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A Vision of Employment For All: From competitive to customized

A Vision of Employment For All: From competitive to customized. Ellen Condon University of MT Rural Institute on Disabilities http://ruralinstitute.umt.edu/transition condon@ruralinstitute.umt.edu (406) 243-4134. What if we began with the vision that everyone will work?.

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A Vision of Employment For All: From competitive to customized

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  1. A Vision of Employment For All:From competitive to customized Ellen Condon University of MT Rural Institute on Disabilities http://ruralinstitute.umt.edu/transition condon@ruralinstitute.umt.edu (406) 243-4134

  2. What if we began with the vision that everyone will work? You need to opt out of work rather than opting in or demonstrating that you are ‘ready’ or able to work.

  3. Customized Employment According to DOL: Customized employment means individualizing the relationship between employees and employers in ways that meet the needs of both. It is based upon an individualized determination of the strengths, needs and interests of the person with a disability, and is also designed to meet the specific needs of an employer.

  4. What does this mean for youth or adults with significant needs? • We presume that everyone can work in their community; • There are many ways to earn a living and contribute; • We can define “work” in many ways; • We look for strengths, support needs, interests, factors that motivate each person, WHAT WORKS;

  5. What does this mean for youth or adults with significant needs? • Focus on skill building in school AND supporting each person to make a contribution and maximize their participation in all activities; • Eliminate readiness and the need to compete; • A vision of employment guides transition activities.

  6. People are ready to contribute It is up to us to determine their ideal conditions for success, tasks, and supports needed to make a contribution.

  7. Recognize that some youth have on going support needs • That will need to be met in order for them to work in the community, • They can be met in various different ways: natural supports, paid supports, accommodations or adaptations to the workplace, • And they may be minimized by increasing the quality of a job match.

  8. Supported Employment • Offers additional support to enable people to compete successfully in the workplace. • Over 150,000 people with disabilities became employed through the strategy of Supported Employment.

  9. Supported Employment • 1 person 1 job • In the community along side coworkers without disabilities • Paid (sometimes subminimum) • Ongoing support for the life of the job

  10. Customized Employment Uses the same base, and some of the same strategies as supported employment but: • Always starts with the job seeker, not the employer or the job • Initiates and assumes negotiation • Representation of a job seeker is typical • Is an option for anyone

  11. Two Distinct Approaches Labor Market Job Development:Responding to the needs of employers with applicants who are “qualified” to meet those general needs. Customized Job Development: Discovering the “strengths, needs and interests” of applicants and proactively negotiating a job description that meets both the applicant’s and employer’s specific.

  12. Customized Job Development Job Seeker initiates Employer Reacts Considers proposal Reviews their unmet needs or allows developer to I.D. unmet needs If a match is identified, a new job description is created. • Job seeker’s skills, tasks & contributions are emphasized • Employers are contacted because their needs might match what the job seeker brings • Job seeker or representative presents a proposal • A position is negotiated

  13. The Process of Customized Employment Capture the Information in a Profile Discovery “Who is the person?” Customized Planning Meeting “What will they do for work?” $$$$$$$$$ PASS? VR, DD, WIA, MH? Plan for ongoing supports Negotiate a job or design a business Representational Portfolio

  14. Features of Customization • Discover and describe vs. measure, compare or evaluate • Focus on discreet tasks instead job titles or existing positions • Follow what a student ‘does’ more so than being led by what they say they want to do

  15. All of us customize to some extent… • Most employees, once they have secured a position, begin to subtly customize features of their position to meet their individual needs. • In Customized Employment, the negotiation process begins before developing the job. The conditions are on the table from the start.

  16. Labor Market Job Development Potential Employers Applicants Job Developer In Labor Market Job Development, Job Developers meet with both applicants and numerous employers in the community to determine their needs.

  17. Labor Market Job Development The arbitrary demands of each employer result in an inevitable sorting out of the applicants. Those with more skills and less complexity rise to the top. Those with less skills and more complexity are considered last.

  18. Limitations of Labor Market approaches Even after concerted effort, our friend with significant challenges is not selected. He is told that he didn’t quite fit any of the job descriptions due to a variety of reasons.

  19. Customizing a job requires that we explore these five components from the applicant’s perspective: • 1. Conditions • 2. Preferences and Interests • 3. Contributions to Be Offered • 4. Discrete Tasks to Be Performed • 5. Specific Employers to Be Contacted

  20. Customized Employment May include employment developed through job carving, self-employment, or other job restructuring activities that result in job responsibilities being customized and individually negotiated to fit the needs of an individual.

  21. Categories of Customized Employment • Single source job descriptions based on tasks derived from a single traditional job • Multiple source job descriptions based on tasks derived from a variety of jobs • Created job descriptions based on heretofore unmet needs of a work setting • Contract jobs based on single or multiple source or created job descriptions performed under a contract • Micro-enterprises based on the unmet needs of a local market

  22. Customization Typically involves representation of an individual for the purpose of negotiation around the terms of employment and needed supports.

  23. In order to customize employment, we must begin by answering the question, “Who is this person?” Interests, preferences, support needs, conditions where they are at their best, contributions to an employer, tasks that the individual can do

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