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Working Well!

Working Well!. Library Settings. Healthy Body @ Work. Objectives To increase body awareness. To understand the meaning of and link between body mechanics and ergonomics . To learn simple tips for healthy workstation and work routines.

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Working Well!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Working Well! Library Settings

  2. Healthy Body @ Work • Objectives • To increase body awareness. • To understand the meaning of and link between body mechanics and ergonomics. • To learn simple tips for healthy workstation and work routines. • To learn and practice simple exercises to stay strong and limber at work.

  3. Why Ergonomics? Prevention is Important • Employee wellness is important. They are their organizations most important commodity. • Ergonomics helps people maintain a healthy and safe workplace and home life. • Musculoskeletal ailments are commonly in the top 3rd most common cause of disability absence. • Practicing ergonomics helps prevent musculoskeletal ailments, and can assist employees in need.

  4. Ergonomics defined er·go·nom·ics (ûr g -n m ks) n. “ergon” = work “nomoi” = natural laws In the workplace…ergonomics is the process of adjusting/designing your environment to encourage good body mechanics.

  5. Ergonomic Hazards in a Library • Working in a library requires numerous manual handling tasks that involve ergonomic risk factors, such as shelving books and maneuvering book carts. These taks can put stress on the back, shoulders, arms, hand,s and wrists and can increase the risk of repetitive stress injuries. Examples include: • Weight of Books - Handling books that vary in both size and weight • Reaching and Bending - Pulling or replacing books on different shelve heights

  6. Ergonomic Hazards in a Library • High Tasks Repetition Rate - Doing the same task over an extended period of time, such as continually placing books on the shelves • Awkward Wrist, Hand, and Arm Postures - Grasping the book incorrectly or by pushing/pulling carts • Lifting or Pushing Heavy Items. Putting stress on the arm, shoulder, and back muscles. In order to reduce the potential for injury one or more of the risk factors should be reduced or eliminated. There are many ways we can adjust our work habits to maintain sound ergonomic principles.

  7. Possible Indicators you may need help… Indicators that you may be experiencing a WMSD include some of the following signs and symptoms: • Tightness, discomfort, stiffness, soreness, or burning in the hands, wrists, fingers, forearms, or elbows • Tingling, coldness, or numbness in any of the joints • Clumsiness or loss of strength and coordination in the hands

  8. Possible Indicators you may need help… • Pain that wakes you up at night • Pain that does not go away after an extended time away from work such as a weekend • Feeling a need to massage your hands, wrists, and arms • Pain in the upper back, shoulders, or neck associated with using the computer

  9. Body Mechanics defined • The act of maintaining proper position during movement. • While standing or seated. • Increased body awareness is necessary for proper positioning. • Constant or repeated small stresses over time can cause faulty body mechanics

  10. Risk in the Routine • From waking to working… when are you at risk?

  11. Everyone is Unique!

  12. Essentials to Good Body Mechanics • Proper posture and body position. • Proper carrying/lifting & push/pull techniques. • Altering habits, position, environment to provide safe working area.

  13. Take care of your “equipment” first

  14. Proper Posture Requirements • Flexibility. • Normal joint motion. • Strong postural muscles. • Muscle balance. • Awareness of your own posture. Practice It!!

  15. Move regularly!!

  16. Correct Standing Posture Maintaining the “S” curve

  17. Correct Seated Posture • What about laptops?

  18. Optimal Working Space

  19. Working in the Bookshelves X

  20. Shelving books X

  21. Shelving Books X

  22. Safe shelving X

  23. Safe shelving X

  24. Lifting and Carrying

  25. Keeping it “LITE” Load – what is the object like Individual – you, are you set/able Task – are all tools available and ready Environment – lighting, floor integrity, housekeeping

  26. Moving Carts X

  27. Now real life… What are all the hazards?

  28. Real life… What are all the hazards?

  29. Stretch breaks!!!

  30. Stretches • Hold each stretch for two deep breaths • Do not force the stretch, it should feel good

  31. Stretches - hands

  32. Stretches – wrist and forearm

  33. Stretches – wrist and forearm

  34. Stretches – shoulder/neck • Roll shoulders forward and back, • Squeeze shoulders to ears

  35. Stretches - neck

  36. Stretches – upper back/trunk

  37. Stretches – low back and buttock

  38. Stretches - chest

  39. Stretches - ankles

  40. Eyes • Look to a further distance than computer monitor • Remember to blink eyes, when working • Adjust contrast of monitor to your own comfort

  41. Wellness • Drink water, or other healthy liquids frequently – 13 cups per day for men, 9 cups per day for women • Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic drinks • Increase fluid with exercise • Adjust seating throughout the day • Use a light touch on the keyboard • Follow these principles at home/home office • Consider the Flu Shot • Manage your stress

  42. Relaxation • Deep breathing, focus on exhalation • Meditate – recite a positive phrase repeatedly • Stretch • Tennis ball back scratch • laugh • Keeping a done list… encourages reflection and awareness of the how’s and why’s of where you are, yielding patience and perspective, better ability to plan, and a clearer picture of where you stand.

  43. Relaxation • Go for a walk • Be grateful – reflect on what you are grateful for • Listen to music of your preference • Take 5 minutes and focus on only one behavior with awareness

  44. THANK YOU!! And a HUGE thank you to my models – Mary Chisholm and Alysson Webb

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