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How can you help support your daughter in year 9 Mathematics?

How can you help support your daughter in year 9 Mathematics?. Mathematics Faculty. Overview. Plan for the Year Understanding what has to be done Organisation and resources Place of work Praise and Trust. Plan for the Year. April: End of Year 9 Test April: Start GCSE course

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How can you help support your daughter in year 9 Mathematics?

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  1. How can you help support your daughter in year 9 Mathematics? Mathematics Faculty

  2. Overview Plan for the Year Understanding what has to be done Organisation and resources Place of work Praise and Trust

  3. Plan for the Year • April: End of Year 9 Test • April: Start GCSE course • We will be entering your daughter for her GCSE exam in year 10 June (2015). "Growing Our Global Learning Community for Girls & Young Women"

  4. Year 9 • In year 9 as part of their preferences, pupils can pick Level 2 Further Maths as a preference. • If students achieve their target grade in Maths (year 10), they will be able to study GCSE Statistics, taking exam in June Year 11. • If students do not achieve their target grade, they will have the opportunity to re-sit. "Growing Our Global Learning Community for Girls & Young Women"

  5. Nationally….. • The landscape is changing nationally. • All students must leave school with at least a grade C in Maths. • Failure to achieve this grade will mean that students will have to re-sit in the sixth form. "Growing Our Global Learning Community for Girls & Young Women"

  6. Understanding what has to be done Students have 8 Maths lessons a fortnight (mixture of single and double lessons). Department policy is to set a homework once a week to consolidate learning or to revise for their exam. Home work should be written in their planner. Students can also use www.mymaths.co.uk and www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/Maths for additional revision. They should be doing some revision each evening – and should spend a minimum of 30 minutes every evening. Pupils should be allocated a quiet place in the house to work every evening (preferably away from the TV or anything else that may distract them!)

  7. Understanding what has to be done Difficulties? • Encourage them to talk to you about the work – especially if they get stuck. • Encourage them to see their Maths teacher outside lessons to ask for help/explanation of instructions • Encourage them to visit Maths surgery on Wednesdays in room M2. This is a pop in pop out session where they can get specific help.

  8. Organisation & Resources How organised is your daughter? • Planner - Make sure that everything to do is listed in the planner clearly • Time management – A minimum of 30 minutes must be planned into the day. • Other responsibilities e.g. jobs/siblings • Help with a revision schedule – time management is a very high level skill which most adults cannot master! • Books and Equipment • Use planner to remind you of what books and equipment you will need on a particular day. • Don’t forget your daughter will require a scientific calculator for her maths lessons and exams. She will also need a Geometry set. • It helps to have highlighters.

  9. Place of work How motivated are they? • Where do they work best? • Ideally needs to be a permanent spot – so time not wasted getting everything out • What do you do while they are working? Are you on hand to help? Set the example and if you cannot be there – make sure you take an interest • No distractions – let them listen to music if it genuinely helps

  10. Praise and Trust What type of learner are they? • They may work better in a very different way to the way that you work and learn • Build a routine • What is the incentive? How do you praise them? • Encourage them to become an independent learner • The more interest you take and support you give – the more motivated they will be, which is an essential factor in achieving their best for future exams.

  11. Extra help www.mymaths.co.uk http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/maths/ www.emaths.co.uk http://www.gcsemathspastpapers.com/ Download the past paper app on android phones. Maths surgery every Wednesday after school in room M2 (teachers on hand to assist) Purchase a Mathswatch CD from library, payment must be made through parent pay.

  12. If you have any questions….. • Please do not hesitate to contact Mr Dogan (Deputy Head of Maths and Numeracy Faculty) at: • umit.dogan@hornseyschool.com "Growing Our Global Learning Community for Girls & Young Women"

  13. GOOD LUCK and may your daughter succeed at Hornsey School for Girls. "Growing Our Global Learning Community for Girls & Young Women"

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