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Pancreatitis. By: Aaron Ross. What is the pancreas?.

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  1. Pancreatitis By: Aaron Ross

  2. What is the pancreas? The pancreas is a large gland inside the body that sits just behind the stomach and is connected to the intestines. Enzymes are made here and sent to the digestive system through the pancreatic duct. These help break down proteins and fats. The pancreas also makes hormones such as insulin. httpwww.medicinenet.comimagesillustrationspancreas.jpg

  3. What is pancreatitis? • Inflammation of the pancreas gland • When the pancreas can no longer secrete into the digestive system through the pancreas duct its digestive enzymes, causing it “digest itself” • Hormones cannot be secreted either • effects mostly adults • There are two types of Pancreatitis: • Acute- Comes on suddenly and can be very life threatening • Chronic- Slowly happens over time, Mostly cause by disorders (ie. Alcoholism) healthgate.partners.orgimagessi1783_ma.jpg

  4. What causes Pancreatitis? • Alcoholism (most common) • Disease of the gallbladder (Gallstones) or bile ducts • Abdominal injury • Tumors • Medications • Hyperlipidemia • Medical malpractice • Obesity • Poor nutrition • Use of drugs Risk can increase with…

  5. Symptoms? What are they? • Abdominal Pain in chest, back and side • Nausea and vomiting • Mild fever • Clammy skin • Jaundice • Fatty stools • Weight loss • Some diabetic symptoms httpz.about.comdp440ef15202.jpg • Blood tests • X-rays and ultrasound • Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogram • Stool test How do Diagnose

  6. Treatments! • Hospitalization • Gallstone removal surgery • Pain killers • Medication • Avoiding large meals and alcohol • Insulin if diabetic • May need removal of pancreas

  7. Some History… • Theorized that Alexander the great died of it in 323 BC • The first time pancratitis was analyzed was in the 1880’s by Reginald Huber Fitz. He published his finding in 1889 for the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal on 53 of his patients.

  8. Work Cited D.A.O’Reilly, AN kings north. A brief history of pancreatitis. Retrived on the World Wide Web September 2006: <http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=12979298&blobtype=pdf> Griffim, Winter, H. Pancreatitis. Retrived on the World Wide Web September 2006: < http://www.mdadvice.com/library/sume/ilness382.html> Hopkinds, Johns. Symptoms and Remedies. New york: Medletter Associates. Reid, Craig, D. Probing The Pancreas. Retrieved on the World Wide Web September 2006: <http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/896_panc.html> (2005).Pancreas and Disorders. Encyclopedia of Family Health Third Edition (vol. 11, pp.1488-1487)

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