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DIPHOTON + MET ANALYSIS. Preliminary result made public January 7 Now following through on well-defined set of tasks for the paper. TASKS FOR THE PAPER Monte-Carlo Samples More stats on 1000 event gluino-bino point (one grid point had small stats) Done More SPS8 points if needed

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DIPHOTON + MET ANALYSIS Preliminary result made public January 7 Now following through on well-defined set of tasks for the paper

  2. TASKS FOR THE PAPER Monte-Carlo Samples More stats on 1000 event gluino-bino point (one grid point had small stats) Done More SPS8 points if needed Samples already available found to be adequate Compare Atlfast and Full Sim Found to have same efficiency to within few percent MC samples for bino masses below 50 GeV (25 and 10 GeV) Underway Analysis Switch jet cut to 40 GeV Done Understand low trigger efficiency Traced to a bug in calculating efficiency (did not affect results)

  3. TASKS FOR THE PAPER (CONTINUED) Background Studies Pt dependence of e fake rate None observed for Pt > 50 GeV Estimate H->gg background Done; negligible Re-examine QCD/EW background overlap (EW background with no e fake) Underway Systematics Rethink jet-MET uncertainty Done Include photon ID systematics correlations Underway; almost done Interpretation Re-do with latest analysis cuts and backgrounds (very slight changes); Add SPS8 and wquark-bino interpretation Awaiting above; no problems anticipated

  4. There is absolutely nothing on this slide.

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