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Small Group Differentiated Instruction

Small Group Differentiated Instruction. Differentiation that makes a difference. What is Differentiated Instruction?. How I currently differentiate. Definition. Differentiated Instruction. Examples. Non-Examples. Why Differentiate with Small Group Instruction?.

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Small Group Differentiated Instruction

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Small Group Differentiated Instruction Differentiation that makes a difference

  2. What is Differentiated Instruction? How I currently differentiate Definition Differentiated Instruction Examples Non-Examples

  3. Why Differentiate with Small Group Instruction? Meet developmental needs of students Teach to student’s instructional level Stretch student thinking Opportunities for interaction

  4. Essential Question How can I effectively differentiate small group instruction to meet the needs of all students?

  5. Differentiation of Instruction Differentiated Instruction is a teacher’s response to a learner’s needs guided by general principles of differentiation, such as respectful tasks ongoing assessment & adjustment flexible grouping positive lrng. environment clear learning goals Teachers can differentiate Content Process Product based on students’ Readiness Interests Learning profiles Tomlinson, The Common Sense of Differentiation, ASCD, 2005 OPTIONS, FDLRS Action Resource Center

  6. Literacy Translation Students read books at different levels of complexity to access core content (content) Engage in activities with different degrees of teacher and peer support in accomplishing their learning goals (process) Complete different follow-up tasks as evidence of their achievement (product)

  7. Consider the Content

  8. Consider the Process

  9. Consider the Product

  10. On-Level Readers

  11. Below-Level Readers

  12. Above-Level Readers

  13. “Differentiated instruction is a way of thinking, not a formula or recipe.” Tomlinson and McTighe (2006), p.10.

  14. Diner Menu – Small Group Differentiated Instruction • Appetizer (Everyone Shares) • Write your definition of differentiated instruction. • Entrée (Select One) • Write 3 ways you currently differentiate instruction in you classroom. • Write 1 way you can change how you currently differentiate instruction. • Write the first name of a student who would benefit from differentiated instruction. • Side Dishes (Select Two) • How would you rate yourself on how well you currently differentiate small group instruction? (Scale 1-10, 1 being the lowest) • Name one thing that you will take away from this presentation. • Add something new to your Circle Map. • Write one question you still have. • Dessert (Optional) • Collaborate with your peers to gather new ideas for small group instruction. • Form new reading groups based on instructional level and need.

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