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Chapter 12 Assessing Via Inventories and Interviews

Chapter 12 Assessing Via Inventories and Interviews. Self Report Biodata Unstructured & Structured Interviews. INVENTORIES. Varieties of Inventories Checklists Scaled Response Inventories Multiple-Choice for Forced Choice Instruments Alternatives to Inventories Distorting Responses

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Chapter 12 Assessing Via Inventories and Interviews

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  1. Chapter 12 Assessing Via Inventories and Interviews • Self Report • Biodata • Unstructured & Structured Interviews Chapter 12 Inventories and Interviews

  2. INVENTORIES • Varieties of Inventories • Checklists • Scaled Response Inventories • Multiple-Choice for Forced Choice Instruments • Alternatives to Inventories • Distorting Responses • Faking • Acquiescence Chapter 12 Inventories and Interviews

  3. Inventories(usually self-report measures of interests, motivation, personality & values) • Varieties of Inventories • Checklists • Scaled Response Inventories • Multiple-choice or Forced Choice instruments • Alternatives to Inventories • Distorting Responses • Faking (response set) • How does the California Personality Inventory (CPI) address the issue? • James’ CRT • How does it work? Chapter 12 Inventories and Interviews

  4. InventoriesDistorting Responses (con’t) • Faking • Forced choice; • How does Bernardin’s method work? • What are some other ways to counteract faking ? • Acquiescence • Yea and neasayers • What’s the best way to present items? • Alternate direction of positive v. negative • Keep them in same direction • Alternate positive and negative statement wording? Chapter 12 Inventories and Interviews

  5. Applicant Reactions • Adverse reactions- to certain questions • Invasion of privacy concerns • Offensive reaction to integrity and other personality items. • How big a problem? • What did Ryan & Sackett, (’87) find? • What did Hausknecht, Day & Thomas (’04) find? • What do Guion and Highhouse suggest to handle the issue? Chapter 12 Inventories and Interviews

  6. PERSONAL HISTORY ASSESSMENT • Best predictor of future behavior is past behavior – or is it? • What would Robert Hogan (HPI) say? • Two ways to find about past behavior / traits -what are they? -What are dome difficulties with the accuracy of each? Chapter 12 Inventories and Interviews

  7. Personal History • Weighted Application Blanks • T&E or E&E for government agencies • Used for meeting minimal quals and ranking • Weighted Application Blank for predicting turnover table 12.1 p 292 • Stayers and leavers predicted by skill and higher education • What do the results say about those over age 39? • What if they results were reversed for over age 39? Chapter 12 Inventories and Interviews

  8. Biodata • Mael (‘91) • Historical • External (observable) • Objective (agree on interpretation) • Discrete • Under control of person • Relevant to the job • noninvasive • Developing Biodata Items • BIODATA tool for civilian army personnel Chapter 12 Inventories and Interviews

  9. BIODATA (con’t) • Developing biodata and forms • Reilly & Chao, (‘82) • Results on par with standardized tests • Empirical or derived from theory or rationale? • Give an example for each for the job of a stock broker • How would you map biodata onto the big five? • What would be a benefit of doing this? • Why was it called “rainforest empricism? • Mael & Hirsch (‘93) Chapter 12 Inventories and Interviews

  10. INTERVIEWS • Interview Research Reviews • Varieties of Structured Interviews • Patterned Interviews • Behavior Description Interviewing • Situational Interviews • Comprehensive Structured Interviews • Comparison of the Examples • Interview Validity Chapter 12 Inventories and Interviews

  11. Interviewsjudgments: assessments/predictions/decisions • Interview Research Reviews • Before meta-analyses, very poor but now, • About • .56 – moderately structured • .67 – highly structured • .34 - poorly structured • How does this compare with Schmidt & Hunter’s recent work? • Varieties of Structured Interviews v. standardized – • What’s the difference? • Interviewee Characteristics • Memory • Impression Management Chapter 12 Inventories and Interviews

  12. Structured Interviews • Levels of structure (a continuum) • Patterned Interviews • Behavior Description Interviews • Situational Interviews • Comprehensive Structured Interviews • Lots of variation • Calling for many questions to be asked Chapter 12 Inventories and Interviews

  13. Interviews • Interviewer Validity • Interviewer Characteristics • Interviewer Experience and Habit • Stereotypes, Prototypes and Biases • Interviewee Characteristics • memory • Impression Management Chapter 12 Inventories and Interviews

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