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G l Ekolojisi


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G l Ekolojisi

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Gl Ekolojisi Meryem Beklioglu Limnoloji Laboratuvari, ODT, Biyoloji Blm www.limnology.metu.edu.tr meryem@metu.edu.tr

    2. Gller Havzanin en ukur yeridir. Havzanin aynasi gibidir Su bekleme sresi (gn-on yillar) Su bekleme sresi: gl byklg, girdi ve iktilarin hidrolojik ykne baglidir

    3. 1. Buzul Glleri 2. Tektonik gller 3. Heyalan Glleri 4. Nehir etkinligiyle olusan gller 5. Volkanik gller 6. Karstik gller 7. Insan yapisi gller (Reservorlar) *Gller Blgesi?

    4. 1.Buzulasma sonucu olusan Gller Kuzey yarim kredeki gllerin ogu Toroslar, Uludag, Kakarlardaki gller Sig/derin gller olusabilir

    5. Buzul hareketi sonucu Ontario, CA olusan Kettle glleri (siyah blgeler)

    6. 2. Tektonik Gller Dnyanin en eski ve en derin glleri bu yolla olusmustur Afrika Rift vadisi (Tanganika G.: 1470 m ) Baykal G., Sibirya Beysehir, Egirdir, Hazar Glleri

    7. 3. Heyelan Glleri Heyelan sonucu daglardaki vadilerin nnn kapanmasi sonucu olusur Abant Gl, Yedigller, Karagl

    8. 4. Menderes Glleri Allyon tasiyan byk akrsularin menderslerinin oldugu yerde olusur Kizilirmak, Gediz N. Menderslerinde rnekleri vardir

    9. 5. Krater Glleri Patlamis volkanin konisinde olusur, rg:Nemrut Krateri Patlamis volkandan pskren lavlar vadiyi tikiyarak olusturu, rg: Van Gl

    10. 6. Karstik Gller: Obruklar

    11. 7.Insanin olusturdugu gller: Barajlar

    12. uzunlugu (l): 218m Eni (bx):187m Kenar uzunlugu Alan (A): 25,238m2 Kiyi olusumu (DL)

    13. Gl Ekolojisinde Hidrolojik Fiziksel: isik, sicaklik, Kimyasal Biyolojik

    16. Su Seviyesi Degisimi (SSD) Dogal veya Insan kaynakli Faktrler SSD belirlerler Iklim (Yresel ve Kresel iklim olaylari) Havza Karakteri Morfometri Su Kullanimi: antroponojenik

    19. Gl Ekolojisinde Hidroloji Fiziksel: isik, sicaklik, Kimyasal Biyolojik

    20. Gllerde Isik Profili At the top of this picture you see a typical graph. At the bottom of the picture, you are looking at a lake in cross-section. Limnologists tend to graph data differently, so first of all, we need to make sure everyone is familiar with the seemingly strange way limnologists plot lake data that varies with depth. The independent variable, in this case, depth, is plotted vertically, starting with 0 meters at the top of the graph and increasing downward (the opposite of the usual graphing method). It makes sense when you want to visualize how things change as we dive down from the surface. The dependent variables (i.e., the physical, chemical, and biological variables that vary with depth) are plotted horizontally. In this case, the reduction of light with depth is plotted in typical limnological fashion, superimposed over the lake cross-section to help you visualize the data. At the top of this picture you see a typical graph. At the bottom of the picture, you are looking at a lake in cross-section. Limnologists tend to graph data differently, so first of all, we need to make sure everyone is familiar with the seemingly strange way limnologists plot lake data that varies with depth. The independent variable, in this case, depth, is plotted vertically, starting with 0 meters at the top of the graph and increasing downward (the opposite of the usual graphing method). It makes sense when you want to visualize how things change as we dive down from the surface. The dependent variables (i.e., the physical, chemical, and biological variables that vary with depth) are plotted horizontally. In this case, the reduction of light with depth is plotted in typical limnological fashion, superimposed over the lake cross-section to help you visualize the data.

    21. A strong thermocline (shaded rectangle) is now in place. A strong thermocline (shaded rectangle) is now in place.

    23. Gl Ekolojisinde Hidroloji Fiziksel: isik, sicaklik, Kimyasal. Oksijen, Azot, fosfor, silikat Biyolojik

    24. Iki nemli O2 Kaynagi Sources of DO: Turbulent mixing of the atmospheric O2 into surface water via wind energy. 2. Photosynthesis from algae and higher plants Photosynthesis requires light, so it only occurs to the depth that light intensity is about 0.5-1.0% of surface values. 3. Minor sources from river inflows and groundwater. Sources of DO: Turbulent mixing of the atmospheric O2 into surface water via wind energy. 2. Photosynthesis from algae and higher plants Photosynthesis requires light, so it only occurs to the depth that light intensity is about 0.5-1.0% of surface values. 3. Minor sources from river inflows and groundwater.

    25. Su Kimyasi: Oksijen - Oxygen Dikey oksijen yogunlugu verinli/besin tuzunca zengin gllerde asagiya dogru azalir

    26. Gl Su Kimyasi: Besin Tuzu Fosfor Azot Silika Demir karbon

    28. Birincil retimi Sinirlayici Besin Tuzlari Fosfor Vazgeilmezdir znms hali toprakda tutulur Anahtar besin tuzu dur trofikasyon kontrolnde nemlidir Azot Vazgeilmezdir znms hali (Nitrat ve amonyun) en nemli kaynaktir Anahtar besin tuzu dur Sudan bakteriler yardimi ile uzaklastirilir Nitrogen may limit algal growth in unproductive lakes, estuaries, and open oceans. Nitrogen CAN contribute to eutrophication in concert with phosphorus enrichment.Nitrogen may limit algal growth in unproductive lakes, estuaries, and open oceans. Nitrogen CAN contribute to eutrophication in concert with phosphorus enrichment.

    29. Sucul retimde Besin Tuzlarinin miktari sinirlayicidir

    30. Sonu Sudaki besin tuzu miktari ok farkli etmenlere baglidir Gl Havzasi Fiziksel faktrler Gemis faktrler (paleolimnoloji) Antropogenik faktrler trofikasyon Tarim ve hayvancilik Evsel atiksu Iklim degisimi: isinma kuraklik

    31. Gl Ekolojisinde Hidroloji Fiziksel: isik, sicaklik, Kimyasal. Oksijen, Azot, fosfor, silikat Biyolojik

    32. Biyota Katmanlari: Isik miktari belirler Bitki katmani (littoral) isiklanma bitkilerin bymesine uygundur Aik su (limnetik) sadece st kisinlarinda isik msaittir-planktonlar vardir Alt katman (profundal): isigin ulasmadigi karanlik blge

    33. Tipik: Su bitkileir (Makrofitler) Suii

    35. Tipik Fitoplakton

    36. Tipik Zooplankton

    37. Tipik Dip (Bentik) Canlilar: sinek larvasi

    38. Tipik Baliklar

    40. Gllerde Besin Agi

    41. Gl Besi Aginin Genel Grnm

    42. Sucul ekosistemlerde Birincil retim Asagidan Yukariya Kontrol Fiziksel ve kimyasal kosullar ekosistem yapisini belirler Fiziksel ve kimyasal faktrler belirler Yukaridan asagiya kontrol Besin agindaki avci tketiciler belirler Avci balik .

    47. Arazide rnek Toplama: Yaz

    48. Kis

    50. How? Fossiller Pigmentler in/organik kimyasallar Kararli/radyo izotopler

    52. Biological proxies Pollens and spores Regional vegetation history Local vegetation history Climate change Changes in lake water quality Changes in aquatic macrophytes Diatoms Acidity Nutrients Salinity

    53. Biological proxies Contd Photosynthetic pigments Past changes in algal and bacterial populations (blue-green algae and eutrophication) Chironomids Trophic status of lakes Acidification Climate change

    54. Biological proxies Contd Cladocerans Eutrophication Acidification salinity Ostracods Salinity Mg/Sr and Mg/Ca Water level Temperature (18O/16O)

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