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key Time : November 26, 2007 FATHERHOOD 2.0. By Lisa Takeuchi Cullen & Lev Grossman

key Time : November 26, 2007 FATHERHOOD 2.0. By Lisa Takeuchi Cullen & Lev Grossman. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: The fathers interviewed in the first paragraph suffer a serious identity crisis. are happy with being like mothers. thank the support given by other women.

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key Time : November 26, 2007 FATHERHOOD 2.0. By Lisa Takeuchi Cullen & Lev Grossman

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  1. key Time : November 26, 2007 FATHERHOOD 2.0. By Lisa Takeuchi Cullen & Lev Grossman • ANSWER THE FOLLOWING MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: • The fathers interviewed in the first paragraph • suffer a serious identity crisis. • are happy with being like mothers. • thank the support given by other women. • find problems to adjust manliness and fatherhood. • 2. In the second paragraph the main idea suggested by the narrator is that • most men weren’t good fathers. • men and women fulfilled different roles. • most men didn’t know how to change a diaper. • men were expectant when their wives were pregnant.

  2. 3. When the writer says “ Today’s Dads plead guilty to all of the above”. He means that dads. (line 14) • stay at home. • are keen on daddy’s blogs. • are more involved in parenting. • spend more time with kids than their moms. 4. According to Aaron Rochlen “masculinity has been traditionally associated with” being…( lines 23-24 ) • bossy and competitive • Successful and famous • authoritarian and energetic • the dominant partner and ambitious 5. According to Aaron Rochlen we can infer that..( lines 25-31 ) • You cannot be a good father without being very masculine • Fathers should get rid of the traditional concept of masculinity. • Fathers who stick to the traditional role have happier children • Fatherhood and masculinity are two compatible qualities in life.

  3. 6. What has been Hollywood’s attitude to this new generation of Daddies? ( lines 33-39 ) • Derisive • Tolerant • Traditional • Sympathetic 7. Which sentence summarises best the content of lines. 40 -44. • Fathers with low levels of masculinity are healthier. • Society is willingly embracing this new concept of fathers. • Most stay-up-home dads are happy but worried as to how they are seen. • Most stay-up-home dads are happy with their new role within the family. 8. Having a father more involved in house chores and parenting ( lines 45- 50 ) • originates new marital quarrels • erases all tensions within the family • reduces the stress of the female partner. • forces mothers to cede their role as a top parent.

  4. 9. How do the narrators make their point in the conclusion? ( 51- 57) • By expressing their views overtly. • By mentioning authorities in the field. • By summarising the main points exposed. • By contrasting the main points of view presented. 10. What is the main topic of this article? • Problems and issues of parents • The implications of the economic crisis • The clash between old roles and new ones • Issues of the fathers of the new millennium 11. How many main voices or points of view does the text present? • 3 ( journalists , mothers & specialists ) • 3 ( journalists, dads & specialists) • 2 ( specialists and fathers ) • 2 (journalists and mothers)

  5. Answerto nº2. Thewholeparragraph shows thatwomen a mendidtwoseparatethings DOES BEING MORE OF A FATHER MAKE YOU less of a man? To a group of committed dads assembled one night in a New Jersey diner, the answer is obvious. Sort of. Paul Haley, 38, a father of two, says women look at him when he walks down the street with his kids. "I think it's admiration," he says. Adam Wolff, also 38-with two kids and one on the way ponders what it means to be a man. "Is my man-ness about being the breadwinner or being a good father to my kids or something else?" But what does it mean, exactly, to be a man these days? Once upon a Darwinian time, a man was the one spearing the woolly mammoth. And it wasn't so long ago that a man was that strong and silent fellow over there at the bar-a hardworking guy in a gray flannel suit or blue-collar work shirt. He sired children, yes, but he drew the line at diapering them. He didn't know what to expect when his wife was expecting, he didn't review bottle warmers on his daddy blog, and he most certainly didn't participate in little-girl tea parties. Today's dads plead guilty to all of the above-so what does that make them? "Men today are far more involved with their families than they have been at virtually any other time in the last century," says Michael Kimmel, author of Manhood in America: A Cultural History. In the late 1970S, sociologists at the University of Michigan found that the average dad spent about a third as much time with his kids as the average mom did. By 2000, that was up to three-fourths. The number of stay-at-home fathers in the U.S. has tripled in the past 10 years. Answerto nº1. Theparentsquestionthemselvestheir role=ponders Answerto 3: Pleadguilty, meansthattheyparticipate in parenting, this idea is re-inforcesbythelinesthatfollows

  6. Answerto 4. In a. “bossy” iswrong. In b. “famous”iswrong. In c. “energetic”iswrong. Theonlyoptionleftis D Fathers' style of parenting has changed too. Men hug their kids more, help with homework more, tell kids they love them more. Or, as sociologist Scott Coltrane of the University of California, Riverside, says, "Fathers are beginning to look more like mothers." Many dads are challenging old definitions of manliness. "Masculinity has traditionally been associated with work and work-related success, with competition, power, prestige, dominance over women, restrictive emotionality-that's a big one," says Aaron Rochlen, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Texas, who studies fatherhood and masculinity. "But a good parent needs to be expressive, patient, emotional, not money oriented." Though many fathers still cleave to the old archetype, Rochlen's study finds that those who don't are happier. Other research shows that fathers who stop being men of the old mold have better-adjusted children, better marriages and better work lives-better physical and mental health, even. "Basically," says Rochlen, "masculinity is bad for you." So are sugar doughnuts and men hate to let go of those too. But how to forge a new idea of manhood for this brave new two-income world? Hollywood hasn't been much help. From Michael Keaton in the 1983 movieMr. Mom to Adam Sandler in Big Daddy (1999) to Eddie Murphy in Daddy Day Care(2003), the sight of a man caught in the act of parenting has been a reliable laugh getter-always a good indicator of what the culture considers uncomfortable material. For every Pursuit of Happyness(2006), there's a movie like this summer's Knocked Up, which plays not so much as a tribute to fatherhood as an effort by men to convince themselves that fatherhood is all right and the movie's happy ending is the least plausible thing about it. Answerto 5. thesumaryis B Answerto 6 . derisemeanscausinglaughter and notmuchrespect

  7. Answerto 7. they are happy and worried Society hasn't made it easy for newly evolved dads to feel manly either. In Rochlen's study of stay-at-home dads, thosewho scored low on measures of traditional masculinity professed higher degrees of happiness in their roles-as well as intheir marriages, with their children and with their health. But even they worried about how the rest of the world viewedtheir choice-with some reason. "There's definitely a stigma out there," says Rochlen. When men take on non traditional roles in the home and family, it also makes a difference to the marriage. Coltrane of UC Riverside and John Gottman at the University of Washington found in separate studies that when men contribute to domestic labor(which is part and parcel of parenting), women interpret it as a sign of caring, experience less stress and are more likely to find themselves in the mood for sex. This is not to say that more involved fathering has erased marital tensions or that it hasn't introduced new ones, as some women resent ceding their role as top parent. Today's fathers aren't the men theirown fathers were. The new fathers are creatinga new ideal of masculinity. "The·emerging and evolving norms of fatherhoodand masculinity challenge men tobe a different kind of guy," says Rochlen."But on the positive side, it gives them new opportunity to embrace and enact these dimensions that are good for them and good for their families." It's even good for their emotional health. Coltrane says fatherhood is proving a "safe pathway" for men to develop and explore their nurturing side. "It's not considered wimpy or gay to hug your daughter," he adds. That's something we can all embrace. Answerto 8. Women are lessstressed Answer to 10. the main topic is the role of the fathers nowadays and their problems so the best answer is d Answer to number 11. Clearly we have following voices. The mothers, the experts, the fathers, and the journalists, therefore the only option is b Answer to 9. The authors of the article quotes experts on the field probably because they don’t want to express their views clearly.

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