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Physical Activity is an UMBRELLA TERM

Physical Activity is an UMBRELLA TERM

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Physical Activity is an UMBRELLA TERM

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  1. Physical Activity is an UMBRELLA TERM • SPORT is HIGHLY ORGANISED and takes place at a DESIGNATED TIME, PLACE and VENUE, with COMPETITION, RULES, OFFICIALS, CORRECT EQUIPMENT and it has both INTRISIC and EXTRINSIC BENEFITS. It also has PHYSICAL ENDEAVOUR , PHYSICAL PROWESS, SPORTSMANSHIP, GAMESMANSHIP and DEVIANCE • PHYSICAL RECREATION has NO set time, place, venue, equipment, and it is done for INSTRINSIC benefits (Fun) and takes place with friends • PE is FORMAL, at a set TIME and PLACE with SPECIALIST STAFF with an emphasis on learning SKILLS, VALUES and MORALS in a 6 strand NATIONAL CURRICULUM. There are 4 benefits 1) PHYSICAL 2) PREPARATORY 3) PERSONAL 4) QUALITATIVE. You can gain QUALIFICATIONS • OUTDOOR RECREATION is NOT simply activity in the outdoors. It is ADVENTURE based activities in a NATURAL or SEMI NATURAL ENVIRONMENT which has an element of RISK (PERCEIVED or REAL.) It is done for 3 purposes 1) SENSE OF ADVENTURE 2) APPRECIATION OF THE OUTDOORS 3) RESPECT FOR THE OUTDOORS. There are many BENEFITS and CONTRAINTS • OUTDOOR EDUCATION is as above but led by a school with education

  2. Physical Activity • SEDENTARY LIFESTYLES are active for less than 30 mins per week. The RECOMMENDATION is for 30 mins 5 times per week • EXERCISE is Planned Activity requiring physical effort, which improves health and fitness • A HEALTHY BALANCED LIFESTYLE is day to day life that has quality, wellness and includes exercise, , sleep, good diet, rest, low stress… • LIFELONG PHYSICAL ACTIVITY is enjoyable, health enhancing movement or activity SUSTAINED throughout life • LIFETIME SPORT are Activities that are enjoyed over a lifetime e.g Golf • There are 4 BENEFITS of physical activity 1) PERSONAL 2) PHYSICAL 3) MENTAL 4) SOCIAL. It can REDUCE Heart Disease / Cancers / High Blood Pressure / Stroke / Osteoporosis / Diabetes / Insomnia / Stress Levels and INCREASE Coordination, Strength, Energy Levels, Life Expectancy , Flexibility, Balance • BARRIERS exist for Young People against Participating in Physical Activity which include OPPORTUNITY PROVISION ESTEEM

  3. Professionalism and Amateursim • The term AMATEUR comes from Latin word Amare – to love. • AMATEURISM evolved in19th C England among the UPPER CLASS who attended PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Schools used sport to control behaviour • Ex Public School Boys who excelled at sport were called GENTLEMAN AMATEURS. They could afford not to work and travel to play sport. Talented WORKING CLASS sportsmen could not do this. Society used to work 6 days a week. Working Class men would have to take the day off on Saturdays to play. This led to clubs paying their wages – This started PROFESSIONALISM. This happened particularly in football. • However GENTLEMAN AMATEURS looked down on Professionals because it was a sign that they were poor and working class. Being amateur showed status. This was the key distinction between the terms. • YouTube - Empire of Cricket - Ep.1 "England" - part 1 • In CONTEMPORARY society the terms mean something different. • The terms have EVOLVED. An AMATEUR APPROACH is now if you are unreliable, and inconsistent. A PROFESSIONAL APPROACH is to be highly skilled serious and consistent. This also includes Organisation and Admin

  4. MINORITY GROUPS • MINORITY groups are sometimes referred to as TARGET, PRIORITY or FOCUS groups • There are 5 key groups that are most likely to suffer DISCRIMINATION because of MYTHS about them and STEREOTYPING • They may also suffer SOCIAL EXCLUSION. This is when a group is disadvantaged because of low income, poor housing, poor health, lack of employable skills, living in an area with crime • YOUNG PEOPLE • THE ELDERLY • PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES • WOMEN • ETHNIC MINORITIES • SPORT ENGLAND gives these groups HIGH PRIORITY in an attempt to increase their MASS PARTICIPATION and maybe EXCELLENCE

  5. MINORITY GROUPS There are many constraints on these MINORITY GROUPS. For each group identify the barriers that prevents their ACCESS to sport. Think about the following but start by stating why they need to take part at all. Are these Opportunity, Provision or Esteem barriers? • Myths and Stereotypes – this can include Racism • Equipment, facilities, kit • Peers and Image of self and the sport • Financial Factors • Time • Media Role • Lifetime Sport, Lifelong Physical Activity • Transport • Illness or Injury – Physical Problems • Type of Disability – Physical, Mental, Sensory, Wheelchair • Range of Programmes on Offer • Role Models Feedback your answers to another group. Prioritise the Needs of that group and create a plan to increase their ACCESS. State whether the need is Opportunity, Provision or Esteem

  6. Drugs in Sport • Drugs change the chemical balance of your body. Doing this with a view to improving performance is called DOPING. • Drugs are common place in sport and often involve some athletes trying to evade the testers with processes such as MASKING DRUGS • The COUNTER CULTURE argument (an idea that is very different from the mainstream culture) is that we should allow athletes to take drugs to level the playing field • WADA – The World Anti Doping Agency • 100% ME – UK Sports Anti Doping Organisation • There are issues of MORALITY, ROLE MODELS and SPIRIT OF SPORT • Explain the REASONS why athletes choose to DOPE. Think about: PSYCHOLOGICAL, SOCIAL and PHYSICAL reasons • What are the CONSEQUENCES (4) ? Think about: MORALITY, HEALTH and WELL BEING, LEGALITY, ROLE MODELLING • Suggest SOLUTION (5) to this problem. Think about TESTING, PUNISHMENTS, EDUCATION, LAW, ROLE MODELS

  7. UK Surviving Ethnic Sports and Games • SOCIETY – a group of people bound together by similar traditions, institutions or nationality • CULTURE – the traditions, beliefs customs, practices, sports, pastimes or social behaviour of a particular society or nation • SPORT AND CULTURE – link between a society and its sports or pastimes • ETHNIC IDENTITY- unique behaviour, traits, or characteristics of a group based on ritual or tradition These games have survived because of: • It was a TRADITION to keep it going • It was SOCIAL .. Included pubs and drinking • They developed in ISOLATION due to travel problems • It was LOCAL and unique to the area, celebrating what was great about it • It included FESTIVAL and RITUAL such as singing national anthem • It often happened on the same day each year. ANNUAL or PUBLIC HOLIDAYs • They were ROWDY • Even centuries ago they promoted TOURISM .. They still do

  8. Modern Technological Products • Technological advances are constantly having an impact on performance levels in sport. • By the 1990s the javelin had improved so much that athletes were in danger of being speared. This led to heavier javelins • There are 3 main / key impacts: - • INCREASED SAFTEY • INCREASED COMFORT • IMPROVED PERFORMANCE Can you describe some important Technological Advances that have improved Comfort, Safety or Performance. Think about: • Equipment / Machinery / Materials used in the sport or to help play it / Clothing / Shoes / Officiating / Television and Media input / Video Technology / Science and Medicine

  9. THE OLYMPIC GAMES • A Frenchman BARON PIERRE DE COUBERTIN started the Modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896. The Ancient Games took place throughout the Mediterranean Before Christ. Now there are SUMMER and WINTER formats • He came to England in the late 19th C to visit the games obsessed public Schools. He had been invited to MUCH WENLOCK a village in Shropshire to observe the MUCH WENLOCK GAMES. They still take place today. He copied this to make the Modern Olympics. He wanted the same for France • De Coubertin’s Aims were to ENNOBLE and STRENGTHEN SPORT ensuring their INDEPENDENCE and DURATION and to GLORIFY THE INDIVIDUAL ATHLETE through their PROWESS and COMPETITION • The INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE (IOC) states that the principles of the Games are PEACE, EDUCATION, NON DISCRIMINATION, FRIENDSHIP, SOLIDARITY and FAIR PLAY • The PHILOSOPHY of the Olympics is called OLYMPISM. It is EFFORT, ROLE MODELLING, TOLERANCE, GENEROSITY, UNITY, RESPECT. • Originally for AMATEUR GENTLEMEN only. No professionals -Cheating! • THE OATH is taken by one athlete and one judge holding the Flag

  10. LONDON 2012 • The Games will be from August 29th until September 9th 2012 • Money has needed to be INVESTED to improve a range of elements for the games to be hosted • The Organisation and Administration of Sport in the UK has been overhauled to improve COMMUNICATION, COOPERATION and EFFICIENCY amongst various bodies involved • During Sydney 2000 they helped train 50,000 staff in new employable skills • It is estimated that the games will create 35000 houses, 30000 temporary jobs, 7000 jobs showcasing London, 70,000 volunteer jobs • The area of STRATFORD in East London will be renewed and restored and an Olympic Village will be created • LEGACY means the lasting impact of the games. SHOWCASING means promoting a country. The SHOP WINDOW EFFECT is when sport is used to promote a country or its POLITICAL SYSTEM. • Beijing 2008 – China used the games to Showcase Communism. It was seen as a ‘coming out party’. There were issues related to Human Rights. • The games can have FUNCTIONAL and DYSFUNCTIONAL EFFECTS

  11. Critically evaluate the impact to Britain by hosting the Olympics? Cooperation, Coordination and Efficiency of UK Sporting Bodies Physical and Mental Well Being of the population – The Feel Good Factor Mass Participation and Excellence Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles Legacy Transport and Communication Systems Legacy Facilities - Legacy Tourism and Money to London and the UK NHS provision in areas where athletes are located Benefits to the local areas: Employment, Facilities, Social Integration Legacy Costs of Hosting the event Tax bills for locals, Long term jobs, Main Focus on London Showcasing, Nation Building Extension: How did China use the games for NATION BUILDING – Functional and Dysfunctional effects

  12. COMMERCIALISM AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES • The Los Angeles Olympics in 1984 were seen as the first to be associated with COMMERCIALISM. This is using the Olympics to make a profit • AMATEURISM had started to cause serious problem. British athletes were starting to struggle. The US athletes had scholarships and USSR athletes were heavily state funded • 1976 Montreal lost millions hosting the Olympics. The IOC accepted Commercialism. PETER UBEROTH was instrumental in the 1984 Olympics • TV allowed Commercialism to take place. Huge Global Audience made it attractive to sponsors. Uberoth charged huge sums for the TV rights • MULTINATIONAL companies now want to become SPONSORS, SUPPLIERS or LICENSEES • THE OLYMPIC PARTNER PROGRAMME (TOP) is managed by the IOC. In return for their investment companies can use Olympic Logos • British Olympic Association > Olympic Partners

  13. COMMERCIALISM AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES Plan this answer. *Explain the Commercialisation of the Olympic Games since 1984 and how the Olympic Games can be a vehicle for nation building (10) Think about: Amateurism Inequality between countries Training Commitments The role of the IOC Montreal 1976 Peter Uberoth TOP – Multi Nationals Golden Triangle TV Rights Nation Building / Shop Window / Pride

  14. COMMERCIALISM - INTER RELATIONSHIP • Modern sport has been referred to as a GOLDEN TRIANGLE which is a pact between professional sport, advertisers (sponsors) and the media. • All 3 are inextricably linked whether they like it or not. TV is the most powerful of the 3 but they depend on each other to survive • 1950s – the BBC and ITV agreed that 10 sporting events belonged to everyone, and all should see them. Therefore satellite TV cannot televise • BSkyBstarted in 1988 because the 1990 Broadcasting Act said that all sports events could be sold to the highest bidder. They paid £300 million to break away from the football league = The Premier League (Big Business) • Other sports were dropped from television as they did not make a profit. Relegation can also mean a very costly business to a football club • 2002 ITV Digitals disastrous coverage of football collapsed. BBC and Sky rescued it • SPONSORSHIP - this is the use of sport to promote other businesses. This can include logos, kit, equipment etc

  15. Triangular Relationship between Sport, Sponsorship and The Media

  16. MEDIA • The Media is TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Internet, Films, Books, DVDs etc. Many focus on sport. The Media has evolved to bring us better coverage of sport • 1950 – less than 1/10 houses had a TV. Now many house holds have 2 or 3 TVs. TV companies pay millions for the rights to televise sport • High level professional sport is now a COMMODITY to be bought and sold to the highest bidder • The 4 roles of the media are to INFORM, to EDUCATE, to ENTERTAIN, and to ADVERTISE • INFORM – This is to let us know about an event • EDUCATE – Documentaries enable us to learn and we can learn new techniques or discuss important issues EG: Violence in Sport • ENTERTAIN – to interest, occupy or amuse. How do they try to increase entertainment? • ADVERTISE – this is to promote or publicise. Sport is used to do this through sponsorship, promotion etc

  17. VIOLENCE IN SPORT • CONTROLLED AGGRESSION occurs in sport. Sometimes this overspills to the point that if it happened in the street it would be a crime • PROFESSIONALISM and GAMESMANSHIP are now rife and with it is increased AGGRESSION. • VIOLENCE BY PARTICIPANTS can be either cheating, violence against someone’s health, violence against the law or a responsibility to be role models • VIOLENCE BY SPECTATORS sometimes referred to as HOOLIGANISM is not new. • HEYSEL 1985 - YouTube - Liverpool - Juventus 1985 • YouTube - Heysel Tragedy 1985 • YouTube - Football Focus - 20th anniversary of Hillsborough disaster pt 1

  18. VIOLENCE IN SPORT 1) What are the possible causes of Violence by players in sport? Think about; Weapons / Emotional Intensity / Behaviour of the Crowd / Dehumanised opponents / Importance of the Result / Nature of the Game / Provocation or Sledging / Player Frustration 2) What are the Solutions to Participant Violence? Think about: Technology / Education / Officials / Police / Rule Changes / Punishments 3) What are the reasons for Crowd Violence? Think about: Patriotism and Ritual / Behaviour by Players / Pre Match Hype / Referee decisions / Abuse from Rivals / Diminished Responsibility / The Minority of Criminals / Outlets for Stress in Society / The Result / Facilities / Racism or Religion / Alcohol and Drugs 4) What are the solutions to Crowd Violence? Think about: Facilities / Alcohol Control / Segregation / Liaison between authorities / Media Coverage / CCTV / Punishments

  19. CURRENT GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES • An INITIATIVE is a scheme or an idea. They are developed at the DCMS • They look to increase participation and achievement in state schools • THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM .. it ensures that PE must be taught at school for at least 2 hours per week. • PESSYP – Physical Education and School Sport for Young People .. Scheme aimed at 5 – 16 year olds. They run National School Sports Weeks, but also.. • COMPETITION MANAGERS promote Inter School Competition. • SCHOOL SPORTS COORDINATORS (SSCOs) increase sport in a borough and creates links between secondary and primary schools. • SPORTS COLLEGES specialise is Sport and PE • CLUB LINKS are forged between schools and sports clubs • STEP INTO SPORT encourages sports leaders over in 14 – 19 year olds • SWIMMING has been made much more high profile 3) GIFTED AND TALENTED PROGRAMMES in schools 4) KITEMARKING for schools shows how good they are at providing PE and sport in that school. Active Mark (Primary) Sports Mark (Secondary)

  20. Funding of Physical Activity • Sport makes money and costs money .. Gold medals cost lots of money to win • Failing to qualify for Euro 2008 cost England £2 billion in lost business • In the past British governments have not realised the power of sport in earning money or winning votes…Now They Do!! They provide lots of money particularly now we have 2012 Olympics • There are 3 Types of Funding for all UK sport: • PRIVATE FUNDING .. This is money from businesses, companies, whose main aim is to make money from sport. EG: Nike, Master Card, Coca Cola, Barclays . An example of a Private Facility is Canons, David Lloyd or Esporta Gyms • PUBLIC FUNDING .. This is money provided from the government. The government use tax payers money and National Lottery money. An example of a Publicly funded facility is Westcroft, or Sutton Arena …including their gyms • VOLUNTARY FUNDING .. These are organisations who rely on themselves. This is money from people who donate or give for charity. It is also amateur clubs whose members play membership fees or subs. They can sometimes get it from Fund Raising and from NGBs such as the FA. An example of this is a Sutton and Epsom Rugby Club, or an amateur football club.

  21. THE 4 HOME UK INSTITUTES OF SPORT • There is an Institute for England-(EIS - English Institute of Sport), for Wales(WIS), Scotland(SIS) &Northern Ireland (SINI – Sport Institute NI) • Their objective is to provide support for ELITE athletes and create PERFORMANCE LIFESTYLES which means to help them create a winning environment, with lifestyle support, career guidance and education. • They are DEVOLVED (they run themselves and are decentralised) • They are part of UK Sport • They are funded by government but mainly by Lottery money THE 4 HOME UK COUNTRY ORGANISATIONS • There are 4: SPORT ENGLAND, SPORTS COUNCIL FOR NORTHERN IRELAND, SPORTS SCOTLAND and THE SPORTS COUNCIL FOR WALES • Their objective is to promote MASS PARTICIPATION for everyone but mainly they target INCREASED ACTIVITY in 5MINORITY GROUPS which are the elderly, the disabled, young people, women, and ethnic minorities. They are funded by the Lottery and by the government

  22. NATIONAL GOVERNING BODIES • Each sport in the UK is controlled by a NATIONAL GOVERNING BODY • They are generally affiliated with International Governing Bodies. EG: The FA is affiliated to UEFA which is affiliated to FIFA • They produce WHOLE SPORT PLANS which try to increase participants and clubs • They also organise competition, develop talent, select and prepare national squads, encourage participation and excellence, control finances, maintain rules and regulations. This is all at National and International level. • They receive FUNDING from the home country organisation EG: Sport England. • NGBs for the professional, media hungry sports like rugby and football have a large amount of independence because they attract TV money 1) Research a NGB and investigate initiatives which they use to promote participation and excellence. How do these initiatives work? 2) Investigate Mission 2012. What is this initiative about?

  23. THE NATIONAL LOTTERY • The DCMS – The Department for Culture, Media and Sport is the part of the government which is responsible for sport. It decides how to spend Lottery money • National Lottery started in 1994. £1 ticket. 28p of this goes to GOOD CAUSES • Each year Sport in UK Sport receives about £200 million from the Lottery. They have 2 aims: to increase Mass Participation and to improve Excellence • Before the Lottery, athletes had to rely on parents, NGBs, families, donations etc. The funding allows athletes to train full time, pays for equipment, coaches travel etc • Without Lottery funding there is no way that we would have achieved so much in Beijing • The National Lottery funds THE WORLD CLASS PATHWAY PROGRAMME and THE WORLD CLASS EVENTS PROGRAMME

  24. THE WORLD CLASS PATHWAY PROGRAMME THE WORLD CLASS EVENTS PROGRAMME This funds and supports the staging of major sporting events. The National Lottery contributes £3.3 million per year for this. Olympics, World Cups, World Championships, etc

  25. UK BODIES INFLUENCING PARTICIPATION AND EXCELLENCE • UK Sport is influenced by many organising BODIES such as councils, institutes, governing bodies, schools etc. They cater for the elite and for mass participation • The UK system is DECENTRALISED. This means that central government do no control it. It is spread out and are SELF GOVERNING. • Because of London 2012 there have been attempts to improve the organisation by being more efficient, better led, and adopting a more PROFESSIONAL approach. • Examples of bodies that run sport in the UK are and NGBs (National Governing Body – FA), UK Sport, The 4 Institutes of Sport (EG: English Institute of Sport – promotes Excellence) • UK Sport YouTube - OfficialUKSport's Channel • NGB – The FA TheFA.com - FATV

  26. UK BODIES INFLUENCING PARTICIPATION AND EXCELLENCE 1) You work for UK SPORT. Your role is to promote MASS PARTICIPATION and EXCELLENCE. Explain what you would do in the following areas. • National Lottery money – World Class Programmes • Ethics – standards of behaviour in sports – Drugs etc • Major Sporting Events • Elite performers • Coaching • Coordination of different bodies in sport • Organisational efficiency • Mission 2012 – strategy to support the Olympics • The Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme - VIDEO 2) You work for the FA or the RFU . How would you promote excellence and mass participation?

  27. Excellence and Participation • The CONTINUUM from Mass Participation to Sporting Excellence. An imaginary line / scale. • MASS PARTIPATION is when taking part is more important than winning. It is activity pursued for health, fitness or enjoyment benefits. It is associated with LIFETIME SPORT and LIFELONG PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. UK Sport has led SPORT FOR ALL campaigns for the last 30 years. Increasing the numbers of Mass Participants may increase the base of the SPORTS PYRAMID. SPORTING EXCELLENCE is a state of exceptional sporting merit or quality. It is high level, committed with back up and support from SPORTS SCIENCE Highly Skilled performers. National / International THE SPORTS PYRAMID Competitive. Regional skilled performers School or Club Participation. Enjoyment/Recreation Children being introduced to sport. Basic Skills and learning a range of activities

  28. Excellence and Participation in the UK • ACCESS to sport means the way in to that activity. It is affected by 3 things:- OPPORTUNITY, PROVISION and ESTEEM • Opportunity is the CHANCE to take part • Provision is the right CONDITIONS or TOOLS to take part • ESTEEM is how RESPECTED ADMIRED and APPRECIATED we are by society in that sport Explain how these factors can influence MASS PARTICIPATION and EXCELLENCE. Think about: 1) OPPORTUNITY – Income, Playing Standards, Time available to a Person, Whether they that person wants to take part 2) PROVISION – Equipment, Access for all, Transport, Nearby Clubs, Coaching, Changing Areas 3) ESTEEM – Confidence and Belief and Self Perception, Respect from others including the Media, Status of Sport, Status of the Group of People

  29. SOCIO CULTURAL FACTORS THAT AFFECT PARTICPATION • SOCIO factors involves the PEOPLE within a SOCIETY • CULTURAL factors include the way of life and traditions in a community • DISCRIMINATION is the unfair treatment of groups within society SOCIO FACTORS include: • Age / Gender / Income / Your Family / Your Class / The Government – Their Politics and Funding / Your School / Ability or Disability / Your Friends / Peers / Where you live / Transport / Role Models / Your Health such as Illness or Injury / Coaches CULTURAL FACTORS include: • Religion • Race • Media Coverage • The Image of Activities in a Country

  30. THE NATURE OF SPORT IN THE USA • USA is just over 230 years old. It is a YOUNG NATION built on IMMIGRATION from different religions, ethnicities around the world attracted by the LAND OF OPPORTUNITY and the dream of FREEDOM and FORTUNE. The population is now approximately 300 million in 50 states • By 1900 WEALTH and POWER increased along with a notion of INDIVIDUALISM and an economic system of CAPITALISM allowing individuals to accumulate great wealth. • USA sport is a REFLECTION of their culture. The LAND OF OPPORTUNITY with a PIONEERING sense of ENTERPRISE and DRIVE needed sports which were ACTION PACKED and HIGH SCORING. The WIN ETHIC is dominant. It is now known as the LOMBARDIAN ETHIC. “Winning isn’t everything, its the only thing!” This is WIN AT ALL COSTS • COMMERCIALISM is huge in USA sport. It is big business. Professional sport reflects the countries culture. SPONSORSHIP is huge and even school sport characterised by CHEERLEADERS, MARCHING BANDS create HEROS and VILLAINS overnight. College sport is huge and the best athletes are then DRAFTED into pro leagues who could then be on multi million dollar wages • Sports stars are said to have achieved the AMERICAN DREAM in which their prosperity is down to their HARD WORK, not their CLASS. Sport is a VEHICLE to achieve this.

  31. American Football is also called GRIDIRON or simply FOOTBALL in the USA • The game is very STRATEGIC. Each player has an INDIVIDUAL task. There are complicated TACTICS. A mix of brute force and science-MOBILE CHESS. • Initially play was so rough it was banned for a while. In 1869 Rutgers and Princeton played the 1st inter college game with a round ball & 25 players each • By 1900 the game had become VIOLENT, SENSATIONAL, HAZARDOUS conflict with success depending on PHYSICAL FORCE. Injuries were common and DEATH was common. Little PROTECTION was worn. • The game reflected the FRONTIER SPIRIT of the early PIONEERS. These qualities included TOUGHNESS, ENDEAVOUR, ENDEAVOUR, FEROCIOUS COURAGE and strong WORK ETHIC which are needed to be successful in an UNFORGIVING ENVIRONMENT: just like American society did. • COMMERCIALISM is huge. The NFL is a $ multi billion business. Teams are either owned PRIVATELY or as PUBLIC companies. These are FRANCHISES (businesses which own, runs and have voting rights for a team) which can be relocated for PROFIT. There are 2 CONFERENCES (AFC/NFC). 1960s - pros agreed to play on Sunday. Colleges could have commercialism on Saturdays • The championship game takes place on SUPER BOWL SUNDAY. 30 second commercials at breaks cost $2.6m. It is much more than a football game and attracts CELEBRITIES to perform in an hour long half time

  32. Australia • 1770 – Captain Cook founded Australia as a colony for GB • 1788 –1900 White British Convicts were sent to Australia –A PENAL COLONY • They brought British way of life, government, education, justice, PLUS sports and pastimes. Their schools etc are run in a very similar way to the UK. They have adopted British games .. This had led to huge rivalry • 1850s – Chinese influx – GOLD RUSH • 1901 – Australia gained independence from GB but it is still in the COMMONWEALTH • 1901 – 1973 WHITE ONLY POLICY – laws controlling immigration put in place • 1945 + Immigration Campaign due to ‘POPULATE OR PERISH’ Idea. THE £10 POMS Itcame from Britain, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Germany, Yugoslavia • 1970s + Vietnamese and Asians settled. Asians continue to settle there. • Now MULTI CULTURALISM is promoted • 85% of the population live in 3% of the land

  33. KEY TERMS COLONIALISM .. When a more dominant country takes over and rules a less powerful country WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY .. Laws that restricted non white immigration from 1901 to 1973 INDIGENOUS POPULATION .. The original inhabitants of a country. In this case the ABORIGINAL PEOPLE YouTube - The Evil Of Apartheid - Aussie Style 2010 (Award winner John Pilger- Welcome To Australia) (1 of 2) YouTube - The Evil Of Apartheid - Aussie Style 2010 (Award winner John.PilgerWelcome.To.Australia) (2 of 2)

  34. THE NATURE OF SPORT IN AUSTRALIA • Sport is a National Obsession andSpectatorismis Huge • It has Disproportionate Global Success considering its population • Sydney Olympics 2000 were a massive success...Sport is High Status because: • The Bush Culture .. Manliness and strength shaped Australia. Pioneering Spirit! • Australia has a favourable Climate • Australians have an Outdoor Lifestyle • The Feel Good Factor of a New Country’s Success is Infectious and spreads • Elite Role Models raise the profile of Sport • Sport is Fashionable and Encouraged • Australia is advanced therefore the government can support this Financially • Australia is an Egalitarian Society. It promotes Opportunity, Provision, Esteem • PE has High Status

  35. AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL • Known as Aussie Rules or Footy it reflects Australian society and culture • It is hard, physical, .. BUSH CULTURE .. but with solid rule structure and strong ethos of fair play • Played on cricket ovals with 9 officials. 18 on field players per team • Game was idea of Englishman Tom Wills and was originally fitness training for cricketers in the winter • Many argue it is a combination of Rugby plus an Aboriginal leaping game – Truly an Australian Game • Others argue it is a mix of Gaelic Football and Rugby. A strong Irish link • More popular than Rugby Union and League and Association Football • Whilst only 3% of population Aboriginals make up 16% of players in the pro AFL • The game has spread due to celebrity status, money, it is taught in schools, they have elite national competition, and amateur male, female and veterans leagues (non contact) • Commercially it is highest spectator sport in Australia and is multi million $ business. It has regular commercial breaks

  36. AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL YouTube - AFL GRAND FINAL 2010 DRAW - St kilda v Collingwood Watch the clip and find examples of how Australian sport reflects their society! Think about: • Bush Culture • Outdoor Lifestyle • True Australian Game • Its link with cricket • History of Immigration – Multi - Culturalism • Link with Aboriginal leaping game • Disproportionate Aboriginal representation • Link with Irish Gaelic Football • Popularity, Celebrity Status, Reaches whole of society not just males • Commercialism • Capitalism Extension • Americanisation of Australian Sport

  37. The Role of 19th C Public Schools • Elite PUBLIC SCHOOLS included Eton, Rugby, Harrow, and Charterhouse. These schools were BOARDING SCHOOLS which meant the boys had lots of TIME and would play early forms of the sports we play today. A GAMES ETHIC developed • These schools were privileged as they had superb FACILITIES, MASSIVE GROUNDS, PROFESSIONAL COACHES, enthusiastic ASSISITANT MASTERS • Their pupils eventually went to elite UNIVERSITIES like Cambridge and Oxford • In the late 19th C society was quite ROWDY and VIOLENT. • The schools were organised into a HOUSE SYSTEM. The HOUSE CAPTAINS would organise daily fixtures which were encouraged by the ASSISTANT MASTERS because they saw it as a way of DISCIPLINING the pupils. The games taught Christianity (MUSCULAR CHRISTIANITY) and was CHARACTER BUILDING. • The BRITISH EMPIRE covered almost a third of the land in the world. Pupils at these schools and universities gained important roles around the empire such as INDUSTRIALISTS and ARMY OFFICERS. Many also had lead roles at home as TEACHERS, VICARS, POLITICIANS, and of course PARENTS. They had a huge influence and took their passion for these games around the Empire. • To ensure that everyone played by the same rules, many NGBs were formed during this period by the same ex pupils of these PUBLIC SCHOOLS

  38. The Role of 19th C Public Schools Watch the 2 clips and answer the following questions: • What were the Public Schools like in the 19th Century? • Why did schools and teachers allow boys to play sport? • Explain the differences in the Public Schools Rules? • What problems arose? How did they solve them? • How did Rugby and Association Football split? • How do the rules differ from today? • How did half time originate? • Why did the game become an international one? YouTube - The History of Football (1/2) YouTube - The History of Football (2/2)

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