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Established on October 28, 2005 Yonas Alemu Executive Director

Established on October 28, 2005 Yonas Alemu Executive Director. CVDA Profile. Operation Areas Ethiopia, at National level has operating in five regions: City Government of Addis Ababa Benshangule Gumuze Regional State SNNPR Oromiya Regional State Afar. Programme of CVDA.

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Established on October 28, 2005 Yonas Alemu Executive Director

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  1. Established on October 28, 2005YonasAlemuExecutive Director

  2. CVDA Profile Operation Areas • Ethiopia, at National level • has operating in five regions: • City Government of Addis Ababa • Benshangule Gumuze Regional State • SNNPR • Oromiya Regional State • Afar

  3. Programme of CVDA • Food security, livelihood diversification and natural resource conservation Program • Primary & Reproductive Health Program • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene /WASH/program • Education

  4. Lowland WASH Activity • Donor: USAID; Implementer- AECOM • CVDA Grant Project period September 30, 2017 to October 31, 2017 • Grant Funding: 1,624,872 ETB • Project location Afar Region, Zone 3, Gewane and Gelalo

  5. Two Major Grant Objectives • To increase awareness of hygienic behavior and sanitation facilities using cultural groups. • To improve access to sanitation facilities through sanitation marketing using local artisans produce toilet slabs.

  6. Phase 1 Activities • Project Agreement signed • Sensitization workshop conducted • Woreda project advisory committee established/PAC/ • Two cultural groups established and each legally certified by the region CTB • Two artisan group with 15 members established and certified by their respective woreda MSE office • Multilateral agreement signed among /CVDA, woreda MSE & artisans )

  7. Promotion Using Cultural Groups Training of cultural group on hygiene and sanitation promotion 42 events were conducted on effect of poor hygiene and sanitation on health, economic and social issues 14 kebeles addressed; (8 from Gewane and 6 Gelalo)

  8. Continued Poem and Dague as cultural information exchange mechanism Question and Answer

  9. Demonstration during the event

  10. Training of local artisans on sanitary slab construction 30 individuals: 15 from Gelalo & Gewane; trained for ten days (one female & 29 males) 2 days theory and 8 days practical Able to produce different size of slabs with different sizes 60 X 60Cm, 120 X 120cm rectangle and circle Theoretical session December 7, 2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  11. Practical session

  12. Graduation of Artisans With presence of all stakeholders including each woreda administration head Discussions on the way forward December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  13. Engagement in Sanitation Marketing • Start-up materials (raw materials, hand tools, shed construction materials for slab production, mould ) where supported by the grant • The woreda MSE provided legal certificate for the members • Land provided by the MSE for slab production • Land for shop construction under process December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  14. Business Management and Marketing Training • Training provided to 30 local artisans and for 2 woreda SME expert and 2 volunteers • The main training topics were: business management; financial recording; market assessment; price setting; and business plan development. • Each group prepared a business plan after the training with trainer assistance. December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  15. Marketing Plan • Customer: Gewane and Gelalo woreda dwellers were the potential customers for these are rural and urban households • Competitors: In the target woreda there were no other institutions who engaged in toilet slab production and marketing • Marketing strategy: 4Ps of marketing—product, place, promotion, and price December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  16. Marketing strategy • Product • The enterprise provided different sizes of slab: 60cm X 60cm and 120cm X 120cm; • Based on the interest of the customer the size varied beyond the two size. • Place - Access for storage of raw materials including water for production and customer /shop and distribution channel • The firm also provided toilet house construction service beyond slab production moving house to house. December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  17. Promotion and Communication Communication in sanitation marketing has two purposes: product promotion and demand creation Using culture groups with events Word of mouth by artisans and all stakeholders Sign board displays Sanitary slab exhibitions December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  18. Continued • Consultative meetings with woreda officials & PAC • Gelalo Health office bought slab for each clinic • Opinion leaders and PAC mentor by buying slabs • Health extension workers and kebele chair person become focal person to distribute slabs in their respective kebele • For Model Household it become prerequisite to graduate • Investors in the target areas were consulted to sell slabs December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  19. Price • Lowering the manufacturing cost of slabs is crucial, but without compromising the quality, in order to reach lower income households. • A proper understanding of the supply chain is critical. • Easy installation of slab must be considered as well, to avoid cost implications for providers, installers and households. December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  20. Cost Estimation Materials required to produce one slab with 120 cm diameter: December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  21. Unit cost and sale price • Unit cost for the production of 120 cm diameter slab is 306 birr whereas for 60cm @ 190birr. • Sale price with 20% profit for the 1st six months then 30% thus the unit price is 367 birr/ea and 228birr/ea • After six months 398 birr/ea and 247 birr/ea respectively. December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  22. Production and Sales • A total 107 improved slab sold (Gewane 56 and Gelelau 51) while they produced 120 and 86 respectively. • For Gewane two donkey carts were purchased for transporting produced slab and raw materials. • In case of Gelelau shower room was built to diversify/ strengthen their income. December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  23. Key Lesson Learned • Involvement of primary stakeholders/region HB/ at inception help identify challenges and how to overcome these challenges. • Establishing project advisory committee to mobilize local resource and enable to manage conflict of interest • Social change, comes from within the community and once opinion leaders become supporters, others follow. • Behavioral change need involvement and ownership of all stakeholders. • Project initiation on sanitation marketing is very difficult December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  24. Key Lessons Learned • Business plan should be developed based on proper Market Assessment and with the involvement business owner;   • Interventions must consider volunteer’s retention and motivation; • Regular support and monitoring is important; • Transportation of slab is big challenge; • Slab design should take in to account ease of transport and buying capacity of the HH; • Strong coordination is needed to ensure uniform approach by all partners; • Sanitation marketing requires long term support of small businesses in order for them to survive. December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  25. Challenges • Unavailability of construction materials for slabs in the area specially factory product; no building material shop in both woreda • The woreda health office and other stakeholders don’t have know how on sanitation marketing • Busy schedule of decision makers • Free supply of slab in previous year by NGOs create high dependence of handouts • Low level of latrine use and less motivation for improved latrines December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  26. Challenges • Poor access of rural kebeles and very scattered kebeles and challenges to transport the slabs and to conduct events • Some kebeles are located across Awash river  • Short period of the project put stakeholders & CVDA in stress • Natural disaster such as flood, hot weather condition boost running cost • Poor working culture • CVDA didn’t have a dedicated, hence rental and negotiation process was tough to conduct event and to provide any support. December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  27. Recommendation • Long term government and/or donor support (continuous) of sanitation marketing is needed • High initial investment made on human capital and to bring the system to leverage effort it need to drive the system in place. • High demand for the project were observed in the region by all stakeholders hence scaling up and out will make the effort made so far to be more sustainable and to have multiplier effect. • Slab should be supported with pit hall technology December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

  28. Recommendations • Artisans/slab producer/ need complementary business to remain in the business and to overcome start up challenge. • Two slab producer group per woreda maximize competition • Not more than ten members per group maximize benefit share of members and give better opportunity for active involvement of each members result • Operational research should be a part of sanitation marketing project to consider ingenious knowledge and practical experience of actors respond the community need. December 7,2017 USAID AECOM CVDA

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