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Building Your Personal Brand Can Change Everything in Your Life Well Beyond Social

Building your personal brand is still possible even in a world that's polluted with an infinity of aspirational online and social media influencers. Having influence and building your own personal brand can be -- and often are -- different things entirely.

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Building Your Personal Brand Can Change Everything in Your Life Well Beyond Social

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Building Your Personal Brand Can Change Everything in Your Life Well Beyond Social Building Your Personal Brand Can Change Everything in Your Life Well Beyond Social Hashtag: #gtpb Twitter: @chrisabraham Google+: google.com/+ChrisAbraham Facebook: facebook.com/chrisabraham LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/chrisabraham Slideshare: http://bit.ly/gtpbdeck XCPD-732 Social, Mobile and Search Marketing Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies Professor Shashi Bellamkonda April 7, 2017, 7:30pm

  2.  Principal Consultant  Avid Blogger/Contributor: Your Speaker: Chris Abraham 2 @chrisabraham #gtpb  Principal Consultant  Avid Blogger/Contributor: Your Speaker: Chris Abraham 2 @chrisabraham #gtpb

  3. Personal Branding: A Pound of Flesh Nearest the Heart  Perception is reality people can’t read your mind or your thought bubbles, they only know you via what you write, say, tweet, post and stream (thank god).  Intimacy is the key to connecting there are millions of people blogging, sharing, and posting online – how are you different, how are you better, how are you more brave, how are you more interesting?  You only own your own story I encourage you to give ‘til it hurts, but only your own life story – or your own fiction – is your own. Get the consent of the people around you, always. 3 @chrisabraham # gtpb Personal Branding: A Pound of Flesh Nearest the Heart  Perception is reality people can’t read your mind or your thought bubbles, they only know you via what you write, say, tweet, post and stream (thank god).  Intimacy is the key to connecting there are millions of people blogging, sharing, and posting online – how are you different, how are you better, how are you more brave, how are you more interesting?  You only own your own story I encourage you to give ‘til it hurts, but only your own life story – or your own fiction – is your own. Get the consent of the people around you, always. 3 @chrisabraham # gtpb

  4. You Are Your Content Not Who You Are 4  You don’t need to act people are really interested in connecting to people who inspire them or remind them of themselves  Truth is the best policy because it’s impossible to keep all your lies straight  Your reputation is your reputation building your online reputation effects everything else  There’s typecasting in social media if you start with one persona and then change your character, you might lose your fan base from feelings of betrayal @chrisabraham # gtpb You Are Your Content Not Who You Are 4  You don’t need to act people are really interested in connecting to people who inspire them or remind them of themselves  Truth is the best policy because it’s impossible to keep all your lies straight  Your reputation is your reputation building your online reputation effects everything else  There’s typecasting in social media if you start with one persona and then change your character, you might lose your fan base from feelings of betrayal @chrisabraham # gtpb

  5. @chrisabraham Blog Your Way in the Job You Want 5  Virtual reputation into the real world the majority of all my campaigns and jobs have been the direct result of my online reputation  I blogged my way into Edelman and your next job can come from sharing your strategic and tactical analysis of what’s going on in the world  My expertise came from my words instead of my resume. Resume and pedigree help for sure, but taking the initiative to do your own unpaid analysis, case study, or review (or prove your influence as influencer) curries favor # gtpb @chrisabraham Blog Your Way in the Job You Want 5  Virtual reputation into the real world the majority of all my campaigns and jobs have been the direct result of my online reputation  I blogged my way into Edelman and your next job can come from sharing your strategic and tactical analysis of what’s going on in the world  My expertise came from my words instead of my resume. Resume and pedigree help for sure, but taking the initiative to do your own unpaid analysis, case study, or review (or prove your influence as influencer) curries favor # gtpb

  6. @chrisabraham Always Err on the Side of the Permanence 6  I’m an old SEO fuddy-duddy so I invest my time, energy, and my brand into content that persists and can be discovered via search through algorithm persistence  SnapChat and WhatsApp are ephemeral, either lifespan time-limited or in a walled chat garden  Blogging and Social Media isn’t the only path  YouTuber I am a huge consumer of YouTube and have it connected to my TV via Chromecast. I would love to become a YouTube god – I have a face for radio  Podcaster I am a huge fan of podcasting and would love to host one. I love being a guest. Hugely popular! # gtpb @chrisabraham Always Err on the Side of the Permanence 6  I’m an old SEO fuddy-duddy so I invest my time, energy, and my brand into content that persists and can be discovered via search through algorithm persistence  SnapChat and WhatsApp are ephemeral, either lifespan time-limited or in a walled chat garden  Blogging and Social Media isn’t the only path  YouTuber I am a huge consumer of YouTube and have it connected to my TV via Chromecast. I would love to become a YouTube god – I have a face for radio  Podcaster I am a huge fan of podcasting and would love to host one. I love being a guest. Hugely popular! # gtpb

  7. @chrisabraham Crossposting is Close to Godliness 7  Don’t worry about Google at the end of the day, personal brand is about connecting, engaging, and winning over a community of fans and birds of a feather  After I post onto Biznology I also crosspost to chrisabraham.com, Medium.com, LinkedIn, and even onto Facebook Notes  I make sure all posts crosspost to social no matter what I write, record, video, podcast, or post, I make sure I post once and share everywhere – even on Pinterest.  Whether you do it by hand (recommended) or automagically, make sure you do it – early and then often (for evergreen content – don’t forget! # gtpb @chrisabraham Crossposting is Close to Godliness 7  Don’t worry about Google at the end of the day, personal brand is about connecting, engaging, and winning over a community of fans and birds of a feather  After I post onto Biznology I also crosspost to chrisabraham.com, Medium.com, LinkedIn, and even onto Facebook Notes  I make sure all posts crosspost to social no matter what I write, record, video, podcast, or post, I make sure I post once and share everywhere – even on Pinterest.  Whether you do it by hand (recommended) or automagically, make sure you do it – early and then often (for evergreen content – don’t forget! # gtpb

  8. @chrisabraham Don’t Be Afraid of Buying Some Fanfair 8  The news has been abuzz with bought buzz, views, followers and friends – and it’s all true but it’s the most poorly-kept secret and might even be essential – at least early on  Buying traffic to get the ball rolling is something I recommend to all my clients – and there is little to no discernment as to how you got those numbers  A couple-few hundred dollars paid to FastFollowerz to go from zero to 10,000, 25,000, or 50,000 followers can get your personal brand rolling – then it’s up to you to take it to the next level # gtpb @chrisabraham Don’t Be Afraid of Buying Some Fanfair 8  The news has been abuzz with bought buzz, views, followers and friends – and it’s all true but it’s the most poorly-kept secret and might even be essential – at least early on  Buying traffic to get the ball rolling is something I recommend to all my clients – and there is little to no discernment as to how you got those numbers  A couple-few hundred dollars paid to FastFollowerz to go from zero to 10,000, 25,000, or 50,000 followers can get your personal brand rolling – then it’s up to you to take it to the next level # gtpb

  9. You Blog is Your Headquarters  Social Networks Aren’t Forever no matter what, Facebook and Linkedin and Twitter won’t be Around forever  My favorite social network was first called Utterz. It is no longer.  Your Blog is Your Calling Card when you post to Medium or on LinkedIn or on a corporate blog, copy to your home site as well. It’ll always be there. All brand roads lead to you  Register Your Own Domain and Host Your Own Blog don’t rely on a free service like Medium or Blogspot  I recommend choose WordPress (do as I say) 9 @chrisabraham # gtpb You Blog is Your Headquarters  Social Networks Aren’t Forever no matter what, Facebook and Linkedin and Twitter won’t be Around forever  My favorite social network was first called Utterz. It is no longer.  Your Blog is Your Calling Card when you post to Medium or on LinkedIn or on a corporate blog, copy to your home site as well. It’ll always be there. All brand roads lead to you  Register Your Own Domain and Host Your Own Blog don’t rely on a free service like Medium or Blogspot  I recommend choose WordPress (do as I say) 9 @chrisabraham # gtpb

  10. . Any Questions? 10 @chrisabraham # gtpb

  11. . @chrisabraham Final Words 11 “Hugs not horns” – Chris Abraham “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle” – Philo of Alexandria (or Plato or Ian MacLaren or John Watson) # gtpb

  12. . @chrisabraham This presentation is already up on SlideShare: bit.ly/gtpbdeck Email: chris@gerr.is Mobile: +1 202-352-5051 Twitter: @chrisabraham Google+: google.com/+ChrisAbraham Facebook: facebook.com/chrisabraham LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/chrisabraham Blog: chrisabraham.com/blog Contact Me Any Time # gtpb

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