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The Hound of the Baskervilles Reading Guide

Chapter 1 Mr. Sherlock Holmes . 1. How does Holmes see what Watson was doing?2. Which of Watson's conclusions about the stick were correct?3. How do Watson and Holmes check their conclusions?. . 4. Holmes had deduced that Mortimer was given the cane when he went away. What was the cane give

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The Hound of the Baskervilles Reading Guide

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    1. The Hound of the Baskervilles Reading Guide

    2. Chapter 1 Mr. Sherlock Holmes 1. How does Holmes see what Watson was doing? 2. Which of Watsons conclusions about the stick were correct? 3. How do Watson and Holmes check their conclusions?

    3. 4. Holmes had deduced that Mortimer was given the cane when he went away. What was the cane given to Mortimer for? 5. How does Dr. Mortimer insult Holmes?

    4. Chapter 2 The Curse of the Baskervilles 1. Dr. Mortimer brought a manuscript with him. What was this manuscript about? It told of the curse. 2. What is the name of the man who started the curse? Hugo Baskerville

    5. 3. Summarize what happened that brought the curse about. Hugo kidnapped the girl. She ran away. He went out to hunt her with his hounds after he said hed give his soul to the devil to catch her. Hugo is seen being chased by a huge black hound. He catches her, but shes dead. Hugo also dies.

    7. 4. What does the hound look like? What did it do? (9)

    8. 5. What was the second thing Dr. Mortimer read to Sherlock Holmes? It was a newspaper article on Sir Charles Baskervilles death.

    9. 6. How did Sir Charles make his money? Page 10 He made it in South Africa probably in gold and diamonds (speculating). How long had he lived at Baskerville Hall? He had been there for two years.

    10. 7. What did Sir Charles habitually do when he took his nightly walk? (10) He smoked a cigar. 8. According to the newspaper account, of what did Sir Charles die? (11) He died of cardiac exhaustion. What were people whispering killed him? People believe the family curse killed him.

    11. 9. What had caused a change in Sir Charles health? (12) He believed in the family curse and had become very nervous. 10. What were found near Sir Charles body? (13)

    12. The footprints of a gigantic hound were found near the body.

    13. Chapter 3 The Problem 1. Where does Dr. Mortimer believe Sir Charles spent 5 or 10 minutes? (14) He had stood at the gate that led out into the moor. How does Dr. Mortimer know that Sir Charles was there? The ash had dropped from his cigar twice.

    14. 2. Does Dr. Mortimer believe that the hound was supernatural? How do you know? Yes, he says something about the realm of the supernatural, and he tells of people who have seen a huge, glowing hound out on the moor. 3. Why has Dr. Mortimer come to see Sherlock Holmes? (16) He wants advice on what he should do with the new heir, Sir Henry Baskerville. 4. Where has Sir Henry been living? He has been living in Canada.

    15. 5. In what period of time did Holmes tell Dr. Mortimer to return? Holmes tells Mortimer to return in 24 hours. 6. Holmes said that he had been to Devonshire in spirit. In looking at the map, Holmes learned that what government building is near Baskerville Hall?

    16. Princetown prison is near Baskerville Hall.

    17. 7. What does Holmes deduce from the description of Sir Charles footprints on the path? He was running for his life. 8. At the end of this chapter, what problem is still baffling Holmes? Who was Sir Charles waiting for at the moor gate?

    18. Chapter 4 Sir Henry Baskerville 1. Describe Sir Henry. (20) He is a small, alert, dark eyed man about thirty years old. He is sturdily built with a pugnacious face. 2. Sir Henry received a warning letter. What does it say? (21) It says, As you value your life or your reason keep away from the moor.

    19. 3. Where did the words in the warning letter come from? (22) It was cut from the London Times.

    20. 4. What are four deductions that Holmes made about the letter and what does he base them on? (22) 1) The letter was written by an educated man based on its being cut out of the Times. 2) The writer was afraid his/her handwriting might be recognized based on its being cut out rather than written. 3) It was written at a hotel based on the quality of the pen. 4) The writer was in a hurry based on the sloppiness of the letter.

    21. 5. What other strange occurrence has happened to Sir Henry? (24) Someone stole one of his brand new brown boots. 6. How does Sir Henry feel about the curse as it pertained to returning to Baskerville Hall? (26) He says, no devil in hell and no man on earth can prevent me from going to the home of my own people.

    22. 7. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson follow Dr. Mortimer and Sir Henry because Holmes believes Sir Henry is being followed. What does the follower look like? (27) It was a man with a bushy black beard.

    23. 8. What motives would a benevolent (kind) person have for shadowing Sir Henry? He might be trying to keep him safe. What motives would a malevolent (evil) person have for shadowing Sir Henry? He might be trying to scare or hurt him. 9. What job does Holmes give Cartwright? (28-29) Cartwright is to go to all the hotels and try to find the cut up newspaper.

    24. Chapter 5 Three Broken Threads 1. How does Holmes check up on the other people staying at the Northumberland Hotel? (30) He pretends he knows the people and asks questions about what they are like. 2. What is Holmes trying to establish by checking on these people? He was making sure that the person interested in Sir Henry isnt staying there.

    25. 3. What made Sir Henry extremely angry? Someone has stolen one of his old black boots. 4. What man in Devonshire had a full black beard? (31) Barrymore, the butler at Baskerville Hall, has a full black beard.

    26. 5. How does Holmes attempt to find out if this man was still in Devonshire?(32) Holmes sends a telegraph that is to be delivered into Barrymores hand only. 6. Who were the three people in Devonshire who gained from Sir Charles will? (32) Mr. Barrymore (500 pounds), Mrs. Barrymore (500 pounds), Dr. Mortimer (1,000 pounds) all gained.

    27. 7. How much did Sir Henry inherit? (32) He inherited 740,000 pounds. The pound was worth about 5 American dollars at this time. How much would this inheritance be worth in dollars? It would have been worth 3 million 700 thousand dollars.

    28. 8. If something were to happen to Sir Henry, who would inherit the estate?(33) James Desmond, an elderly minister, would inherit. 9. What is Dr. Watson supposed to do in Devonshire? (34) He is to protect Sir Henry and to send reports to Holmes.

    29. 10. What does the first telegram report to Holmes? (34) It reports that Barrymore is in Devonshire. Why is this important? This proves that Barrymore couldnt have been the man in the cab.

    30. 11. What does the second telegram report to Holmes?(35) Cartwright wasnt able to find the cut up newspaper. Why is this important? Holmes has nothing else to help identify the writer of the warning letter.

    31. 12. The title of this chapter is Three Broken Threads. This is a metaphor. What are the three threads? They are leads or clues to the case. 13. What is the third thread? The third thread is the cab driver who drove the bearded man. What happens to the third thread? It snaps because the cabby doesnt remember much.

    32. 14. What is the name the man in the cab gave? Sherlock Holmes was the name that the man in the cab gave. What does this name tell Sherlock Holmes about the adversary that he is up against? It tells Holmes that this adversary is as clever as Holmes himself.

    33. Chapter 6 Baskerville Hall 1. What two cautions does Holmes give Sir Henry? (38) Dont go anywhere alone, and dont go out on the moor at night. 2. Read the description of the moor (page 39) and of Baskerville Hall (pages 41 and 42). What is the tone of these descriptions? It is sad, depressed, and gloomy.

    34. 3. What time of the year is it? How do you know? (40) It is fall. The leaves are falling off the trees. 4. Why are there armed men everywhere? An inmate has escaped from Princetown prison.

    35. 5. What news does Barrymore give Sir Henry? (43) He and his wife want to leave Sir Henrys employment. What reasons does Barrymore give for this news? 1) Sir Henry will have more company than Sir Charles used to have. 2) Sir Charles death has made staying very painful for them.

    36. 6. On page 43 the gloomy dining room of Baskerville Hall is described. What is the most prominent decorating feature of this room? The family portraits are the prominent decorating feature.

    37. Chapter 7 The Stapletons of Merripit House 1. What does Dr. Watson hear during the night? What does he discover about the Barrymores from this incident? He heard a woman crying. He discovers that the Barrymores are liars. 2. What does Dr. Watson find out from his visit with the postmaster? He finds out that the telegram was not given directly to Barrymore.

    38. 3. Who is Stapleton of Merripit House? What are his interests? He is Sir Henrys neighbor. He is interested in moths and butterflies. 4. What feature of the moor is most dangerous? The Grimpen mire (swamp) is most dangerous.

    39. 5. Watson hears a strange sound out on the moor. What two things does Stapleton suggest could have made the noise? 1) He says the locals say that it is the hound of the Bakervilles. 2) He says it could be the booming of a bittern.

    40. 6. How does Dr. Watson describe Miss Stapleton? What makes her different from any other woman Dr. Watson has seen in England? (51) . . . she was darker than any brunette I have seen in England slim, elegant, and tall.

    41. 7. What does Miss Stapleton say to Dr. Watson? (51) Go back! . . . Go straight back to London instantly. What mistake has she made about him? She has mistaken Dr. Watson for Sir Henry.

    42. 8. What is Stapletons past? (52) He taught at a boys school. 9. On his return to Baskerville Hall Dr. Watson meets Miss Stapleton again. Why does she say that she didnt want her brother to overhear her warning? (54) Her brother wants to make sure Baskerville Hall is inhabited for the economic prosperity of the area.

    43. Chapter 8 First Report of Dr. Watson 1. What form does this chapter take? (55) It is a letter to Sherlock Holmes. 2. Why does Dr. Watson say that Holmes instructions not to let Sir Henry go out alone may become more difficult? (56) Sir Henry has developed a romantic interest in Miss Stapleton.

    44. 3. What is Stapletons reaction to the fact that Sir Henry and his sister may be attracted to each other? (57) He is not happy about it. 4. Who is Mr. Frankland of Lafter Hall? (58) He is another of Sir Henrys neighbors. He loves lawsuits. What has he been doing lately? He has been thinking of suing Dr. Mortimer for excavating a barrow and removing a skull. He has also been using the telescope on his roof to watch for the escaped inmate.

    45. 5. Since Mr. Frankland is the comic relief character in this novel, why is the name of his house appropriate? (58) His house is named Lafter Hall and he is a character who is supposed to bring laughter to the novel. 6. What does Sir Henry give to Barrymore after questioning him about the telegram? (59) Sir Henry gives Barrymore a lot of his old clothes.

    46. 7. What happens at the end of this chapter to make Dr. Watson even more suspicious of Barrymore? (59 60) Barrymore was up in the middle of the night and was at a window holding up a candle.

    47. Chapter 9 Second Report of Doctor Watson: The Light Upon the Moor 2. What is unique about the window Barrymore goes to in the middle of the night? (60) It has a clear view out on to the moor. 1. The mystery of Stapletons objection to the romance is cleared up. What is the explanation? (65) She is all he has, and he would be lonely without her.

    48. 3. When Dr. Watson and Sir Henry confront Barrymore, how does Barrymore react? (67) He refuses to explain what he was doing. 4. How does Mrs. Barrymore solve this mystery? (67) She tells them that Seldon, the Notting Hill murderer, is her younger brother.

    49. 5. When Watson and Sir Henry go out on the moor, what happens that changes Sir Henrys disposition?(69) They hear a long, deep mutter, then a rising howl, and then the sad moan . . . 6. After Seldon escapes from Dr. Watson and Sir Henry, what unexpected thing happens before the two leave the moor? (72) Dr. Watson sees a man silhouetted by the moon.

    50. Chapter 10 Extract from the Diary of Dr. Watson 1. What three characters are ruled out as having been the mysterious figure outlined in the moonlight? (74) Stapleton is too short. Frankland is too fat. Barrymore could not have managed to get in front of them.

    51. 2. What does Sir Henry decide to do about Seldon? (75) Sir Henry decides to let Seldon escape to South America. What does Dr. Watson say about this decision? Watson says it will relieve the tax payers from the burden of having to keep Seldon in jail.

    52. 3. Barrymore has a piece of information which is important to solving the mystery of Sir Charles death. (76) What is this information? Barrymore knew that Sir Charles had received a letter from a woman on the day that he died. Why didnt Barrymore say anything at the inquest? They didnt find the burnt remains of the letter until the inquest was already over and by then the Barrymores had the trouble of Seldon hanging over them. They were also worried about Sir Charles reputation.

    53. 4. Dr. Mortimer tells Dr. Watson that Laura Lyons is Franklands daughter. Why is she not supported by her father? (78) She married an artist that Mr. Frankland did not approve of. How is she supported? She has a typewriting business that several people helped her to start.

    54. 5. What does Dr. Watson find out about the mysterious man on the moor? (80) The man has a boy who works for him and brings him food.

    55. Chapter 11 The Man on the Tor 1. What two important questions is Dr. Watson going to investigate? (81) 1) Did Laura Lyons write to Sir Charles? 2) Who is the man hiding on the moor? 2. What had Sir Charles done for Laura Lyons? (82) He had given money to help her start her own business.

    56. 3. What reasons did Laura Lyons give for the time and place of the meeting? (83) She found out that he was going to London the next day, and she didnt dare go into his house (scandal). 4. What was the letter about? (84) She wanted to meet with Sir Charles to ask him for money for a divorce from her husband.

    57. 5. How does Mr. Frankland help Dr. Watson track down the stranger? (87) Dr. Watson is able to watch the boy go into one of the huts through Mr. Franklands telescope. 6. What was Conan Doyles purpose for introducing this subplot of the man on the tor? The subplot adds more intrigue and a suspicious character to the story.

    58. Chapter 12 Death on the Moor 1. Why are Dr. Watsons feelings hurt when he finds out the identity of the man on the tor?(91) Dr. Watson feels that Holmes didnt trust him to keep his being there a secret. 2. Why didnt he tell Dr. Watson that he was there? (91) If Watson had known he was there, Watson might have led to Holmes being discovered.

    59. 3. What is revealed about the Stapletons? (92) They are actually husband and wife. 4. How will the truth about the Stapletons affect Laura Lyons? It might make her speak out against Stapleton. Sir Henry Baskerville? He will be heartbroken.

    60. 5. Who is Sherlock Holmes convinced is the murderer? (94) He is convinced that Stapleton is the murderer. Does he have any evidence to support this belief? He does not have any concrete evidence against Stapleton.

    61. 6. Why is it not strange that the hound attacked Seldon? (97) Seldon was wearing Sir Henrys old clothes and would have smelled like Sir Henry.

    62. 7. When Stapleton arrives on the scene of Seldons death, what information does Stapleton reveal?(98) Stapleton had invited Sir Henry to come over to his house that evening. 8. Holmes knows who the criminal is and what crime is planned. What does he still need to find out? He still needs to find out why motive.

    63. Chapter 13 Fixing the Nets 1. Why does Holmes resist Watsons desire to arrest the criminal right away? (99) There is no hard evidence. 2. Why is Dr. Watson not to tell Sir Henry what is going on? (100) Sir Henry will have better nerve for whats going to happen.

    64. 3. What do the paintings in the dining room reveal? (103) The paintings reveal that Stapleton is a Baskerville. 4. How is Sir Henry supposed to come home from Stapletons house? (104) He is to walk home across the moor.

    65. 5. What does Laura Lyons reveal about Mr. Stapleton? (106) Stapleton had proposed (marriage) to her. He had frightened her into not saying anything about the letter and the meeting with Sir Charles.

    66. Chapter 14 The Hound of the Baskervilles 1. What problem does the fog cause? (111) They arent able to see the path well. 2. Describe the hound. What does the hounds cry of pain tell the men? (111) It is enormous, coal black and flame seems to burst from its mouth, eyes, muzzle, hackles, and dewlap. The cry of pain tells them that the hound is mortal.

    67. 3. Where and in what condition is Mrs. Stapleton found? (113 114) She is locked in her husbands collection room. He had beaten her. 4. What does Dr. Watson believe happened to Stapleton? (116) Watson believes that Stapleton made a wrong turn in Grimpen Mire and was taken down by the quicksand.

    68. Chapter 15 A Retrospection 1. A month passes before Holmes talks about the Baskerville case again. What does he say about his memory of the case? (117 118) Intense mental concentration had a curious way of blotting out what has passed.

    69. 2. What does Holmes use as a clue that Stapleton was up to no good even when he first went to Devonshire? (118) He took his wife with him, but he told everyone she was his sister. 3. What clue had Holmes kept to himself about the warning letter? (122) He was certain that it was written by a woman, as the letter had the faint smell of white jessamine.

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