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The Pursuit of Happiness 当幸福来敲门

The Pursuit of Happiness 当幸福来敲门.

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The Pursuit of Happiness 当幸福来敲门

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  1. The Pursuit of Happiness 当幸福来敲门 Chris Ghana(Will Smith) is a clever salesman, his hard work hard work, but overall no way to make a better life at home. His wife, Linda, after all, because we can not endure the pressure of breadwinners and left Chris, leaving only him and 5-year-old son, Christopher had each other. The dead-end down and the cause of failure, but also became a single father, Chris's bank account or even only a 21 money, because the money to pay the rent, he and his son had been thrust out of the apartment. THEY ARE HOMELESS AT NIGHT, SLEEP IN SHELTERS, SUBWAY STATIONS, PUBLIC BATHROOMS, AND ALL YOU CAN FOR THE TIME BEING HOUSED IN OPEN SPACES; DAY MEAL MONEY ON THE LINE AND GET RELIEF, EATING BARELY WRAPPED BELLY FOOD. EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING TO LIVE IN POVERTY, BUT TO HIS SON‘S FUTURE, IN ORDER TO THEIR OWN BELIEFS, CHRIS TEETH, AND ALWAYS BELIEVE: JUST TODAY, WORK HARD ENOUGH, HAPPINESS WILL COME TOMORROW! HEAVEN REWARDS THOSE WHO ARE RIGHTEOUSLY, CHRIS EVENTUALLY BECOME A SUCCESSFUL INVESTMENT PROFESSIONALS!. Chris Ghana(Will Smith) is a clever salesman, his hard work hard work, but overall no way to make a better life at home. His wife, Linda, after all, because we can not endure the pressure of breadwinners and left Chris, leaving only him and 5-year-old son, Christopher had each other. The dead-end down and the cause of failure, but also became a single father, Chris's bank account or even only a 21 money, because the money to pay the rent, he and his son had been thrust out of the apartment.

  2. The Pursuit of Happiness 当幸福来敲门 1 单靠努力是不行的,选择正确的努力方向更重要,这个方向一开始也许并不适合你,但你可以去适应它!2 有梦想是不够的,还需要一颗执着的心!3选择方向就要学会放弃,执着梦想就要学会不放弃,矛盾之间,决定人生成败!

  3. A Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵 A 80 years old 20 years old their own theories of who won the Nobel Prize in Economics. A great scholar, a strong life, and his life in the fight against serious delusions. 接受现实,既来之则安之,与症状和平共处,不要去对抗它,摆脱幻觉,但和幻觉能够和平共处!

  4. good will hunting “Good Will Hunting“ is the main plot depicts a cynical young Will, a psychiatrist Sean through the emotional interaction, and gradually self-disclosure request asking for knowledge, social interaction, exploration of love, faith in life, injuries and other psychological processes, and family , out of the shadow of childhood abuse, and try to establish intimacy with others and trusting relationship. The Department of character-driven film actor Will focus is on the mind! “天才”更需要心灵的慰藉!I

  5. Forrest Gump 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one‘s word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol . And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and have no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of language make the film very attractive too. Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director’s art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds! 成功就是将个人的潜能发挥到极限!

  6. The Devil Wears Prada One just graduated from school girl Andrea Sachs want to be journalists looking for work where no fruit into a top fashion magazine Runway as assistant editor to them. But the good time, and soon she found that her work is simply nightmare, because the female editor Miranda Priestly treatment of all the people are so harsh, strained. Tension spread throughout the magazine. 身处象牙塔的大学生,同样面临人生中的诸多困惑与迷茫。面对梦想与现实的巨大差异,如何度过大学生活?离开父母、朋友的帮助和呵护,在全新的环境中,如何建立和谐的人际关系?如何积极的应对接二连三的挫折?追求成功的路上,是否可以触碰做人原则的底线?

  7. Seabiscuit 奔腾年代 According to the 1930 U.S. economy during the Great Depression a true story, depicts a horse to win the BMW Championship, and its jockey (Tobey Maguire), trainer (Chris Cooper) and owner (Jeff Bridges) between the story of their legendary The story inspired the people at National! 大萧条时代人们精神的寄托,永不放弃,寻找内心强大力量的启示鼓舞.

  8. King Of Comedy All Stephen Chow‘s movie, a favorite! Little people‘s bitter history, a true reflection of Stephen Chow own. “If people live without ideals, what is the difference between that and salted fish?” 恶劣的环境可以磨平的理想,也可使你的意志更加坚强!一个人重要的不是现在拥有多少,而是期望未来得到多少?!

  9. The Graduate 毕业生 The Grace's parents are busy preparing to celebrate his graduation family party, but the future life of this ex Quedui felt at a loss. Visitors of Mrs. Robinson was interested in this young man, and constantly tease the ex, but was refused. However, such a boring day, shortly after he began his tryst with Mrs. Robinson, and he also fell in love with her daughter Elaine. Mrs. Robinson after the firm opposition to know the truth, and tried their best to break up the two exchanges. Benn finally found the opportunity to declare our love Elaine, and admits his own fall, but did not say that his wife's name. Elaine forgive him, but the wrath of Mrs. Robinson to Elaine guess everything. She sadly decided to get married with someone else. Benn informed the news, despite all rushed to the church, a last-ditch efforts to save his lover's heart ... ... 我们要敢于直面人生,敢于面对错误,敢于执着追求!

  10. Legally Blonde 律政俏佳人 "On our very first day at Harvard, a very wise professor quoted Aristotle 'The law is reason free from passion'. Well, no offense to Aristotle but in my three years at Harvard, I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of law and of life. It is with passion, courage of conviction and strong sense of self that we take our next step into the world. Remembering that first impression are not always correct, you must always have faith in people, and most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself. 坐在那里眼睁睁看着一切不公,我居然坐视不理?!

  11. Million Dollar Baby 百万美元宝贝 Aging is a well-known boxing coach, his apprentice brilliant record in the ring. But because too to join with the boxing business, ignoring the feelings of his family, Frankie and her long-frozen relations, he also caught in the long-term self-isolation and depression. One day, a strong interest in boxing woman into the training hall, a request by the disciples Frankie. Strong determination to soften Frankie, he finally decided to Mai Qipei develop outstanding female boxer. Although the road is hard, but two in training and competition in the understanding of the live running, so Frankie's heart at the family's comfort, and Maggie has mounted ring. Courage and dreams so that they can put aside the painful past, came up with new strength. 也许生与死在很多人看来都是一个不难以回答的问题。肯定,要活下去。为了他人,为了自己,为了希望,为了幸福,当然,也为了梦想!

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