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How Acne Happens

How Acne Happens. http://acne2diet.blogspot.com. Step 1: How acne happens. You skin is the largest organ of your body. It protects your body from heat and cold and regulates the body's temperature.

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How Acne Happens

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How Acne Happens http://acne2diet.blogspot.com

  2. Step 1: How acne happens You skin is the largest organ of your body. It protects your body from heat and cold and regulates the body's temperature. Your skin is made up of million of pores. Deep within each pore are glands which produce sebum. Sebum keeps your skin moist and elastic.

  3. Step 2: The flourish of a Spot Your skin is renewing itself constantly. Sometimes the sebum sticks together with dead skin cells which clogs the pores. This happens approximately 2-3 weeks before you see a blemish. The glands continue to produce sebum however the sebum can not get out of the pores and this leads to the acne bacteria flourishing.

  4. Step 3: How acne happens The clogged pore is the perfect environment for the acne bacteria. Most normal washes are unable to unclog the pore. More and more sebum accrues in the pore and more bacteria flourishes so the inflamed pores swells and you see the spot.

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