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2011-2012 Instructional Goals

2011-2012 Instructional Goals. Administration Current & Future Department Heads. Having more than six priorities is inversely related to achievement. 90% faculty participation yields 3-5 times higher achievement gains than 10% faculty participation. - Douglas Reeves.

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2011-2012 Instructional Goals

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2011-2012Instructional Goals Administration Current & Future Department Heads

  2. Having more than six priorities is inversely related to achievement.90% faculty participation yields 3-5 times higher achievement gains than 10% faculty participation. -Douglas Reeves

  3. How Did We Choose Our Goals? Focused on student achievement Started with high-impact teaching strategies Discussed what we’ve already started at WR Discussed what could be effectively implemented and monitored Discussed how to address Entry Plan comments regarding PD and follow through

  4. 1)Summarizing           (including Essential Question) 2) Vocabulary

  5. Summarizing: A LEARNING strategy more than a TEACHING strategy Teachers provide regular opportunities to summarize Students answer the lesson essential question Checking for understanding (KWL, Tickets, 3-2-1, collaborative pairs) Journaling Show Me - Distributed Guided Practice Reflections Throughout the lesson and at the end

  6. Vocabulary Select difficult vocabulary from instructional context Preview this vocabulary with direct instruction Make words accessible to students in a visual, graphic, and organized way Provide multiple exposures and opportunities to use vocabulary

  7. Monitoring Walk-throughs Collect data using look fors and ask abouts Use data to have meaningful conversations about instruction and achievement Support Instruction / Support Teachers 8 five minute walk-throughsper year Building principal(s), director of curriculum, director of special education, superintendent Unobtrusive (business as usual) Lesson plan says what 5 minutes cannot Electronic copy of data collection Non-evaluative May require follow-up conversation for ask abouts

  8. Monitoring Choose 2 classes to implement in MS and HS: 2 “preps” EL: LA and Science

  9. Essential QuestionsLook Fors & Ask Abouts • ASK ABOUTs • How do you use the essential question in a lesson? • How did you have students answer the essential question in your most recent lesson? LOOK FORs Essential question is posted Essential question guides instruction

  10. VocabularyLook Fors & Ask Abouts • ASK ABOUTs • How are students aware of current vocabulary? • What vocabulary strategies do you usually use? • How is your current vocabulary organized for learning? • How do students use vocabulary for reading and writing? LOOK FORs Vocabulary is content driven The visual representation of vocabulary is well organized, easy to use, and graphic Uses research-based strategies and direct instruction to preview vocabulary at the beginning of lessons and units Vocabulary is built through writing, reading, discussion, etc. throughout the lesson

  11. Summarizing Look Fors& Ask Abouts • ASK ABOUTs • What summarizing strategy did you use in your lesson? • How do you provide an opportunity for all students to summarize? • What evidence do you have of student learning? LOOK FORs Summarizing reflects evidence of student learning All students have the opportunity to participate in summarizing Summarizing is guided by the essential question

  12. Next Steps Department Head Training June 20, 24 Administrative Retreat / Training July 20, 21 Teacher Training August Strategy review and application to content area Resources for success (supporting documents, rubrics, examples across grades and content areas, definitions) Lesson plan template add on for monitoring

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