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Freshman Level A

Freshman Level A. Spring 2013. This presentation can be downloaded after class if you want to look at it again.

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Freshman Level A

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Freshman Level A Spring 2013

  2. This presentation can be downloaded after class if you want to look at it again. The Class Rules, Class Objectives & Syllabus, and ContactInformation are available on e-Class as MS Word .doc files. You should print these out and read through them later and make sure you understand what is expected of youin this class. There will be a short test later, so listen and watch carefully.

  3. My name isCaleb J. Cook. You can call meCaleborProfessor. In Korean, my name is캘렙.

  4. Some Things About Me

  5. I have lived in Korea for more than ten years. I have lived in Daegu and Seoul. Now I live in Gyeongju. I live in a hanok in Seonggeon-dong that my wife and I bought last summer. My wife is very private and doesn’t like to have her picture taken. She doesn’t even have a Facebook or Twitter account! I have two dogs and they love to have their picture taken.

  6. These are my dogs, Mari (left) and Noodle (right). Mari is a Korean dog. Noodle is a Chinese dog. They are both two years old.

  7. If you need help with this class or have a question, you can find me in Office 4 on Thursdays between 13.00 – 15.00. You can email me. My email address is: x@calebjcook.com You can use your smartphone. My Kakao ID is: calebjcook My phone is always with me, so the best way to contact me is by using Kakao Talk.

  8. Class Details

  9. Attendance 10% of Grade

  10. Attendance will be taken for all 16 classes, even Exam days. You must come to each class. If you miss a class, you need to do make up work to earn your points.It is your responsibility to make up missing classes. Read and be aware of the official university attendance policy: 공식적 결석 사유인정 사항(출석 인정되는 경우): 입원(단순 질병의 진료확인서는 출석이 인정되지 않음), 부모나 조부모 상일 경우 병원에서 진단서 등 증명서를 제출해야함. 학교의 행사(답사, 학술대회 등)와 관련해서는 학과장이 교양교육원 사무실이나담당교수에게 직접 이메일이나 전화로 연락할 경우 이 경우 이외의 사유서는 인정 안됨. Students who are absent from class are responsible for the assignments given during those missed classes. (This includes homework.)

  11. Participation 20% of Grade

  12. You must speak up and take part in the activities and discussions! Participation will be graded in every class except Exam days. All students begin the semester with 100% participation points. It is your responsibility to maintain that score. You can lose participation points if you: - do not participate during activities - do not bring your class materials (including Activities) - are rude or disrespectful to others in the class - are repeatedly late for class You can receive bonus participation points for: + outstanding effort during class + extra credit work

  13. Homework15% of Grade

  14. There will be ten (10) homework assignments for this class. One homework assignment is 1.50% of your total grade. All homework assignments must be hand written. I will not accept typed homework. I may give one or two (1-2) assignments and ask you to type them out, but these are the only exceptions! All homework must be turned in on time to receive full credit. Homework turned in more three (3) days late is only worth half of the original points.

  15. You must read and follow the directions for each homework assignment. If you do not follow the directions, you will get minus points for the assignment.If you have a problem with how to do the assignment, contact me! If you know you are going to miss a class, give me your email so I may send you the assignment. If you are absent, email me and I will send you the assignment. Bringthe homework with you when you return to class.

  16. Quizzes15% of Grade

  17. There will be four (4) quizzes in the semester. One quiz is 3.75% of your total grade. Each quiz will be a review of the previous Unit. I will tell what you should study before each quiz. Please study. If you need extra help or have questions, tell me so I can help you!

  18. Exams40% of Grade

  19. The Midterm Exam is 15% of your total grade. The Final Exam is 25% of your total grade. If you get 50% on your Midterm and 50% on your Final, 20% of your total Exam grade will be lost! To do well on the exams, you need to: practice a lot—study every day. participate in class as much as possible. We will practice before each exam. We will also review the Midterm Exam and how to do better on the Final Exam. More help is available if you need it (just ask!).

  20. Grading & Extra CreditHow to get an A+, A, B+, or B

  21. There is a limited number of A+, A0, B+, and B0 grades. These grades are given to the students who have 80.01% or higher of all five grading categories (participation, attendance, homework, quizzes, and exams) combined. Students who have 80.01% or higher get A+, A, B+, and B grade based on rank. A student’s rank is decided by their total percentage points. The students with top rank get the A’s and the students with bottom rank get the B’s. Students who have 80.00% or lower get C+, C0, D+, or D0 grades. Students below 60.00% will receive an F. If you miss four (4) classes, you will receive an F.

  22. For example: AT= Attendance PP= Participation HM= Homework QZ= Quizzes MEx= Midterm Exam FEx= Final Exam

  23. At the end of each month, if your current grade is at or below 80.00%, I will give you a chance to do extra credit assignments. If your grade is at or above 80.01%, you can earn Extra Credit by volunteering, helping other students, doing a demo, or finishing other little assignments during the semester. I want all my students to do well in class and get an A or a B grade.

  24. Phones, Bathrooms, Break Time

  25. Phones A smartphone can be a very useful tool for a ESL student.You may use your phone to assist you in understanding or preparing for an activity or discussion in this class. You may not: distract others in the class with your phone. play games or do something unrelated to the class (e.g. chatting). answer or make phone calls (please wait until after class has finished) If you do use a smartphone, I will check your participation—so be ready to speak!

  26. Bathroom If you need to go, just ask me. You only have to wait if another student is already in the bathroom. Break Time This class will move quickly and we will do a lot. Break time will be at the end of the class.

  27. Class Objectives

  28. Grammatical Objectives Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Past Continuous Structural Objectives Adverbs of Frequency Time Expressions WH Questions When / While Irregular Verbs

  29. Functional Objectives • To discuss daily routines, habits, and leisure activities •To talk about ongoing actions and what people are doing now • To discuss various things we’ve done in the past • To discuss various things we’ve done for a length of time in the past • To discuss and explain past experiences (what we’ve done with specific details) • To discuss the recent past, or things we’ve done for some length of time (with specific details) • To discuss the immediate future (tonight)

  30. Strategic Objectives • To move a conversation from greeting, to small talk, to a starting question to initiate a conversation about a specific topic, to be able to follow and transition that topic to a new one, to give a reason to say goodbye, and finally to say goodbye and end the conversation. • To sustain conversation using follow up questions and follow up responses through active listening. • To show interest, surprise, or expressive responses appropriate to the conversation which demonstrate active listening to the speaker

  31. Syllabus

  32. March

  33. April

  34. May

  35. June

  36. Following Directions

  37. For Example This is an Extra Credit assignment from last year: Assignment: watch The Adventures of Tintin and write 300 words in the Simple Presentand Present Continuous about what the main character does. This Extra Credit assignment was worth an 5.00%. This is enough to cover one (1) missed class and a quiz.

  38. Asking for Help

  39. If you are not absolutely sure about something, contact me. If you guess on your Homework or Extra Credit work and it is wrong, you will lose points. Your job is to ask me when you need help. My job is to help you.

  40. Questions?

  41. Test Time!

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