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INTRODUCTION. -The issue of homosexuality (same sex relationships), is one that is becoming more prominent every day. -With the news, school boards, and military all being informed on the issue, it is time for us to know about this issue as well. INTRODUCTION.

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  1. INTRODUCTION -The issue of homosexuality (same sex relationships), is one that is becoming more prominent every day -With the news, school boards, and military all being informed on the issue, it is time for us to know about this issue as well

  2. INTRODUCTION -From the beginning of homosexuality God’s wrath has been poured out against it, yet God calls those involved to return to Him. -The Bible is very clear in pointing out that homosexuality is sinful and completely unnatural (Rom. 1:18-32)

  3. HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE WORLD -Mankind has changed both man’s law and God’s law to involve themselves in this sin -20 years ago, this same world as a majority saw these activities as sinful -Let us see the error and pray for our world to repent and turn to God

  4. HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE WORLD -Many of the homosexuals have gained respect by claiming to be a minority that deserves special rights -The celebrity parade that supports homosexuals is also a push for it -Anyone who stands against this cause is “homophobic” and a “religious bigot” we are told

  5. HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE WORLD -There are approximately 25 million homosexuals in this country alone (Exodus 23:2) -200,000 deaths have been reported with the cause of the AIDS virus -60% of those deaths have resulted from the homosexual community

  6. HOMOSEXUALITY AND ITS EFFECTS -If gays become a “suspect class” they will have the right to occupy a percentage of the workforce -The world has now called homosexuals “domestic partners” with certain benefits

  7. HOMOSEXUALITY AND ITS EFFECTS -Some schools have incorporated the “children of the rainbow” curriculum -“Daddy’s Roommate” -“Heather Has Two Mommies” -These efforts are being made to normalize a lifestyle of sin

  8. HOMOSEXUALITY AND ITS EFFECTS -When Bill Clinton was in office he had appointed to office several professing homosexuals -Channels like CBS have aired a show called “Other Mothers” to express the difficulties of the lesbian community with “their” children

  9. HOMOSEXUALITY AND ITS EFFECTS -NAMBLA or North American Man Boy Love Association has fought to have their meetings in public libraries and have been permitted by law -One man pointed out that we have reached a time when “we are no longer fighting those in red coats, but those with red ribbons”

  10. HOMOSEXUALITY AND RELIGION -Dr. Ralph Underwager, a Lutheran Theologian speaking of sexual orientation said that God wants us to have absolute freedom. No conditions! No contingencies! -No doubt God wants us to have freedom, but not outside of Scripture… rather in the Scriptures

  11. HOMOSEXUALITY AND RELIGION -The Presbyterian church has said: -That all persons, whether heterosexual or homosexual, whether single or partnered, have a moral right to experience justice-love in their lives and to be sexual persons.

  12. HOMOSEXUALITY AND RELIGION -The Presbyterian church has said: -That gays and lesbians be received as full participant members, and for ordination, regardless of their sexual orientation. -That worship resources be designed to celebrate same sex relationships.

  13. HOMOSEXUALITY AND RELIGION -The Presbyterian church has said: -That the problem before the church in not sexual sin but the prevailing social, cultural, and ecclesial arrangements...and conformity to the unjust norm of compulsory heterosexuality.

  14. HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE BIBLE -The Bible condemns the practice of all homosexual relationships (Gen. 19:1-13; Judges 19:22-24) -The homosexual community says that God destroyed Sodom for violence not homosexuality (Gen. 19:8; Judges 19:24; See also Jude 7)

  15. HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE BIBLE -The Bible condemns the practice of all homosexual relationships (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13) -The homosexual community says these passages deal with class distinction and not sexual sins

  16. HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE BIBLE -Even into the NT do we find that this sin is condemned and forbidden (Romans 1:24-29; I Cor. 6:9-11) -These passages condemn both lesbian and gay relationships, yet those involved say that Paul was misunderstood about what the Spirit was telling him

  17. HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE BIBLE -The practice of “sodomy” is against sound doctrine (I Tim. 1:8-11) -Sound doctrine to most homosexuals, is what “sounds good” to them

  18. HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE BIBLE -Some homosexuals use the following example passages to give approval for their sin: David and Jonathon(II Sam. 1:26) Ruth and Naomi (Ruth 1:16-17) Jesus and John (John 13:23)

  19. HOMOSEXUALITY AND OUR WORK -We need to inform our world that people are not born with homosexual inclinations -We need to remember that the persons involved can be saved, if only they will change their ways and obey the gospel (I Cor. 6:9)

  20. HOMOSEXUALITY AND OUR WORK -We need to be reminded that Sodom was destroyed for a lack of righteous people…and as an individual, church….even a nation we must stand for truth (Gen. 18:32-33) -We need to speak out against this sin and help others to see the error

  21. HOMOSEXUALITY AND OUR WORK -It has been said, “Gay rights is not just another political issue. Nor is it just another moral issue. Gay rights presents us with the ultimate issue of our time: Whether or not God will ever again be honored in our nation. For Christians, the issue is a call to arms. For those who trust in God, it is a call to prayer."

  22. APPLICATION -We have now been informed about the sin of homosexuality -We have invalidated the call for the normalcy of its practice -We should see a need to make intercession in prayer for all the world and especially those involved in sin

  23. ARE YOU IN SIN TODAY? -Hear John 12:48 -Believe John 8:24 -Repent Luke 13:3, 5 -Confess Matt. 10:32-33 -Baptized Mark 16:16 -Faithful Matthew 24:13

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