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PTE English Speaking Part Questions And Common Mistakes

In this blog, we will discuss the PTE English speaking part questions and common mistakes students make while answering these questions.

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PTE English Speaking Part Questions And Common Mistakes

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  1. PTE English Speaking Part Questions And Common Mistakes

  2. PTE exam is a computer-based test known as The Pearson Test of English. PTE is used to test the English knowledge of non-native speakers who are interested in applying to universities/colleges in English-speaking countries.  • PTE is divided into three versions.  • PTE General • PTE Academic • PTE Young Learners. • In this blog, we will discuss the PTE English speaking part, but before that let’s discuss who is eligible for the PTE exam.

  3. Who Are Eligible For PTE Exam? • Students who have crossed 16 years can apply for the PTE exam. The official PTE website didn’t release any upper age limit for students.  • But the students between 16-18 should submit a parental consent form in advance and this form is always available on PTE official site. You can download that from there. • PTE Exam Parts • The PTE exam has three parts. • 1. speaking & writing • 2. Reading • 3. Listening These are the three parts of the PTE exam. Each session has its own evaluation time. Each session appears with a different types of questions to test your knowledge. Let us discuss the PTE speaking part in depth in this article.

  4. PTE English Speaking Part Question Types And Common Mistakes • The PTE English speaking part was approximately 54-67 minutes. This speaking part has 5 different types of question sets.  • Your speaking accent and fluency were tested with these 5 different types of questions. But do you know what are the five categories of questions asked in PTE speaking?  • Here are the 5 different types of questions in the PTE English speaking test: • Read aloud • 2. Repeat the sentence • 3. Describe the image • 4. Retell the lecture • 5. Answer short questions

  5. Self-Introduction • This is the beginning of the session. This session allows you to introduce yourself. But note that this session has no points.  • This session just lets you introduce yourself to the institute you selected. This session will begin after the countdown appears on the screen.  • You have 25 seconds of preparation time. After the preparation time, you will hear a beep sound. you can start introducing yourself and have to complete your introduction before the progress bar reaches the end.  • And you can be checking whether it is recording or not by the word recording blinking on the screen. Once you finished your introduction the ‘recording’ will turn into ‘completed’.

  6. Common mistakes in self-introduction • Start speaking after the beep sound or the recording symbol appears on the screen. You only have half a minute to record and Don’t rush your words.  • Speak Calmly because it is your first impression and that should look clear. You have only one chance to introduce yourself. so prepare yourself before taking a recording.

  7. Read Aloud • Your actual examination session starts here. This session wants you to read the texts appearing on the screen. • You have 30-40 minutes to prepare yourself. You will have a paragraph-type question. you have to read the paragraph aloud without any accents or pronunciation mistakes.  • You will hear a beep sound after the preparation time ends. At that time you have to start and you need to finish before the progress bar reaches the end and the progress bar is always running on the screen. • Common mistakes in read aloud • This session’s name is read aloud. According to that, you have to read the texts clearly and loudly to the institute examiner.  • If you are struggling with any words don’t read them fast just hold on a few seconds and read them confidently. 

  8. Repeat Sentence • This session wants you to repeat the audio clip that appears on the screen. The audio clip starts playing automatically without any intimation or beep sound.  • Once the audio clip ends the microphone will be on and you need to repeat the words that you hear from the audio clip. • Common mistakes in read aloud • Most of people make common mistakes in this session. Because they didn’t know whether the microphone was turned on or not.  • Once the audio clip ended the microphone automatically turned on. At that time your recording will start.  • Don’t confuse yourself with whether to record or not. If it is recording you should see the recording symbol on the screen. 

  9. Describe Image • This session wants you to describe the image that appears on the screen. you will have 25 seconds time to look through the image.  • After 25 seconds, you will hear a low tone or a beep sound. At the time of the beep sound your gazing time gets over and your recording time will start automatically. you have to describe all the data present in the picture. • Common mistakes in describe image • Most of the people concentrated on covering all the data present in the picture instead of fluency in speaking. Don’t make these kinds of mistakes. Language frequency is more important than covering all the data. Speak calmly and try to describe the image at the level of your knowledge. Do not forget that there is no intimation before the microphone is turned on you will hear a beep sound and after that, the microphone automatically gets turned on.

  10. Retell Lecture • In this session, audio accompanied by images will play. Just watch the lecture. You will have 10 seconds of preparation time after the lecture gets over. then you will hear a beep sound immediately when the preparation time gets over. • Common mistakes in retell lecture • Speak in your own words. Don’t mug up the content and repeat. You can speak Whatever you understand in the lecture. Just imagine it is your class and you are taking the lecture. • Answer The Question • In this session, you have to answer one or a few questions appearing on the screen. These questions moreover about your day-to-day activities. 

  11. An audio clip or an audio clip with an image shown on the screen. Once the clip gets over the microphone is automatically turned on and you have to speak immediately.  • You will not hear any beep sound once the clip gets over and there is no preparation time. These clips will play one by one without any interval time. • Common mistakes in answer the question • Give lengthy answers. Don’t shorten your words. Don’t use words like hmmm…grrr.. . These kinds of words may spoil your fluency and may create a bad impression.  • Speak slowly and steadily in your own accent. Frequently should check whether the microphone is turned on or not.

  12. Conclusion • In this blog, we have discussed the PTE English speaking part questions and common mistakes students make in those questions. • If you are one of those students who feel difficult to solve these questions then you can use our online exam preparation help. • We hope we have cleared all your queries about PTE English speaking part. For more content like this, keep visiting CourseMentor™.

  13. Thank You If you want to read more interesting content like this you can visit to our website @https://coursementor.com/blog/

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