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Child Poverty Needs Assessment Toolkit

Child Poverty Needs Assessment Toolkit. Hazel Dobson Child Poverty Unit Sept 2010. ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’. Overview of the presentation. Developing the toolkit Purpose of the toolkit Overview of toolkit Core Offer Contact details.

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Child Poverty Needs Assessment Toolkit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Child PovertyNeeds AssessmentToolkit Hazel Dobson Child Poverty Unit Sept 2010 ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  2. Overview of the presentation • Developing the toolkit • Purpose of the toolkit • Overview of toolkit • Core Offer • Contact details ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  3. Developing the Toolkit • Need to support local areas • Sector led • Action learning sets – real and virtual • Linked to other areas of child poverty work ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  4. Overview of the Toolkit Child poverty needs assessment (CPNA) toolkit • Sections • Poverty in Britain • Why do a Child Poverty Needs Assessment? • Growing up in poverty • Child poverty requires everyone to be involved • Doing the child poverty needs assessment • Agree purpose and priorities ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  5. Overview of the Toolkit Sections continued…… • Establish roles and responsibilities • Gathering the information • Analyse for insights and key messages • Analyse for insights and key messages • Communicating the messages • Collaboration with children and young people, parents and carers • Measuring success ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  6. Related documents Child Poverty fact sheet Suggested timeline for Child Poverty Needs Assessment Methods for engaging with children, young people, parents and carers Drivers of poverty diagram Example of questions for your partners Framework for your needs assessment Alignment between CPNA and other strategies Building blocks guides: CPNA Parents’ views on needs assessment content Types of data for CPNA CPNA: What to think about Child poverty needs assessment toolkit ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  7. Poverty in Britain • Content • Child Poverty Act 2010 • Who is in poverty • Useful links; where to find out more • Related documents • Child Poverty fact sheet ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  8. Why do a Child Poverty Needs Assessment? • Content • Child poverty needs assessment ‘must dos’ • Timescales • Partners • Related documents • Suggested timeline for Child Poverty Needs Assessment (PDF) • Methods for engaging with children, young people, parents and carers ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  9. Growing up in poverty • Content • Drivers of poverty • Consequences • The Child Poverty Act • The cost of Child Poverty • Useful links: where to find out more • Related documents • Drivers of poverty diagram • Child poverty fact sheet ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  10. Child poverty requires everyone to be involved • Related documents • Example of questions for your partners ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  11. Doing the child poverty needs assessment • Content • Suggested CPNA process • What to think about ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  12. Agree purpose and priorities • Content • Agree the population • What to think about • Related documents • Example questions for your partners ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  13. Establish roles and responsibilities • Content • Broad representation • Playing a number of roles • Leadership and governance • What to think about • Useful links: where to find out more ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  14. Gathering the information • Content • The four ‘building blocks’ • What poverty looks like and how are we responding locally • Types of data • Bringing the right data together • What are the gaps we want to fill? • Cost benefit analysis • What to think about • Hints and tips ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  15. Gathering the information • Related documents • Building blocks guides: CPNA • Suggested national, local and other data sources • Types of data for Child Poverty Needs Assessment ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  16. Analyse for insights and key messages • Content • Bringing together all of the information • Identifying the key messages • What to think about ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  17. Communication the messages • Content • Influencing and informing other strategies • What to think about • Communicating the messages • What to think about • Related documents • Framework for your needs assessment • Alignment between CPNA and other strategies ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  18. Collaboration with children, young people, parents and carers • Content • What to think about • 'Useful links: where to find out more • Related documents • Framework for your needs assessment • Parents views on needs assessment content • Methods for engaging with children, young people and parents • The Child Poverty Act 2010 • Knowsley child poverty consultation case ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  19. Measuring success • Contents • How successful was our CPNA • What to think about ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  20. Contacts • The Toolkit http://www.idea.gov.uk/idk/core/page.do?pageId=22025996 • The Child Poverty Website http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/everychildmatters/strategy/parents/childpoverty/childpoverty/ • The Child Poverty Unit contacts.cpu@childpovertyunit.gsi.gov.uk ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  21. Research CPU updates C4EO C4EO LGID C4EO Sector website Data Tool Specialist The Child CPAG active Poverty Unit Gov Child Offices Poverty personalised website Toolkit support Online Resources: C4EO Child Poverty Community of Practice (CoP) Validated Beacons Local Take Up Practice Taskforce Report & Good Practice Materials Examples The Core Offer of Support Child Poverty Unit’s website and CoP RIEPs CWDC Save The Children Child Poverty Pilots NCL ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

  22. Any Questions? ‘Ending child poverty everybody’s business’

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