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Simple Programming Part 2 SECTION 8

Simple Programming Part 2 SECTION 8. CURSORS and TRIGGERS. Cursors. An extremely important programming construct . . Stands for: “Current set of records” It allows you to take a subset of data and output the information in various ways. CURSOR Commands: The OPEN command

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Simple Programming Part 2 SECTION 8

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  1. Simple Programming Part 2SECTION 8 CURSORS and TRIGGERS

  2. Cursors • An extremely important programming construct . • Stands for: • “Current set of records” • It allows you to take a subset of data and output the information in various ways.

  3. CURSOR Commands: • The OPEN command • Opens the cursor for use • The FETCH command • Retrieves a specific row from a cursor • The CLOSE command • Closes an open cursor • The DEALLOCATE command • Removes the cursor

  4. Cursor Declaration • Declared in the following manner: • Declare variables to hold the output from the cursor. • Declare the cursor object. • Assign the query to the cursor. • Open the cursor and fetch the first row • Loop until there are no more results. In the loop print out the Customer Number and the Customer Last Name from the result set and fetch the net • Close the cursor. • Deallocate the cursor to free up any memory or open result sets.

  5. The CUSTOMER Table

  6. The following uses a CURSOR from the CUSTOMER table • Declare variables to hold the output from the cursor. DECLARE @CustomerNumber as numeric; DECLARE @CustomerName as nvarchar(20); • Declare the cursor object. DECLARE @customer_cursor as CURSOR; • Assign the query to the cursor. SET @customer_cursor = CURSOR FOR SELECT CustomerNUmber, CustomerName FROM CUSTOMER; • Open the cursor and fetch the fiurst row OPEN @customer_cursor; FETCH NEXT FROM @customer_cursor INTO @CustomerNumber, @CustomerName; • Loop until there are no more results. In the loop print out the Customer Number and the Customer Last Name from the result set and fetch the net row WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT cast(@CustomerNumber as VARCHAR (50)) + ' ' + @CustomerName; FETCH NEXT FROM @customer_cursor INTO @CustomerNumber, @CustomerName; END • Close the cursor. CLOSE @customer_cursor; • Deallocate the cursor to free up any memory or open result sets. DEALLOCATE @customer_cursor;

  7. What is in the cursor?

  8. The following uses CONCAT using a CURSOR for CUSTOMER DECLARE @Customer as nvarchar(30); DECLARE @customer_cursor as CURSOR; SET @customer_cursor = CURSOR FOR SELECT CONCAT(CustomerNumber,’ - ‘, CustomerName) FROM CUSTOMER; OPEN @customer_cursor; FETCH NEXT FROM @customer_cursor INTO @Customer WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT @Customer FETCH NEXT FROM @customer_cursor INTO @Customer END CLOSE @customer_cursor; DEALLOCATE @customer_cursor;

  9. Notice the dash mark ‘ - ‘ Notice the dash mark ‘ - ‘

  10. The Chinese Zodiac Procedure using a cursor The CHINESE_ZODIAC table will be the basis of the cursor, zodiac_cursor

  11. CREATE PROCEDURE Chinese_Zodiac_Proc05 (@birthyear NUMERIC) --This procedure deals with birth years and the Chinese Zodiac AS DECLARE @BD NUMERIC(5), @X NUMERIC(10,6), @Y NUMERIC(4), @Z NUMERIC(2), @Number NUMERIC = 0, @ZodiacSign nVARCHAR(10), @zodiac_cursor as CURSOR SET @zodiac_cursor = CURSOR FOR select * from chinese_zodiac BEGIN SET @BD = @birthyear --The following deals with BCE years. There is no year 0 IF @birthyear = 0 BEGIN SET @birthyear = 1 PRINT 'Year 0 is not a vaild year. It should be year 1.' END IF @BD <1 SET @BD = @BD +1 SET @X = @BD/12 SET @Y = @BD/12 --The following reduces @Y by 1 when SQL Server rounds up a number to the next highest number. IF @Y > @X SET @Y = @Y-1 SET @Z = (@X - @Y)*12 END OPEN @zodiac_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM @zodiac_cursor INTO @Number, @ZodiacSign WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 and @Z <> @Number FETCH NEXT FROM @zodiac_cursor INTO @Number,@ZodiacSign PRINT CAST(@birthyear as nVARCHAR(20)) + ' ' + @ZodiacSign PRINT '*****' CLOSE @zodiac_cursor DEALLOCATE @zodiac_cursor

  12. WHERE CURRENT OF • Syntax: WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name;

  13. Want to change Customer Number 5155 to 5156

  14. WHERE CURRENT OF: When you use SQL you can update the current row by using an UPDATE statement that includes a WHERE CURRENT OF clause. Changes made with this clause affect only the row on which the cursor is positioned. When a cursor is based on a join, only the table_name specified in the UPDATE statement is modified. Other tables participating in the cursor are not affected.

  15. The previous example only changed on line of the table • Where CustomerNumber = 5155 • To change multiple rows we need to loop through the table and change each row, one at a time. • Need to use @@FETCH_STATUS • Returns the status of the last cursor FETCH statement issued against any cursor currently opened • Also use a loop with BEGIN …FETCH….END • WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 • This means that while the fetch statement is successful • Then do the next line in the procedure

  16. Change multiple rows:

  17. MORE COMPLEX PROCEDURE CREATE TABLE AlphaLtd_purchase (ProductName nVARCHAR(25), Salesperson nVARCHAR(3), PurchaseDate DATETIME2, Quantity NUMERIC(4,2)) CREATE TABLE AlphaLtd_product (ProductName nVARCHAR(25) PRIMARY KEY, ProductPrice NUMERIC(4,2), QuantityOnHand NUMERIC(5,0), LastStockDate DATETIME2) INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_product VALUES ('Small Widget',99,1,'2014-01-15'); INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_product VALUES ('Medium Wodget',75,1000,'2013-01-15'); INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_product VALUES ('Chrome Phoobar',50,100,'2014-01-15'); INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_product VALUES ('Round Chrome Snaphoo',25,10000, null); INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_product VALUES ('Extra Huge Mega Phoobar +',9.95,1234,'2015-01-15'); INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_product VALUES ('Square Zinculator',45,1,'2013-12-31'); INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_product VALUES ('Anodized Framifier',49,5, NULL); INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_product VALUES ('Red Snaphoo',1.95,10,'2012-12-31'); INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_product VALUES ('Blue Snaphoo',1.95,10,'2012-12-30'); INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_purchase VALUES ('Small Widget','CA','2014-07-14',1); INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_purchase VALUES ('Medium Wodget','BB','2014-07-14',75); INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_purchase VALUES ('Chrome Phoobar','GA','2014-07-14',2); INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_purchase VALUES ('Small Widget','GA','2014-07-15',8); INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_purchase VALUES ('Medium Wodget','LB','2014-07-15',20); INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_purchase VALUES ('Round Chrome Snaphoo','CA','2014-07-16',5); INSERT INTO AlphaLtd_purchase VALUES ('Small Widget','CA','2014-07-17',1); THE CURSOR SELECT pur.Salesperson, pur.Quantity, prod.ProductPrice FROM AlphaLtd_purchase pur, AlphaLtd_product prod WHERE pur.ProductName = prod.ProductName ORDER BY Salesperson

  18. DECLARE @NewSalesperson nVARCHAR(3),@OldSalesperson nVARCHAR(3)='xxx', @QuantitySold NUMERIC(3),@ProductPrice NUMERIC(4),@TotalSale NUMERIC(6)=0,@Rate NUMERIC(3)=2 DECLARE @commission_cur as CURSOR SET @commission_cur = CURSOR FOR SELECT pur.Salesperson, pur.Quantity, prod.ProductPrice FROM AlphaLtd_purchase pur, AlphaLtd_product prod WHERE pur.ProductName=prod.ProductName ORDER BY Salesperson OPEN @commission_cur FETCH NEXT FROM @commission_cur INTO @NewSalesperson,@QuantitySold,@ProductPrice PRINT '*' WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF @OldSalesperson = 'xxx' --This statement only deals with the first record when @oldSalesperson = 'xxx' BEGIN SET @TotalSale = @TotalSale + (@QuantitySold * @ProductPrice) SET @oldSalesperson = @NewSalesperson FETCH NEXT FROM @commission_cur INTO @NewSalesperson,@QuantitySold,@ProductPrice END IF @OldSalesperson = @NewSalesperson --This ststement deals with the second record onwards when @OldSalesperson = @NewSalesperson. --Total sales are accumulated for each salesperson. BEGIN SET @TotalSale = @TotalSale + (@QuantitySold * @ProductPrice) SET @oldSalesperson = @NewSalesperson FETCH NEXT FROM @commission_cur INTO @NewSalesperson,@QuantitySold,@ProductPrice END IF @OldSalesperson <> @NewSalesperson --This statement handles the flow when a different salesperson is encountered. --i.e. @OldSalesperson <> @NewSalesperson BEGIN --The following prints out the total sale for the previous salesperson. --CHAR(13) is a carriage return and CHAR(9) is an indent PRINT 'Salesperson: ' + @OldSalesperson + CHAR(13) + CHAR(9) --the next line will have a carriage return and be indented + 'Total Quantity Sold: ' + CONVERT(nVARCHAR(20),@TotalSale)+' units'+CHAR(13)+CHAR(9) + 'Commission - $' + CONVERT(nVARCHAR(20),CAST(@TotalSale*@Rate/100 as MONEY),1) PRINT '***' SET @TotalSale = 0 SET @TotalSale = @TotalSale + (@QuantitySold * @ProductPrice) SET @oldSalesperson = @NewSalesperson FETCH NEXT FROM @commission_cur INTO @NewSalesperson,@QuantitySold,@ProductPrice END END --The while loop has now exited since the last record has already been fetched. --The following prints out the commission for the last salesperson PRINT 'Salesperson: ' + @OldSalesperson + CHAR(13) + CHAR(9) + 'Total Quantity Sold: ' + CONVERT(nVARCHAR(20),@TotalSale)+' units'+CHAR(13)+CHAR(9) + 'Commission - $' + CONVERT(nVARCHAR(20),CAST(@TotalSale*@Rate/100 as MONEY),1) PRINT '*' CLOSE commission_cur DEALLOCATE commission_cur

  19. Note the comment lines. They help to follow the logic.

  20. The SELECT statement • The FETCH commands • The IF statements

  21. Notice the carriage returns and indents

  22. Cursor in Cursor The problem: What are the courses, and the student number and names of the students who took courses in semester 1 of 2008? The solution should look like the following.

  23. The tables – used in SQL section CREATE TABLE U_SECTIONS( SectionId NUMERIC(5), CourseNum NUMERIC(4) CONSTRAINT CourseNum_fk REFERENCES U_COURSES, SectionNum NUMERIC(2), SemesterNum NUMERIC(6) CONSTRAINT SemesterNum_fk REFERENCES U_SEMESTER, FacNum NUMERIC(5) CONSTRAINT FacNum_fk REFERENCES U_FACULTY, CourseSecDay nVARCHAR(5), CourseSecTime nVARCHAR(8), LocNum NUMERIC(2) CONSTRAINT LocNum2_fk REFERENCES U_CLASS_LOCATION, CONSTRAINT SectionId_pk PRIMARY KEY (SectionId)); CREATE TABLE U_COURSES( CourseNum NUMERIC(4), CourseName nVARCHAR(8), CourseDesc nVARCHAR(40), CONSTRAINT CourseNum_pk PRIMARY KEY (CourseNum)); INSERT INTO U_COURSES VALUES (1001, 'Actg1B10', 'Intro. to Accounting'); INSERT INTO U_COURSES VALUES (1002, 'Fnce2G56', 'Intro. to Finance'); INSERT INTO U_COURSES VALUES (1003, 'Actg2D17', 'Intermediate Accounting'); INSERT INTO U_COURSES VALUES (1004, 'Actg4R43', 'Advanced Accounting'); INSERT INTO U_COURSES VALUES (1005, 'Mktg2D24', 'Intro. to Marketing'); INSERT INTO U_SECTIONS VALUES (10000,1001, 1, 200601, 3001, 'MWF', '10:00 AM', 35); INSERT INTO U_SECTIONS VALUES (10001,1001, 2, 200601, 3001, 'MWF', '3:00 PM', 35); INSERT INTO U_SECTIONS VALUES (10002,1002, 2, 200601, 3003, 'MTWRF', '11:00 AM', 55); INSERT INTO U_SECTIONS VALUES (10003,1003, 1,200702, 3004, 'MW', '9:00 AM', 45); INSERT INTO U_SECTIONS VALUES (10004,1003, 2, 200702, 3004, 'MW', '11:00 PM', 30); INSERT INTO U_SECTIONS VALUES (10005,1005, 1, 200702, 3006, 'T', '1:00 PM', 10); INSERT INTO U_SECTIONS VALUES (10006,1002, 1, 200703, 3002, 'W', '9:00 AM', 25); INSERT INTO U_SECTIONS VALUES (10007,1002, 2, 200703, 3002, 'R', '9:00 PM', 25); INSERT INTO U_SECTIONS VALUES (10008,1004, 1, 200703, 3005, 'MWF', '1:00 PM', 55); INSERT INTO U_SECTIONS VALUES (10009,1001, 1, 200701, 3001, 'MWF', '3:00 PM', 20); INSERT INTO U_SECTIONS VALUES (10010,1002, 1, 200701, 3006, 'MW', '3:00 PM', 40); INSERT INTO U_SECTIONS VALUES (10011,1002, 2, 200701, 3006, 'MW', '5:00 PM', 40); INSERT INTO U_SECTIONS VALUES (10012,1003, 1, 200801, 3003, 'W', '8:00 AM', 30); INSERT INTO U_SECTIONS VALUES (10013,1003, 2, 200801, 3003, 'W', '11:00 AM', 40); INSERT INTO U_SECTIONS VALUES (10014,1004, 1, 200801, 3005, 'MTWRF, '5:00 PM', 20);

  24. The tables - continued CREATE TABLE U_ENROLLMENT( StuNum NUMERIC(7) CONSTRAINT StuNum_fk REFERENCES U_STUDENT, SectionId NUMERIC(5) CONSTRAINT CourseNum2_fk REFERENCES U_SECTIONS, Mark NUMERIC(2), Grade nVARCHAR(1), CONSTRAINT StuSection_pk PRIMARY KEY (StuNum, SectionId)); CREATE TABLE U_STUDENT( StuNum NUMERIC(7), StuLast nVARCHAR(20), StuFirst nVARCHAR(10), StuAddress nVARCHAR(40), StuCity nVARCHAR(20), StuProv nVARCHAR(3), StuPostCode nVARCHAR(6), StuYear nVARCHAR(2), CONSTRAINT StuNum_pk PRIMARY KEY (StuNum)); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2074567, 10000, 80, 'A'); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2061032, 10001, 75, 'B'); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2075947, 10002, 85, 'A'); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2059152, 10003, 70, 'B'); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2057612, 10004, 90, 'A'); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2061032, 10004, 78, 'B'); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2075947, 10005, 68, 'C'); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2062109, 10005, 88, 'A'); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2057612, 10006, 75, 'B'); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2087194, 10007,0,NULL); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2080034, 10007,0,NULL); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2059152, 10008,0,NULL); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2061032, 10009,0,NULL); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2057612, 10010, 78, 'B'); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2074567, 10011, 85, 'A'); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2075947, 10012, 80, 'A'); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2061032, 10013,0,NULL); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2057612, 10013,0,NULL); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2075947, 10014,0,NULL); INSERT INTO U_ENROLLMENT VALUES (2057612, 10014,0,NULL); INSERT INTO U_STUDENT VALUES (2074567, 'Randolph', 'Jennifer', '156 Wendover Drive', 'Toronto', 'ONT', 'M3A1H6', 'SO'); INSERT INTO U_STUDENT VALUES (2057612, 'Jameson', 'Philip', '812 Augustus Blvd.', 'Hamilton', 'ONT', 'L9B3S2', 'SR'); INSERT INTO U_STUDENT VALUES (2087194, 'Smithers', 'Paula', '7135 Yonge Street', 'Toronto', 'ONT', 'M6H2T4', 'FR'); INSERT INTO U_STUDENT VALUES (2062109, 'Gordon', 'Emily', '812 Augustus Blvd.', 'St. Catharines', 'ONT', 'L2S7D3', 'JR'); INSERT INTO U_STUDENT VALUES (2059152, 'Anderson', 'Cynthia', '89 Ball Road', 'Toronto', 'ONT', 'M1J8R4', 'SR'); INSERT INTO U_STUDENT VALUES (2061032, 'VanDyk', 'William', '452 Overlord Place', 'St. Catharines', 'ONT', 'L2S2K7', 'JR'); INSERT INTO U_STUDENT VALUES (2075947, 'Brotherson', 'Stephanie', '5134 Main Street', 'Hamilton', 'ONT', 'L8T6Y2', 'SO'); INSERT INTO U_STUDENT VALUES (2080034, 'Collins', 'Amanda', '645 Powerline Road', 'St. Catharines', 'ONT', 'L2S4R2', 'FR');

  25. The First Cursor SELECT US.SectionId, UC.CourseName, US.SectionNum FROM U_COURSES UC, U_SECTIONS US WHERE UC.CourseNum = US.CourseNum AND US.SemesterNum = 200801 ORDER BY US.SectionId, UC.CourseName, US.SectionNum; The Second Cursor SELECT UE.SectionId, UE.StuNum, UST.StuFirst, UST.StuLast FROM U_ENROLLMENT UE, U_STUDENT UST, U_SECTIONS US WHERE UE.StuNum = UST.StuNum AND UE.SectionId = US.SectionId AND US.SemesterNum = 200801

  26. CREATE PROCEDURE NewUniversity_proc AS DECLARE @x NUMERIC(5), @y nVARCHAR(8), @z NUMERIC(1), @a NUMERIC(5), @b NUMERIC(7), @c nVARCHAR(10), @d nVARCHAR(20); DECLARE @first_cur as CURSOR; SET @first_cur = CURSOR FOR SELECT US.SectionId, UC.CourseName, US.SectionNum FROM U_COURSES UC, U_SECTIONS US WHERE UC.CourseNum = US.CourseNum AND US.SemesterNum = 200801 ORDER BY US.SectionId, UC.CourseName, US.SectionNum; OPEN @first_cur; FETCH NEXT FROM @first_cur INTO @x, @y, @z; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 -- Outer cursor loop BEGIN DECLARE @second_cur as CURSOR; SET @second_cur = CURSOR FOR SELECT UE.SectionId, UE.StuNum, UST.StuFirst, UST.StuLast FROM U_ENROLLMENT UE, U_STUDENT UST, U_SECTIONS US WHERE UE.StuNum = UST.StuNum AND UE.SectionId = US.SectionId AND US.SemesterNum = 200801 ORDER BY UE.SectionId, UE.StuNum; -- Nested cursor OPEN @second_cur; FETCH NEXT FROM @second_cur into @a, @b, @c, @d; PRINT @y + ' Section ' + CONVERT(nVARCHAR(20), @z) PRINT '***' WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 -- Inner cursor loop (nested cursor while) BEGIN If @x = @a PRINT CONVERT(nVARCHAR(20), @b) + ' ' + @c + ' ' + @d; FETCH NEXT FROM @second_cur into @a, @b, @c, @d; END -- Inner cursor loop PRINT '=================================' FETCH NEXT FROM @first_cur INTO @x, @y, @z; CLOSE @second_cur; DEALLOCATE @second_cur; END -- Outer cursor loop CLOSE @first_cur; DEALLOCATE @first_cur;

  27. Notice that the second cursor is recreated each time you go through the first cursor loop. This can sometimes not be very efficient.

  28. Exception Handling • Opportunity to issue meaningful error messages • Exceptions

  29. System Messages • DIVIDE BY ZERO • Two ways of showing a user information about an error. • ERROR_NUMBER • ERROR_MESSAGE

  30. All we are doing here is forcing an error. The actual error does not make sense when it comes to INSERTING values

  31. Programmer-Defined Exceptions • One can create their own conditions and names • An example shown of how to define your own error messages • Life: Valid only for this block

  32. Triggers A database trigger is procedural code Automatically executes in response to certain events on a particular on a particular or view in a database. The trigger is mostly used for maintaining the integrity of the information on the database.

  33. An Example of a Login Trigger Create Table master.dbo.audit_logins (LoginName nVARCHAR(50), -- holds the login name LoginType nVARCHAR(50), -- holds the login type LoginTime DATETIME2, -- holds the time of the login ClientHost nVARCHAR(50)) -- holds the host from which the login request originated Create the Logon trigger: Create TRIGGER TR_audit_logins ON ALL SERVER WITH EXECUTE AS 'sa‘ FOR LOGON AS BEGIN declare @LogonTriggerData xml --XML datatype, stores XML data set @LogonTriggerData = eventdata(); Insert into master..audit_logins Select @LogonTriggerData.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/LoginName)[1]', 'varchar(50)'), @LogonTriggerData.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/LoginType)[1]', 'varchar(50)'), @LogonTriggerData.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/PostTime)[1]', 'datetime'), @LogonTriggerData.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ClientHost)[1]', 'varchar(50)') END

  34. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. A markup language is a system for annotating a document in such a way that the syntax is distinguishable from the text. The design goals of XML emphasize simplicity, generality and usability across the Internet. <recipe> <title>Bread and Butter</title> <ingredientslist> <ingredient>Bread</ingredient> <ingredient>Butter</ingredient> </ingredientlist> <preparation> Put butter on a knife and spread on the bread. </preparation> </recipe>

  35. SELECT HOST_NAME() AS HostName, SUSER_NAME() LoggedInUser What EVENT_INSTANCE contains the following data in XML format <EVENT_INSTANCE> <EventType> event </EventType> <PostTime> datetime </PostTime> <SPID> spid </SPID> <ClientHost> host </ClientHost> <ServerName> name </ServerName> <LoginName> login </LoginName> <UserName> name </UserName> <DatabaseName> name </DatabaseName> <SchemaName> name </SchemaName> <ObjectName> name </ObjectName> <ObjectType> type </ObjectType> <TSQLCommand> command </TSQLCommand> </EVENT_INSTANCE>

  36. Simple Trigger Examples Will work with the FACTORY_WORKER table, used previously, and a new table FACTORY_WORKER_BACKUP CREATE TABLE FACTORY_WORKER_BACKUP (FWNumber NUMERIC(4) CONSTRAINT fw_backup_pk primary key, FWFirstName nVARCHAR(15), FWLastName nVARCHAR(20), FWRate NUMERIC(2)) CREATE TABLE FACTORY_WORKER (FWNumber NUMERIC(4) CONSTRAINT fw_pk primary key, FWFirstName nVARCHAR(15), FWLastName nVARCHAR(20), FWRate NUMERIC(2)) INSERT INTO FACTORY_WORKER_BACKUP VALUES (5001,'Philip','Brown',5) INSERT INTO FACTORY_WORKER_BACKUP VALUES (5002,'Jane','Adler',6) INSERT INTO FACTORY_WORKER_BACKUP VALUES (5003,'Cheryl','Black',4) INSERT INTO FACTORY_WORKER_BACKUP VALUES (5004,'James','Newton',7) INSERT INTO FACTORY_WORKER_BACKUP VALUES (5005,'Sandra','Jones',6) INSERT INTO FACTORY_WORKER VALUES (5001,'Philip','Brown',5) INSERT INTO FACTORY_WORKER VALUES (5002,'Jane','Adler',6) INSERT INTO FACTORY_WORKER VALUES (5003,'Cheryl','Black',4) INSERT INTO FACTORY_WORKER VALUES (5004,'James','Newton',7) INSERT INTO FACTORY_WORKER VALUES (5005,'Sandra','Jones',6)

  37. DML triggers execute when a user tries to modify data through a data manipulation language (DML) event such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements on a table or view. • DML triggers can be used to: • enforce business rules • enforce data integrity • query other tables. • Can include complex Transact-SQL statements. The trigger and the statement that fires it are treated as a single transaction, which can be rolled back from within the trigger. If a severe error is detected (for example, insufficient disk space), the entire transaction automatically rolls back. • The most common table-oriented triggers: • INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE • AFTER INSERT, AFTER DELETE, AFTER UPDATE • INSTEAD OF.

  38. Two special tables are used in trigger statements: • INSERTED: • The inserted table stores copies of the affected rows during INSERT and UPDATE statements. • During an insert or update transaction, new rows are added simultaneously to both the inserted table and the trigger table. • The rows in the inserted table are copies of the new rows in the trigger table. • DELETED: • The deleted table stores copies of the affected rows during DELETE and UPDATE statements. During the execution of a DELETE or UPDATE statement, rows are deleted from the trigger table and transferred to the deleted table. • The deleted table and the trigger table ordinarily have no rows in common.

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