  12. if (b or c) = ‘1’ then y <= ‘1’; else z <= a or b; Simulation: Condition is tested based on current signal states. Only one net gets an event. Synthesis: Creates don’t-cares for y and z. Conditional assignments

  13. Some useful constructs avec: out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) vector constant zerovec: std_logic_vector(0 to 7) := B”00000000”; constant vector sum <= a + b; adder

  14. Structure of a VHDL model • Library use statements. • Entity declaration. • Architecture declaration. • Processes, etc. that form the architecture. • An entity may have multiple instantiations.

  15. A synthesizable VHDL archtiecture • Declarations of types and signals. • Combinational process. • May be several combinational processes that communicate via signals. • Synchronous process.

  16. Ensures evaluation on clock edge Transfers next state to present state A synthesizable synchronous process sync: process(CLOCK) begin wait until CLOCK’event and CLOCK = ‘1’; ctrl_state <= ctrl_next; end process sync;

  17. Testbench structure Unit under test (UUT) tester testbench

  18. VHDL testbed organization • Library calls. • Entity declaration. • Generally has no inputs or outputs. • Architecture section. • UUT is a component. • Testbench logic is a process.

  19. Clock tick Checks output of UUT Testbench tester process tester: process begin reset <= ‘1’; clock <= ‘0’; wait for 5 ns; clock <= ‘1’; wait for 5 ns; assert(highway_light = green);

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