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Stepping Stone Tracing and IDS Evaluation

Stepping Stone Tracing and IDS Evaluation. S. Felix Wu Computer Science Department University of California, Davis. Tracing vs. Anonymity. Packet-Level Layer-3 Tracing iTrace Application-Layer Tracing Botnet Stepping Stone Chains of Evil… (across inter-domain). Attack Chain. LLNL. NYU.

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Stepping Stone Tracing and IDS Evaluation

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  1. Stepping Stone Tracing and IDS Evaluation S. Felix Wu Computer Science Department University of California, Davis

  2. Tracing vs. Anonymity • Packet-Level Layer-3 Tracing • iTrace • Application-Layer Tracing • Botnet • Stepping Stone • Chains of Evil… (across inter-domain) ecs236

  3. Attack Chain LLNL NYU UCDavis XP UCSD Linux ecs236

  4. Simple Trusted 3rdPty Proxy • Secure Relay Service Proxy Target Sender Encryption Decryption Decryption & Mapping Mapping and Encryption Receive Reply ecs236

  5. Mix Mix Real vs dummy messages!! ecs236

  6. A Network of Mixers target Mix Mix Mix Mix Mix Mix sender Mix Mix Mix ecs236

  7. Multi-Layer Encryption • E(PK[1], Mix2, E(PK[2], Mix3,E(PK[3], Target, Message))). ENC-PK-Mix1 ENC-PK-Mix2 ENC-PK-Mix3 Mix2, Mix3, Target, Message ecs236

  8. Reply • Mix3,E(PK[3], Mix2,E(PK[2], Mix1, E(PK[1], Sender))), E(PK[SKey], Reply). • Only the Target can open the sender’s reply path. • Only the Sender knows about SKey. ecs236

  9. Malicious Onion Bombing LLNL NYU UCDavis XP UCSD Mix, Onion R., Babel, Crowd, LPWA E.g., Anonymous WEB Access Linux ecs236

  10. Linux Connection Correlation • We can not trust the “stepping stones” themselves. • Given an “outgoing” connection, whether we can find the correlating “incoming” connection. • Currently assuming 1-1 channel mapping (no multiplexing) ??? ecs236

  11. Linux Linux Linux Stepping Stones with Multiplexing noise ecs236

  12. Active Tracing • Active Tracing • changing the “traffic pattern” by selective delaying and dropping • detecting “changes” on the other observation point an incoming connection a domain with stepping stones. a set of outgoing connections ecs236

  13. Dropping for SSCP-Tracing • SSCP (Stepping Stone Connection Pairs) • attacker observes only a few connections • correlation gateway sees “all” the connections • drop enough just for the gateway to distinguish the dropped/watermarked connection • Challenges: • dropping ==> delay • attacker’s artificial noise ecs236

  14. Artificial Traffic Do we have a packet to send? Scheduler a pseudo random traffic generation process ecs236

  15. Limitations • RAID’2004 Impossibility Results • Multiplexing and De-multiplexing ecs236

  16. SUIT/iTrace Dynamic Horizontal Separation Anonymous Communication IDS ecs236

  17. OS Kernel CPU & Memory Host-based TIETraceable Information Exchange Network Process I/O Process Process File Sys. Information Router ecs236

  18. Information Tracing • Understand how information is being propagated, combined, modified… Tracing Without Modifying OS kernel or applications MINOS Bochs ecs236

  19. TIE Analysis • Correlation between network and OS/CA information • We will know precisely how the connection chains are propagated, even if both encrypted/decrypted and multiplexed. • How to “redirect” a stepping stone into a MINOS-based environment? ecs236

  20. OS Kernel CPU & Memory Information Router Network Process I/O Process Process File Sys. MINOS TIE Analysis Information visualization interface ecs236

  21. DETER/EMIST • “…to provide the scientific knowledge required to enable the development of solutions to cyber security problems of national importance…”, especially at large-scale. • Through the creation of an experimental infrastructure network -- networks, tools, methodologies, and supporting processes -- to support national-scale experimentation on research and advanced development of security technologies. ecs236

  22. Experimental Evaluation • Simulation/Emulation/Test-bed ecs236

  23. Emulab/DETER Experimental Network Cluster of N nearly identical experimental nodes, interconnected dynamically into arbitrary topologies using VLAN switch. Pool of N processors 160 PC PC PC Switch Control Interface N x 4 @1000bT Data ports Programmable Patch Panel (VLAN switch)

  24. ecs236

  25. ecs236

  26. The Fidelity Issue • Would ideally like: • Large and realistic topologies • Diverse, realistic nodes and links. • Realistic active traffic • But: • Fidelity is expensive • Large-scale fidelity may be unnecessary for (maybe even contrary to) good science ecs236

  27. Data Collection • Classes of data that are interesting, people want collected, and seem reasonable to collect • Netflow • Packet traces – headers and full packet (context dependent) • Critical infrastructure – BGP and DNS data • Topology data • IDS / firewall logs • Performance data • Network management data (i.e., SNMP) • VoIP (1400 IP-phone network) • Blackhole Monitor traffic DHS-Predict ecs236

  28. Limitation of conventional trace replay tools • Not capable of stateful emulation of TCP connections • Inconsistent data/control packets generation • E.g. generation of ghost packets • No good for in-line device testing such as NIPS testing • Live security test environments require • Realistic test traffic and packet contents • more interactive traffic replay approach ecs236

  29. Trace-based traffic replaying • Easy to implement and mimic system behaviors • Real traffic, sufficient diversities • Hard to adjust trace for various test conditions • Assuming the test condition is the same as the time at the trace was recorded • Analytic-model based traffic generation • Easy to control/adjust traffic generation models • Statistically identical to traffic models. • Hard to support trace contents for security test environments ecs236

  30. Property-Oriented Analysis ecs236

  31. TCPopera Design Goals • No ghost packet generation • Stateful TCP connection replaying • Traffic model support • TCP connection parameters • IP flow parameters, e.g. Dummynet • Environment transformation • IP Address Remapping • ARP emulation (spoofing) • Inter-connection dependencies • Flow dependencies over IP, e.g. Stepping Stone Connection • Application-specific inter-connection dependencies • FTP, HTTP, P2P, etc. ecs236

  32. config TCPtransform High-Level Model New TCPdump file Original TCPdump file TCPopera ecs236

  33. TCPopera Phase 1 Requirements • Percentage total packet loss. • Percentage total packet delay • Percentage data packet loss. • Percentage ACK packet loss. • Percentage data packet delay. • Percentage ACK packet delay. • Amount of delay • Packet loss occurring on sending, receiving, or both sending and receiving sides. • Packet delay occurring on sending, receiving, or both sending and receiving sides. tcp_prof ecs236

  34. Sender Receiver Data ACK Data Time ACK TCPopera Phase 1 Design • What do I mean by dependency? ecs236

  35. Sender Receiver Data ACK Data Time ACK TCPopera Phase 1 Design • Another example ecs236

  36. TCPopera Architecture TCP/IP traffic Parameters Packet Injection Thread Trace Records Trace Analysis Flow Threads TCP timer Thread Packet Capturing Thread Network Configuration ARP Emulation IP Flow Preprocessing Interactive Flow Replaying ecs236

  37. TCPOpera Major Components • IP Flow Preprocess • Preparing IP flows • Extraction of TCP connection and IP flow parameters • RTT, transmission rate, packet loss rate, path MTU • Address remapping, ARP emulation • IP Flow process • Creating a POSIX thread for each IP flow • TCP control block emulation • Traffic Models • TCP parameters for the initiation of TCP control blocks • Gap-based packet loss model ecs236

  38. TCPopera Major Components (Cont’d) • TCP Functions • Based on BSD4.4-Lite release (1994) - TCP Reno • 8 TCP timers • Timeout & Retransmission • RTT measurement • Fast Retransmit & Fast Recovery • Flow & Congestion Control • TCPopera Timer • Slow timer (500ms) • Fast timer (200ms) • Packet Injection/Packet Capturing • Libnet and Pcap • IP/TCP checksum recalculation if a packet is modified ecs236


  40. TCPopera Example DROPPED 10:08:01.644364 nupte.cs.ucdavis.edu.32780 > P 5:6(1) ack 6 win 5840 <nop,nop,timestamp 69960 240133055> (DF) [tos 0x10] 10:08:01.644474 > nupte.cs.ucdavis.edu.32780: P 6:7(1) ack 6 win 5792 <nop,nop,timestamp 240133066 69960> (DF) [tos 0x10] TCPopera generates: 1st transmission 10:08:06.134362 nupte.cs.ucdavis.edu.32780 > P 5:6(1) ack 6 win 5840 <nop,nop,timestamp 69960 240133055> (DF) [tos 0x10] RETRANSMISSION 10:08:07.824361 nupte.cs.ucdavis.edu.32780 > P 5:6(1) ack 6 win 5840 <nop,nop,timestamp 69960 240133055> (DF) [tos 0x10] 10:08:07.824471 > nupte.cs.ucdavis.edu.32780: P 6:7(1) ack 6 win 5792 <nop,nop,timestamp 240133066 69960> (DF) [tos 0x10] ecs236

  41. # You can specify it explicitly as: # var HOME_NET # var HOME_NET [,,] # Set up the external variable to specify this TCPopera node # covers all other hosts other than HOME_NET. # var EXTERNAL_NET on # Configure the replay mode. # TCPopera supports three different replay mode. var REPLAY_MODE INTERACTIVE_REPLAY #var REPLAY_MODE CLIENT_EMULATION #var REPLAY_MODE SERVER_EMULATION # If the replay_mode is CLIENT_EMULATION, the following # variable stores the server list that the client should be # connected to. # var CE_SERVER_LIST ./ce_server.config # Configure your defaultrouter in your testbed. # Trusted Interface var DEFAULTROUTER_IPV4 var DEFAULTROUTER_MAC 00:90:27:32:23:29 # External Interface # var DEFAULTROUTER_IPV4 # var DEFAULTROUTER_MAC 00:04:5A:72:46:53 # Configure node type for the synchronization # var SYNC_SERVER_FLAG on # Configure your synchronization server IP address and port # number TCPopera will use this information to synchronize the # replaying information. var SYNC_SERVER_ADDR var SYNC_SERVER_PORT 9999 # locations for output files output DEBUG_FILE ../output/opera.debug output FLOW_FILE ../output/opera.flow output LOG_FILE ../output/opera.log output DROP_FILE ../output/opera.drop output STAT_FILE ../output/opera.stat # Include the address remapping file. # This line will read remap file and change the IP addresses in a # trace file to new IP addresses as specified in the remap file. config remap ./config/remap.config # If you want to use the general packet loss rate configuration, # uncomment the following variables. # var PL_RATE 0.001 # var PLR_INDEX 1.0 # var PLR_SCALE 2.0 # Otherwise, include the drop rate file. # config drop_rate ../config_files/drop_rate.config # Include the TCP/IP parameter configuration file # Include flow_parameter ./config/flow.config ecs236

  42. # You can specify it explicitly as: # var HOME_NET # var HOME_NET [,,] # Set up the external variable to specify this TCPopera node # covers all other hosts other than HOME_NET. # var EXTERNAL_NET on # Configure the replay mode. # TCPopera supports three different replay mode. var REPLAY_MODE INTERACTIVE_REPLAY #var REPLAY_MODE CLIENT_EMULATION #var REPLAY_MODE SERVER_EMULATION # If the replay_mode is CLIENT_EMULATION, the following # variable stores the server list that the client should be # connected to. # var CE_SERVER_LIST ./ce_server.config # Configure your defaultrouter in your testbed. # Trusted Interface var DEFAULTROUTER_IPV4 var DEFAULTROUTER_MAC 00:90:27:32:23:29 # External Interface # var DEFAULTROUTER_IPV4 # var DEFAULTROUTER_MAC 00:04:5A:72:46:53 # Configure node type for the synchronization # var SYNC_SERVER_FLAG on # Configure your synchronization server IP address and port # number TCPopera will use this information to synchronize the # replaying information. var SYNC_SERVER_ADDR var SYNC_SERVER_PORT 9999 # locations for output files output DEBUG_FILE ../output/opera.debug output FLOW_FILE ../output/opera.flow output LOG_FILE ../output/opera.log output DROP_FILE ../output/opera.drop output STAT_FILE ../output/opera.stat # Include the address remapping file. # This line will read remap file and change the IP addresses in a # trace file to new IP addresses as specified in the remap file. config remap ./config/remap.config # If you want to use the general packet loss rate configuration, # uncomment the following variables. # var PL_RATE 0.001 # var PLR_INDEX 1.0 # var PLR_SCALE 2.0 # Otherwise, include the drop rate file. # config drop_rate ../config_files/drop_rate.config # Include the TCP/IP parameter configuration file # Include flow_parameter ./config/flow.config ecs236

  43. # You can specify it explicitly as: # var HOME_NET # var HOME_NET [,,] # Set up the external variable to specify this TCPopera node # covers all other hosts other than HOME_NET. # var EXTERNAL_NET on # Configure the replay mode. # TCPopera supports three different replay mode. var REPLAY_MODE INTERACTIVE_REPLAY #var REPLAY_MODE CLIENT_EMULATION #var REPLAY_MODE SERVER_EMULATION # If the replay_mode is CLIENT_EMULATION, the following # variable stores the server list that the client should be # connected to. # var CE_SERVER_LIST ./ce_server.config # Configure your defaultrouter in your testbed. # Trusted Interface var DEFAULTROUTER_IPV4 var DEFAULTROUTER_MAC 00:90:27:32:23:29 # External Interface # var DEFAULTROUTER_IPV4 # var DEFAULTROUTER_MAC 00:04:5A:72:46:53 # Configure node type for the synchronization # var SYNC_SERVER_FLAG on # Configure your synchronization server IP address and port # number TCPopera will use this information to synchronize the # replaying information. var SYNC_SERVER_ADDR var SYNC_SERVER_PORT 9999 # locations for output files output DEBUG_FILE ../output/opera.debug output FLOW_FILE ../output/opera.flow output LOG_FILE ../output/opera.log output DROP_FILE ../output/opera.drop output STAT_FILE ../output/opera.stat # Include the address remapping file. # This line will read remap file and change the IP addresses in a # trace file to new IP addresses as specified in the remap file. config remap ./config/remap.config # If you want to use the general packet loss rate configuration, # uncomment the following variables. # var PL_RATE 0.001 # var PLR_INDEX 1.0 # var PLR_SCALE 2.0 # Otherwise, include the drop rate file. # config drop_rate ../config_files/drop_rate.config # Include the TCP/IP parameter configuration file # Include flow_parameter ./config/flow.config ecs236

  44. # You can specify it explicitly as: # var HOME_NET # var HOME_NET [,,] # Set up the external variable to specify this TCPopera node # covers all other hosts other than HOME_NET. # var EXTERNAL_NET on # Configure the replay mode. # TCPopera supports three different replay mode. var REPLAY_MODE INTERACTIVE_REPLAY #var REPLAY_MODE CLIENT_EMULATION #var REPLAY_MODE SERVER_EMULATION # If the replay_mode is CLIENT_EMULATION, the following # variable stores the server list that the client should be # connected to. # var CE_SERVER_LIST ./ce_server.config # Configure your defaultrouter in your testbed. # Trusted Interface var DEFAULTROUTER_IPV4 var DEFAULTROUTER_MAC 00:90:27:32:23:29 # External Interface # var DEFAULTROUTER_IPV4 # var DEFAULTROUTER_MAC 00:04:5A:72:46:53 # Configure node type for the synchronization # var SYNC_SERVER_FLAG on # Configure your synchronization server IP address and port # number TCPopera will use this information to synchronize the # replaying information. var SYNC_SERVER_ADDR var SYNC_SERVER_PORT 9999 # locations for output files output DEBUG_FILE ../output/opera.debug output FLOW_FILE ../output/opera.flow output LOG_FILE ../output/opera.log output DROP_FILE ../output/opera.drop output STAT_FILE ../output/opera.stat # Include the address remapping file. # This line will read remap file and change the IP addresses in a # trace file to new IP addresses as specified in the remap file. config remap ./config/remap.config # If you want to use the general packet loss rate configuration, # uncomment the following variables. # var PL_RATE 0.001 # var PLR_INDEX 1.0 # var PLR_SCALE 2.0 # Otherwise, include the drop rate file. # config drop_rate ../config_files/drop_rate.config # Include the TCP/IP parameter configuration file # Include flow_parameter ./config/flow.config ecs236

  45. TCPopera Validation Snort (stream4) Internal TCPopera node BSD Firewall (ipfw) External TCPopera node Dummynet LAN • TCPopera nodes • 2 GHz Intel Pentium 4, 768MB RAM • Internal: Redhat 8 (2.4.18), External: Redhat 9 (2.4.20) • Network Emulator • 455MHz Pentium II Celeron, 256MB RAM • FreeBSD5.0, IPFW (with Dummynet) • Snort 2.3 • 3.2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 Processor, 512MB • Slackware 10.0 (2.4.26) • All Snort rules are enabled including the Stream4 analysis ecs236

  46. TCPopera traffic reproduction • DARPA IDEVAL99 (first 12 hours of 03/29/99) ecs236

  47. TCPopera Traffic reproduction • Traffic volume comparison (every minute) IP Bytes TCP Bytes ecs236

  48. Inter-connection time TCPopera Traffic Reproduction ecs236

  49. TCPopera Traffic Reproduction Input Connections C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 time Replayed Connections C1 (packet drop) C2 C3 C4 C5 ecs236

  50. TCPopera validation (Snort Evaluation) • ITRI Dataset • Collected for 30 minutes from a host within segment in Taiwan • Major applications: HTTP, P2P (eDonkey), FTP ecs236

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