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Dragons Of Skyrim

Dragons Of Skyrim. By Nels Schmidt. History of Dragons.

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Dragons Of Skyrim

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dragons Of Skyrim By Nels Schmidt

  2. History of Dragons • Dragons have long been thought to be gone thought only of as a myth a children's tale. Many years ago man and dragon lived together always attacking each others habitats. Until there was a man born half man half dragon, with the form of a man but the power of a powerful dragon. With each dragon he killed he grew stronger until he finally destroyed the last of the dragons. Or so every one thought.

  3. Dragon Looks

  4. New Dawn of Dragons • The Ancients didn’t destroy the last dragon but instead sent him forward in time to modern day in hopes we would be able to stop him but he has produced many more dragons and we are now being over run. Our hope is one man said to be a dragon born who must hunt the head dragon and destroy him for good.

  5. Recap of a Dragon Battle

  6. Reason for Battle Tactic • If ever faced with fighting a Dragon alone you should always run as dragons are much more powerful than any single person. The best way to attack a dragon is with 3+ people so you can confuse it by attacking and hiding thus making it seem like there are many places that the dragon is being attacked from.

  7. How to Expel the Dragon Scourge • With the Dragon born now found we must use their power to defeat the head dragon and we must assist in any way possible.

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