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Science Says That A 2 Week Vacation Is All We Need

Research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics has shown that employees with around 5 years of experience in their job, are entitled to an average of merely 14 paid vacation days per year. Not a lot when accounting for the levels of intensity many modern jobs require, with employees experiencing levels of stress and tension unheard of in the days before modern technology. Many employees are unable to escape their workload when they return home either, as the internet has made it possible for emails to be replied to outside of normal working hours.

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Science Says That A 2 Week Vacation Is All We Need

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Science Says That A 2 Week Vacation Is All We Need

  2. Research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics has shown that employees with around 5 years of experience in their job, are entitled to an average of merely 14 paid vacation days per year. Not a lot when accounting for the levels of intensity many modern jobs require, with employees experiencing levels of stress and tension unheard of in the days before modern technology. Many employees are unable to escape their workload when they return home either, as the internet has made it possible for emails to be replied to outside of normal working hours. Even so, if you have a rewarding, low stress job, you are entitled to take a break from it every now and then, and is 14 days enough for an entire year? Does this

  3. then lead to extra stress asemployees try to ensure that their precious vacation is perfect in every way? The pressures of having the perfect vacation: Many people who work hard all year round look forward to their annual paid vacation and spend a lot of time and resources planning it - sometimes even months ahead - with no expenses spared. However, it often seems as if many of these people return from their vacation feeling thoroughly unrefreshed, wholly unsatisfied and with a stronger desire to get back to the grindstone than before they went away. So, why should this be?

  4. Research has shown that for many disgruntled vacationers – who arrive back from their vacation feeling more stressed and unhappier than they did before they left – the feelings that they are experiencing come more from the mind than anywhere, or anything else. People put inordinate amounts of pressure on themselves to make their vacation perfect, because if it isn’t, you won’t get another shot at it until the following year. This then encourages vacationers to continually assess their time spent away from home: ‘Am I having as much fun as I should be given that I’ve only got 14 days? Have I achieved anything during my vacation? Will my vacation stand up against those of my colleagues? These expectations coupled with the levels of pressure that people place upon

  5. themselves, may well be spoiling their chances of enjoying their precious vacation. How can we make the most of our 14 day annual vacation? Psychologists have recommended that to get the most out of the 2 week annual vacation, we should try to stop focusing on whether we are happy during our vacation, and instead simply try to lose ourselves in the moment; what we are doing right now. Take new challenges, learn about new cultures and make connections with the people around you. Plan less, and let your vacation take you on a whole new journey you may never have expected and could never have

  6. planned for. Be flexible and openminded, and your vacation may just turn into the trip of your life. That’s what the experts are telling us, anyway. So, can a vacation for just 2 weeks per year ever be enough? According to scientists, 2 weeks of paid vacation a year should be ample time for us to unwind, experience new things and most importantly enjoy our days away from our usual environment. However, treat your vacation like it must be the vacation of your lifetime - and should sound better when described to your colleagues than any vacation they have ever taken - and those pressures could lead to you having exactly the opposite; the vacation from hell.

  7. So, when the time comes for your annual vacation, try not to over plan it and allow time for new activities and making new friends. Be prepared for setbacks and if a day trip is cancelled for any reason, simply take that as an opportunity to do something else that may turn out to be equally, if not more, fun.

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