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Foreshadowing: Keypoints

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Foreshadowing: Keypoints

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  1. Read the following excerpt from the giver below: "’But the Receiver-in-training cannot be observed, cannot be modified. That is stated quite clearly in the rules. He is to be alone, apart, while he is prepared by the current Receiver for the job, which is the most honored in our community. Alone? Apart? Jonas listened with increasing unease. ‘Therefore the selection must be sound. It must be a unanimous choice of the Committee. They can have no doubts, however fleeting. If, during the process, an Elder reports a dream of uncertainty, that dream has the power to set a candidate aside instantly. Jonas was identified as a possible Receiver many years ago. We have observed him meticulously. There were no dreams of uncertainty. He has shown all of the qualities that a Receiver must have.’”– pages 61-62.Think about the assignment, “Receiver of Memory.” What do you assume that role will be like for Jonas based on this excerpt found on pages 61-62.?

  2. Foreshadowing: Keypoints • Foreshadowing is the planting of hints about what will happen in the story – it allows you to predict what will happen. • Prepares the reader for the outcome of the story • Creates suspense because you want to know what is going to happen. • Good foreshadowing is subtle and often contributes to high quality in a story – not very dramatic and “in your face.” • The author uses Example: “If there is a gun in Act One then someone is getting shot by Act Three”

  3. Foreshadowing: Keypoints ***Foreshadowing is the act of placing hints in a film or book to help us figure out future events.*** WHAT IS FORESHADOWING?

  4. RECAP: FORESHADOWING IN THE GIVER "’But the Receiver-in-training cannot be observed, cannot be modified. That is stated quite clearly in the rules. He is to be alone, apart, while he is prepared by the current Receiver for the job, which is the most honored in our community. Alone? Apart? Jonas listened with increasing unease. ‘Therefore the selection must be sound. It must be a unanimous choice of the Committee. They can have no doubts, however fleeting. If, during the process, an Elder reports a dream of uncertainty, that dream has the power to set a candidate aside instantly. Jonas was identified as a possible Receiver many years ago. We have observed him meticulously. There were no dreams of uncertainty. He has shown all of the qualities that a Receiver must have.’” – pages 61-62. • allows you to see that whatever Jonas’ assignment, it is really important to the community. –“the job which is most honored in our community.” • Allows us to see that Jonas will be away from his friends, family, and community in his selection role. – • We get to predict the type of job he will have based on what we already know about his character.

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