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Social security statistics: beyond registration

Social security statistics: beyond registration. F.P. Pijpers Team Social Security Demographic and Socio-economic statistics. What are the foundations on the basis of which benefits statistics are published?.

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Social security statistics: beyond registration

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  1. Social security statistics:beyond registration F.P. Pijpers Team Social Security Demographic and Socio-economic statistics

  2. What are the foundations on the basis of which benefits statistics are published? • Information extractedfrom (council) registers with a minimalamount of processing or • Information that is furtherprocessedandcorrected, taking account of in particularadministrativedelays but alsootherimperfections. the “registration concept” the “transaction concept” Publications concepts

  3. The first steps: data collection • Reporting institutions have a register consisting of a number of variables: personal characteristics / benefits characteristics • A subset of these variables is copiedfrom the register into a ‘small dataset’ • The ‘small dataset’ is uploadedto the secure data ingestion portal of Statistics Netherlands • Statistics Netherlands immediately subjects the data tovariousquality control filters Publications concepts

  4. Registration concept publications • Tables of aggregated data are filled directly from the register with the numbers/totals with which each of the various possible values appear, for each of the publication variables. • The tables are published Publications concepts

  5. Transaction concept publications • After receipt of register data for epoch t, the actual publication is suspended until data for at least one subsequent epoch has also been received (minimally t+1). • All mutations that ought to already have been recorded for epoch t, but only appear in extracts received at t+1 (or later) are used to correct the numbers for epoch t. • Records which show a particular benefit entitlement but for which no payment has been effectuated, neither in that epoch nor in the epochs immediately before or after, can be removed from the counts. Publications concepts

  6. What is the necessary / sufficient number of epochs to wait? This depends on the intended use of the data • For Statline (monthly) publicationsandothercommissionedtables : twoepochssuffices BUT this is a compromisebetweenspeedypublication vs. accuracy • Additionalresource: development of estimation / extrapolationmethodwhichuses the data that is alreadyavailable (independentlyverifiedbymethodological team) • Definitivenumbersappear on Statline twomonths later (SocialStatistics Database provisionalcomponents) Publications concepts

  7. Example: Total numbers of welfare benefits (WWB), normalised to the annual average. Above: 2007Below: 2009 Publications concepts

  8. Does this affect external researchers? No Statistics Netherlands provides data extracted from the SSD. It is already the case that individual records are corrected for 6 months delayed information, across a wide range of data collections: micro-integration. YES The new transaction concept differs slightly from an existing method to produce the statistics “persons in receipt of social security benefits”. Those statistics will be brought into concordance with the new concept. Publications concepts

  9. Questions? Publications concepts

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