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Spring 2


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Spring 2

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  1. Numeracy In Numeracy we will be learning how to use the bus shelter method to solve division sums. We will also be learning how to measure length with a ruler and also estimating length. The children will also be learning to read and write fractions and find fractions of an amount of shape. Finally we will be continuing our mental maths work within lessons and ask if you could encourage children to work on the targets that they bring home. Snacks Just to remind you that your child can buy healthy snacks from the Year 3 entrance each day to eat at break time. They can also bring a piece of fruit from home to eat during break time. Literacy In Literacy this half term we will be writing stories based on “The tin forest” and linking it to our work on rivers. We will also be looking at myths and legends and we will be writing our own. Can we remind you that children need to be reading for 10 minutes each night and recording this in their yellow record books. This should be signed weekly by an adult. Spring 2 Welcome back everyone. Hope you have had a lovely holiday. Just a reminder that homework is given weekly in Literacy and Numeracy as well as spellings. Children not completing their homework will be required to stay in at playtime to do so. If you have any questions or suggestions please contact your class teacher. 3C Mrs Cheyne 3G Mrs Cox 3W Mrs Watson PE All children do PE on a Wednesday. Please ensure that all children have their PE kit on this day. Every item of Clothing needs to be labelled. Also Year 3 have swimming on a Thursday. Every child needs a towel and swimming Outfit in a labelled bag. In addition to this no jewellery should be worn so earrings need to be removed before school on a Thursday. Girls must also wear a swimming cap. We would request that all children have a school dinner or packed lunch on this day as 1 group leaves before the end of dinnertime. Topic Our topic this term is “habitats” and we will begin this topic with a visit to Nell Bank. Here the children can explore a variety of different habitats and find out information about different river animals. This trip is on Tuesday 5th March so we need the permission slips signed and brought back as soon as possible. The price of the trip is £10 a child which covers the transport and entrance fee to Nell Bank. Within our topic we will also be looking at pollution to the environment and ways of stopping it.

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