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sai lara Banana plants = Greater Farmer prosperity

sai lara Banana plants = Greater Farmer prosperity. Well maintained Banana Garden. BANANA- PRESENT AND FUTURE SCENARIO Banana is globally ranked fourth, next to rice, wheat and maize in terms of gross value of production.

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sai lara Banana plants = Greater Farmer prosperity

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  1. sai lara Banana plants = Greater Farmer prosperity

  2. Well maintained Banana Garden

  3. BANANA- PRESENT AND FUTURE SCENARIO • Banana is globally ranked fourth, next to rice, wheat and maize in terms of gross value of production. • It is a major staple food crop for millions of people as well as provides income through local and international trade. • Among the starchy staple food crops, banana ranks third with respect to the total production.

  4. WORLD SCENARIO • Presently, banana is grown in around 150 countries across the world on an area of 4.84 million ha producing 95.6 million tonnes. Asia, Africa and Latin America are the major banana producing continents. • Among the major producers, India alone accounts for 27.43 % (26.2 million tonnes) followed by Philippines, producing 9.01 million tonnes and China, Brazil and Ecuador, with production ranging from 7.19 to 8.21 million tonnes

  5. Globally Banana is grown in 8.84 million ha producing 97.15 million tonnes of banana and plantain. 80 per cent of the production is consumed domestically, Has only 20% in the global trade.

  6. 1.India-the largest producer of banana2.Annual production of 19.19 million tonnes 3.Occupies 19.2 % of the world’s production.4.Brazil is the second largest producer followed by China, Ecuador and Philippines.

  7. In India an area of 0.65 million ha under banana cultivation. Tamil Nadu has the largest area followed by Maharashtra and Karnataka. Tamil Nadu also ranks first in production, followed by Maharashtra. Highest productivity is recorded in Maharashtra followed by Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh.

  8. In India productivity mainly depends on Availability tissue culture planting material, Monoculture cultivation system of high yielding Cavendish clones Drip irrigation and fertigation, High density plantation etc,.

  9. The production enhanced by 18 % and productivity went up from 28 to 34 tonnes per hectare across the states. Farmers who used to harvest 24 tonnes of banana per hectare in 1984-85 are now producing over 60 tonnes per hectare in the same area using tissue culture plants.

  10. In India, a minimum of 900 million plantlets are needed in order to bring at least one third of the banana growing area under tissue culture based cultivation. (Prospects of Banana Micropropagation for Quality Planting Material Production, APCoAB, 2011)

  11. With a current production of only 40- 80 million plantlets, there is an enormous potential for growth of tissue culture industry in the coming years(DBT,2011) Source: ADVANCING BANANA AND PLANTAIN R&D IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC, Dec-2008

  12. Source: FAO STAT (2001, 2009), NHB (2009)

  13. Source: FAO STAT (2001, 2009), NHB (2009)

  14. THANK YOU Always use Sai lara Banana plants

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