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  2. A CHANGE OF SCENERY IN THE MODERN WORLD Building a home from a shipping container?? Is that even possible and how good would that turn out to be? These are some of the questions that could cross the minds of many but then dare yourself by asking - why not? Nothing is impossible in today’s information age. There are numerous avenues available out there where one has the opportunity to obtain tons of information, so building a container home is not an impossible task as one might conjure it to be. With the right information, skills and contacts at hand anyone who has the dream to build one can translate it to reality. It only requires the right action plan and grit for it to materialize. WHY THE NEED FOR CONTAINER HOMES NOW MORE THAN EVER? Over the last decade we saw a huge demographic preference towards container homes and one has to wonder why this is so. There could be diverse reasons behind it but here are some known facts that could support the popular rise for the unconventional homes especially in this era; Affordability - Common factor of concern among many especially the younger generation. According to a recent research published by the IMF, its findings show that the global housing price index has been steadily soaring over the years with no sight of decline any time soon. This applies to rents as well. It’s no wonder that when it comes to home ownership the popular choice among the general population tends to lean towards inexpensive ones such as container homes. No matter what your budget is and whether it’s for a new or a secondhand container, it’s definitely the most cost effective compared to any other residential put together. Think about it; rather than being saddled with a huge mortgage tied to years of repayment that could easily take up 15 to 30 years of your life and not forgetting the unpredictability in the fluctuation of interest rates and added principle thrown into the equation, it could kill the joy and demotivate anyone concerned. Also, it serves as an added burden and worrisome especially in this time of economic uncertainty. So ditch the conventional method of home ownership and aim for the alternative of having the luxury of owning a home that would not “break the bank” and save precious time in the process. Guide To Owning Your Own Container Home Click Here for Step-By-Step Plans To Design And Build A Container Home From Scratch 1 | P a g e

  3. Timer Saver - Shipping containers are literally available at your fingertips and you don’t have to wait for months or years to own them. For example, concern relating to issue such as sourcing for building materials is no source of worries due to the abundance of availability. Also it does not take decades to design, customize and construct according to one’s taste and preference unlike the conventional properties. For those who choose the easy way out of ordering one straight from the catalog it’s even simpler and easier. The delivery could take within 10 weeks or less depending on the circumstances. Talk about efficiency and speed of delivery! Environmental Friendly - For those who fret and are concerned about the irreversible damages done to Mother Earth; do not fear. By opting to own a container home not only are you sending a strong signal to your counterparts that you are serious about playing a part in saving the environment but also your action could set as an example to others on what really matters. And that could be reducing or halting un-necessary wastages, incorporating green ideas such as solar panels that could be gentle on the environment and a moderate living that could reduce carbon footprints. Just imagine the pathways you are opening up for others as an exemplary individual(s) by your very actions. What a game changer that is! Other Factors - It’s unique, out of the ordinary, grabs attention, easy to maintain, cost effective over the long run and has the durability to withstand even extreme weathers. And another important element worth mentioning; it’sportable in a sense that if it’s not bolted to the ground it’s movable either around the country or worldwide. This is extremely beneficial to those who are always on the move and do not wish to be tied down to one location. And the advantages extend to other numerous factors as well. Now that we have looked into the many reasons as to why owning a container home trumps other predominant methods of home ownership, those who wish to build, design and own one might ask what steps are required for it to become a reality. Remember time and money are essential factors to the process therefore it’s imperative that you get the steps right. So let’s look into some of the important aspects that are crucial to the case. Guide To Owning Your Own Container Home Click Here for Step-By-Step Plans To Design And Build A Container Home From Scratch 2 | P a g e

  4. WHERE DO I EVEN START? WHAT SHOULD I DO? If you are reading on, Congratulations! The desire to own a container home is definitely resounding with you. Having decided that this is the best option for you, there are certain aspects that you need to be mindful of in the hope of owning your dream container home. Ensure you have the following steps grounded in your checklist and blueprint for a hassle free experience and to avoid unnecessary complications along the way; 1.Budget. In any aspect of the planning and decision process, first and foremost decide on the budget. This is crucial of not going overboard and staying true to what you can afford and be comfortable with. Shop around, get experts advice and do tons of research. This is prerequisite in determining what you want and what will suit you best in the long haul financially. Cost of a container ranges anywhere from $2,000 (used) up to $200,000 or more (for large, multiple containers). Therefore the versatility of choices when it comes to container ownership is aplenty both in terms of finances and of other agents such as the quantity and sizes based on one’s budget without any prejudice. 2.Permit. Wherever you maybe always ensure that permit/ approval is obtained well ahead before any decision of purchasing or construction being undertaken. Do check with the local council first as you definitely do not want to go against any laws that may have certain prohibition or restrictions regarding the ownership of container homes in the first place. 3.Location. Determine the settings and surrounding as to where this container is to be situated. Do consider the size, weight and width of the container concerned to prevent any unexpected surprises of fittings. If you are having the container delivered ensure it’s done by an expert with years of experience and that they have the proper mechanism in place to have it delivered regardless of the size and weightage. Undertake some research on the insurance coverage as well for protection against any unexpected events should it arises to minimize unnecessary expenses from occurring that could put a dent in your pocket. This is especially so if it involves exporting to another region or country. Guide To Owning Your Own Container Home Click Here for Step-By-Step Plans To Design And Build A Container Home From Scratch 3 | P a g e

  5. 4.Design and engineer a masterpiece. This is where the fun starts. Explore layouts, design tips, employ 3D graphics, pictures and diagrams and much more to get the perfect outlook you had envisioned for your new home. If you have the extra allocation you can definitely engage a skilled engineer/ plumber to get the fixtures and fittings done especially those concerning electrical layout, plumbing and installation plans. Otherwise fret not. In today’s digital world there is literally tons of DIY information out there for you to become a handyman yourself within fraction of the cost required. Whatever your means are there are boundless opportunities for almost anyone to own their dream container home suited to their budget, preferences and taste. 5.Inspection. Once everything is in place to your heart’s desire it’s time to get the Inspector in for a checkup and to obtain final approval. Do ensure that everything is in order and that any final alteration that needs to be done is finalized at this stage. 6.Decorating your future home. After all the hard work now comes the exciting stage of going wild with your imagination. Painting, furniture and accessories are to be decided and put in order and executed to your likings. Make your dream home a sanctuary that you longed for. Get inspirations and scout for deals from magazines, internet, and garage sales. Again there’s no need to spend tons of money to create an environment of harmony and beauty. 7. Move In. Well done! After all the hard work sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Your home is finally ready and it’s time to create beautiful memories together with your loved ones in one of a kind; custom- designed home for years to come. Guide To Owning Your Own Container Home Click Here for Step-By-Step Plans To Design And Build A Container Home From Scratch 4 | P a g e

  6. IN CONCLUSION Containers are fast becoming a popular method of home ownership due to its multiple functionality and affordability and it’s easy to predict that there is going to be a dramatic exponential growth surrounding it in the near future. The change in demographics, family size and generational preference demands for it and one can truly say the future for container homes are looking brighter by the day. Container homes can also be the solution to the housing crisis that we are witnessing worldwide. It’s basic and provides hassle free experience for the most part. Plus it’s a great conversation starter! Container homes are not meant for the faint hearted due to the sheer work involved but for those who have dreams of owning an affordable, unique and one of a kind shack, the experience can be very much rewarding and satisfying. With all the benefits and advantages we have discovered so far, it’s safe to say that container homes are going to shape the future housing industry. Now some questions worth pondering and asking one-self; Do I want to miss this golden opportunity? Am I up for the challenge but also enjoy the perks that come with it over the long run? If the answer to the latter is a “Yes”, explore the options even more before taking the plunge to owning your own container home. Familiarize yourself on the dos and don’ts and the good and bad. You will discover in your journey that the advantages of owning a container home beat the odds most of the time. Armed with the knowledge gained, make the smart move and reap the benefits for years to come. You won’t regret it. The choice is yours to make. Guide To Owning Your Own Container Home Click Here for Step-By-Step Plans To Design And Build A Container Home From Scratch 5 | P a g e

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