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Stop Cyberbullying

Stop Cyberbullying. By Austin, Ben & Aaron . Introduction. Welcome to our PowerPoint on cyberbullying. Here we will show you videos, pictures, articles, and definitions on forms of cyberbullying. Anonymity. Anonymity: when a hidden person makes threatening comments to you.

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Stop Cyberbullying

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stop Cyberbullying By Austin, Ben & Aaron

  2. Introduction Welcome to our PowerPoint on cyberbullying. Here we will show you videos, pictures, articles, and definitions on forms of cyberbullying.

  3. Anonymity • Anonymity: when a hidden person makes threatening comments to you. • Anonymity is a big problem because if the person threatening you is smart enough, they can , make it so they can’t be traced.

  4. Pseudonyms • Pseudonyms: A fake name used to protect a identity. • When your online someone might harass you but you don’t know who they are because they use a pseudonym.

  5. Flaming • Flaming is messaging someone intensely about a subject. • Example: someone who is angry at there friend (for example), so they would send a message in all caps or some sort of angry way.

  6. Masquerading • A elaborate form of cyber bullying where the bully lies and pretends to be someone else. • Example: Someone (maybe your friend) makes a fake account (say Facebook) and terrorizes you, so basically it makes it worse.

  7. Cyber Stalking • A form of harassment which isn't used with things like Facebook or twitter because its more of real stalking. • Definition: stalking through internet.

  8. Outing • Showing a conversation or picture to the public that wasn’t meant to be. • Definition: Reading something that wasn’t meant for you.

  9. Harassment • Offensive messages sent to specific people. • Example: Say your the bully you and your friends are goanna all join in and pick on the same person.

  10. exclusion • Making sure that someone is not included. • Say there's a group who each have a iPhone and you don’t have a phone, there probably not goanna let you hang out with them.

  11. Stop cyberbullying • One way to stop cyberbullying is to think of what you say before you type it . • How could what you are saying be hurtful? • Here’s a way that’s kind of stupid to stop cyberbullying, shut down the internet. • Try and get the government/police involved.

  12. How cyberbullying affects people. • It can causes depression, self abuse, usage of drugs and alcohol, and possibly suicide.

  13. Bibliography. • http://www.cyberbullying.info/bookcase.php • https://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=929&q=cyber+bullying&oq=cyber&gs_l=img.3.0.0l8j0i3j0.10024.14193.0.16581. • https://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=929&q=masquerade&oq=masq&gs_l=img.3.1.0l10.9472.13213.0.16106.

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